Toronto wants a second hockey team?

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
This has to be maybe the best thing Hamilton ever heard.

If Toronto honestly thinks they could fit another team there, Hamilton has to shoot up the list for relocation.

Meanwhile Glenn Healy proves he's smart:
"They have been trying to fit a square peg into a round hole for a lot of years," Healy said yesterday, in reference to the failure of the Sun Belt teams in the NHL. "They have tried everything in the world to sell the game, market the game, put fans in the seats and it doesn't work for a lot of reasons."

And Gary Bettman continues to prove he's an utter moron:
"I didn't know who he was sitting down with," Bettman said of [NHL deputy commissioner Bill] Daly on his weekly radio show. "I couldn't care less. He had the meeting, he reported back that there was another group interested in a team in Southern Ontario, which doesn't come as a shock or a news bulletin to me."


"If at some point we're in the business of relocating or expanding, we're going to open it up because the number of people and the number of places that want franchises is a fairly lengthy list," he said. "Nobody has the corner on the market."

This has NHLPA executives such as Healy scratching their heads. The Florida Panthers came close to advancing to the playoffs for the first time since the 1999-2000 season. The average ticket price for a Panthers game is about $35 (U.S.) and they have plenty of ticket giveaways at nearby shopping malls and bars, yet they finished 24th in attendance this season.

The average ticket price for a Toronto Maple Leafs game is more than $100 (Canadian). That alone, Healy said, is an indication that Toronto or Southwestern Ontario could support another team.
Two Toronto teams wont fly... the Leafs get zero fans to Marlie games, sure its not the NHL but when they say people bleed the blue and white, they mean it.

Plus there's no way the MLSE would allow the market share to slip from their fingers.

Hamilton, Waterloo both would be viable as long as the leafs and Sabres can loosen the grips on the restricitions they have.
which part? lol

the Leafs and Sabres have some proximity rules in place, not allowing other teams to be within a certain distance from them. The Sabres are a 1.5 hour drive from the Air Canada Center. So, Hamilton and Waterloo are the only 2 major cities that are somewhat in the middle of the road. Waterloo is farther off and have the backing of RIM. (so does Hamilton)

Hamilton is a little farther along as for a market, and they love their teams, and hate Toronto too.

The Leafs are greedy and know they will sell out no matter what they charge for a seat and are largely corporate. Moving a team to Hamilton will fly, but I dont think in a suburb of Toronto would work.

Maybe call them Toronto and be like the other '2 team' cities
I think a 2nd team in Toronto can work, theres something like 5.5 million people in the GTA and a bunch of them are transplants from around Canada who don't want to cheer for the Leafs.

However I doubt MLSE allow it. It would be good for the NHL take a team out of Phoenix for example where there are 0 sell outs and a small tv deal. To a 2nd team in the GTA where sell outs are guaranteed and the tv deal will be quite large, not as big as the Leafs but at least as big as Ottawa/Edmonton/Calgary get.
I don't think there's anyway Toronto gets a second team.

But if there's this push, I think you almost have to put Hamilton in the mix.

Not just because the native rivalry that would happen 'immediately' with Toronto, but because that general area believes it can support another team.

Not to mention again how right Healy is. The Sun Belt + hockey = ugh.
Hmmm a team in Hamilton? Ok forget it I won't support them either, that city is messed up.

Ok so I don't get it Bettman, you got a guy who has fucking money in Jim Basillie, wants a team and you dont' give him one? Go fuck yourself.

Sometimes I hate hockey really
Ok so I don't get it Bettman