Trade Talk


Live. Breathe. Blue.
Got Rodgers and Vick...loaded everywhere but RB2

Would love to get another stud RB, obviously. WR's: Mega/Demaryius/Welker... TE: J. Thomas/Olsen... RB: Skittles/Mathews/Mendy and Knowshon/Montee

I'm considering trading Rodgers, getting a top 10 RB, and keeping Vick...

Am I crazy?
Vick isn't going to hold up all season, that's practically a fact. Try packaging him with something else for a RB.
There's no more than like two marquee RBs and you have the best or second best QB in the game, and are crapshooting on the other (Vick).
You have a Top 3 already there. Doubt any of those first two you listed are dealing for Aaron with their recent performances and only being two weeks in, but you take a risk at QB with Vick rest of year. Trade off isn't worth it IMO...especially when you know what you're getting with AR practically every week.

That second tier you, I said marquee lol

My two cents, but you're trying to deal to deal...when you could sit tight with a pretty solid squad. To each their own tho.

Yeah I could sit tight, but, what good does Vick do me on my bench?

There are also 2 flex spots (W/R) with 2WR/2RB...I just sent a bunch of deals out there, some for RB's, some for top WR's.

One thing I hate about only allows you a max of 6 total trade proposals at one time.
I have vick too, but i dont think he has as much value as ae think?...what team is going want vick, brady owner, rg3 owner?..

Perception of vick sucks, even with these two great games
Didnt see tide highs post, but exactly how i feel.. I dont think you can get a quality starter for vick,
what's jimmy graham good for a RB? i have gronk hopefully coming back this week. i can start 2, but i need a RB. alfred morris? would you even do that?
Im asking for gronk and give him vick...he already has daniels,the problem is he has rg3, prolly really low odds he accepts this, but stranger things have happened
full point PPR.

lamar miller vs dwayne bowe or pierre garcon. been offered both WRs (1 or the other) for miller. i am pretty stacked at RB while my WRs are decker and edelman, but i'm starting miller in my flex.


got a few trade talks in the works:

marshall for david wilson/joique bell


bowe/lacy/randle for spiller/kendall hunter

i give up what's on the left side
i have only other start-able RB as of now with lacy out. my top 3 WRs to provide a little more context megatron/marhsall/bowe

other guy potentially adding hopkins? (to the 2nd deal)