tOSU practice report


Fiance made him quit gambling
Here is a look at what is going on per an OSU "Insider". I added the () bold to let you guys know the positions.

Brian Hartline is going to show some people that he is not a "possession receiver"....LOL....he looks GREAT....

Todd Boeckman is really throwing the ball with authority---today he looks much better than any of his three compatriots.......

do not sleep on Albert Dukes, Devon Lyons, Taurian Washington, or Dane Sanzenbacher--they will all make noise THIS year...(wr's)

Ben Person is a different player---he looks like the #1 ranked OLinemen he was coming out of high school....

Say your goodbye's to Malcolm Jenkins---he is just TOO good to hang around...... (DB)

Kurt Coleman just makes plays..... (DB)

Dexter Larrimore could be the BIGGEST surprise---this guy just knows how to play the game(and he is a FRESHMAN??? are you kidding me???) (DT, AA HS wrestler)
is there competition at Qb or is it pretty much decided that boeckman is the man going forward?

Also, how do the o-line look as a whole, do we have a shot to win the big 10 title this year?

Any response would be greatly appreciated.

good health.
is there competition at Qb or is it pretty much decided that boeckman is the man going forward?

Also, how do the o-line look as a whole, do we have a shot to win the big 10 title this year?

Any response would be greatly appreciated.

good health.

All IMO......

There is said to be a "competition, but I dont think there is one, except for #2. Todd is the most cam under pressure, the best at the reads, the best at "not loosing the game" for us. Antonio Henton is a Troy prototype with the feet and playmaking ability outside the pocket and Rob Schoenhoft is the big 6'5 pocket passer with the huge arm throwing lasers down the middle of the field. But the latter 2 are still learning. That is a problem I have with Tressel. It takes his QB;s 2-3 years to develope while others have 1 years olds moving the chains.

The OL is going to be very, very good. But their is not much depth due to the lack of recruiting and misses on some other OL recruits that we "thought" were silent verbals. So we are thin up front, but they are top of the line.

As far as winning the B10, yeah there is a chance. It all comes down to how quickly Boekman grabs ahold of the wheel. If he does it with some success then we have a chance for a BCS game. If he struggles then we are looking at the Alomo Bowl. If he takes control, I think we beat both Wisky at home and Penn St on the road. I think Wisky is going to have a "down" year. They lost their QB, WR, and most importantly Joe Thomas. I know we lost a bunch, but I think we reload better than Wisky. There is a chance of stubbing our toe at Purdue. Secind night game back to back and I think they are going to be solid. And then that leaves UM. And of course we will beat then. They have LLLoyd.

I am looking at 10-2. Stub our toe against someone we shouldnt and loose to UM. This all hinges on Boekman progressing throughout the 1st 7 cupcakes and Beanie Wells stayin healthy. If he gets hurt early on, we might not go bowling.
From the practices in pads so far.......These thoughts are from an "insider" from a premium site. If I need to do something or no post these let me know guys! I added the () so everyone would know what they were "starred" out of HS.

Todd Boeckman- Is the guy. He has experience. Can throw a great deep ball. Can move in the pocket. Barring a collapse, he should be able to guide OSU to a 7-1 or 8-0 start. Then it gets interesting. I'm hearing the same thing as Adam Jardy, all 3 should get time early on. Henton and Robbie are battling for #2. Bauserman is a QB for a later time. Not this year. If things fall apart early, and OSU is 5-3 or 4-4, then it becomes a free for all at the QB spot. I don't see that happening. All 3 QB's need to get better for OSU to make a run. Look for JT to stick with 1 guy and give him a ton of work and reps to get him where he needs to be. Boeckman is that guy for now.

Chris Wells- IS NOT HURT despite reports to the contrary. Got popped in the hoot and holler but finished practice that day. I don't have an official weight, but I'm hearing he's in fantastic shape and that 240 could be accurate. It's no secret that 3 of our early season opponents worked the OSU summer camp. Their entire staffs. All 3 staffs interact with the OSU staff as friends. Jim Tressel told a coach from one of the 3 schools that he wasn't upset that Beanie got dinged in the spring because he didn't want his defense to have to tackle him every day. I asked if JT was "gaming" him and he said no, that Tres was being honest. Not good news for OSU opponents. Beanie should have a monster year if he stays healthy. He's a lot better than last year when he was pretty freakin' good.

Brandon Saine (#11 RB, 4*, 2007)- The speed is impressive on film and from the stands. It's unbelievable on the field. It's hard to imagine someone this big running as fast as he does. Not ready to play TB yet, but he's getting there. He IS ready to be on the field in specialty situations, looking to isolate him on a LB. He won't red-shirt and should make an impact early on in certain sets. He needs to learn the game. Right now he's simply faster than everyone else. That's good enough for now.

Connor Smith (#4 OL, 5*, 2006)- Will get PT early on. It's his time to be in the rotation. He's strong and aggressive. Pass blocking will tell the tale but he's worked himself into favor with the coaches. He is as hard working a kid as is on the roster. He has earned the right to play. If an injury occurs, Smitty is The Guy. As it is he will get time on the field in the early games. He just might stay there, too, if someone else isn't performing. Browning is right there too. These 2 guys will get early opportunities. Cordle and Person are starting for a reason, but they're being pushed. Rehring will be the starter at the other guard spot and he's doing fine now.

Jake Ballard (#6 TE, 4*, 2006)- Is entrenched as a TE. I argued with Bob L. about how I thought Ballard would eventually move to tackle. Bob said No Way, tight end all the way. Bob was right. Ballard isn't beating out Rory Nicol, but he's pushing him. Ballard should see the field a lot this year. OSU could be in a lot of 2-TE sets and this puts him on the field. If Ballard continues to progress he will play Sunday football in a few years. Not as fast as Nicol down the seam, but a solid receiver and a great blocker.

Which WR had the highest average yards per catch in 2006 ?????????? Ginn? Gonzo?? Nope. Hartline. Brian is a legit deep threat and is in remarkable shape. JT keeps pointing him out for a reason and it's all good. Hartline blows up totally this year. He's still an under the radar guy and that's good for him. I bragged about him for 3 years and now people will see why. I might be a homer but I'm not putting my name out there on every Stark County kid that comes to OSU. No Devin Jordan. No Justin Zwick. No Tyler Everett. I brag on Hartline because I believe in him. I think he showed last year why OSU offered him a scholarship. This year he will become a big-time target. He is as DRIVEN an athlete that is on the roster. He also has NFL talent. That combination always succeeds. Always.

Robo (Brian Robiskie, 2* WR, 2005, OSU or Miami, FL)has worked hard on his YAC. His speed and elusiveness became his focus. He's also stronger and can dominate CB's physically. He is a great 3rd down target and great in the red zone. He is the son of an NFL coach and knows what it takes to succeed. Both Hartline and Robo have higher skill levels than Gonzo. If Boeckman, or Henton or Robbie, come up big, so will Hartline and Robo. No worries with these 2 guys. None. Hazell called them the law firm of Brian and Brian as true freshmen. He knew what he had. Now they get their chance to show the nation.


Small (Ray, #11 CB, 4*, 2006)needs to be more consistent. Practice habits, film study, work ethic, etc. etc. He should be a more mature player this year. He's a year older. There is concern about nagging injuries. He had a solid spring and needs to continue. He's got a small injury now. He needs to be on the field. Every so often he does something that makes everyone go "Wow." He needs to be more consistent in making the solid, routine play that Hartline and Robo always do. He needs to be more dependable that he will be there when needed. The jury is still out. The next 13 days will tell where he is for 2007. He needs to make a move.

Lyons (Devon, #17 S, 3*, 2004)is following in the Roy Hall tradition of building a career. Always looks good, but is injured often and never seems to make it on the field. Lyons has talent. He's a kid that could blossom overnight. He hasn't yet. He's a big, strong possession-type WR. There is an opportunity for him to get on the field this year. He's a good kid who works hard but hasn't put it all together yet. He needs to go now because there is pressure coming from the frosh. He needs to prove he can hold up physically and make plays. So far... so good.

Dukes (Albert, #24 WR, 4*, 2004)has talent. No doubt about it. It's starting to become realized but he has a way to go. He drops balls he shouldn't and doesn't always run the right routes. That has to stop. Today. He's another kid that has a chance to see the field in 2007. He's got 2 weeks to put himself there. He needs to "play fast." He is fast, but he doesn't always play fast. He's the offensive equivalent of Jamario O'Neal. So far he's doing good. He needs to keep it up to hold off the young kids.

T.Washington (Taurian, #40 WR, 4*, 2007)is causing some heads to be turned. Realistically he should red-shirt, but if the above 3 guys don't all cut it, then Taurien will have to play early. Great physical skills and a hard worker. He can and will play at OSU. The question is when. If he tears it up the next 2 weeks, they might be forced to play him. The best players will play. If he's even with the above-3, then he should red-shirt. He's inexperienced, but very talented.

Dane S. (Sanzenbacher, #58 WR, 4*, 2007)is getting mixed reviews from everyone I talked with. Some love him. Some think he's an automatic red-shirt. He has enough talent to play at OSU some day. I think he needs a red-shirt year and needs to add strength. I think Robo should have red-shirted his first year. Why blow a year to catch 3 passes and run down on a few kickoffs ??? Dane is very smart and a heckuva lot faster than people realize. He is fighting to put himself in the mix. The 2 frosh WR's have no "cool" about them. They're wide-eyed pups looking to find a spot. Great attitude kids usually find a way. They wouldn't be here without enough talent.
The DL report. Again the () are from and the rest is from an insider.

Football starts up front. The DL is an area of concern to many. The starters at DE are a given. The DT's are new. They're talented, but depth is a concern.

DE's-Wilson(Lawrence, #29 DE, 4*, 2005) needs to play like we all thought we could as a freshman. Last year was a disappointment because he was expected to totally blow up. He was solid but not spectacular. He looks like he's ready to go this year. Rose (Robert, #5, DE, 2006) is bigger and should alternate time betweem DE and DT. If he doesn't end up a star I'll be shocked. Will it be this year? Gholston is a given. He might be OSU's best football player. He is a rarity at OSU. He went from not playing at all to a star. Overnight. That usually doesn't happen. Solomon Thomas is an athlete but a guaranteed red-shirt. Barrow is a key. More than likely he will be needed at some point to step up and play. He's like a lot of guys on the roster. We hear good things but never see it on the field. If injuries occur he needs to be ready to go. Barrow (Alex, #59 DE, 3*, 2004) is supposedly ready to go. Ryan Williams leaving hurts depth. He was thought of as a contributor this year.

DT's- Unproven other than Denlinger who looked really good last year when called upon. I think Denlinger (Todd, #13 DT, 4*, 2005) is the guy I'm hearing the most good things about. He could blow up this year. Larimore (Dexter, #60 DT, 3*, 2006, HS Nat'l Wrest. Champ) won't start but will play a lot. Larimore is a cat-quick disruptor inside. He has a chance to be a really good player. A little undersized but a freakin' battler and a high energy guy. Worthington (Doug, #3 DE, 5*, 2005) is needed to stay healthy and produce. He needs to realize his potential, which is high. He's playing well and needs to build on where he is. These 3 are solid and there needs to be another guy step up. Ideally Heyward (Cameron, #20 DT, 4*)would red-shirt and it would be great if he could. Heyward will be a good player here at some point, but they would like to red-shirt him. For that to happen Abdallah (Nader, #44 DT, 3*, 2004) HAS to contribute and earn his scholarship. He was brought here to play and if he's in shape, like he is now, he just might contribute. His attitude has been good and he needs to step up and contribute. I'm anxious to see him play. Bill Conley really liked this guy coming out of high school. He has talent. He needs to use it.

The first 6 guys are really good. The concern is what happens behind them? More than likely Barrow and Abdallah will be needed at some point to help win a big game. Can they do it? We shall see.
Curtis Terry is a beast at stopping the run. By far the most physical LB we have. We are deep at LB, but not at the bruising LB like what Terry is. Tough break for a kid that came from a very, very tough home life from what i have heard.
Doesn't sound too bad now...Bollman and Grant both have responded that it's an ankle...but he's just questionable for YSU..Great news..

Ray Small has a small ankle injury and is questionable for Week 1 as well..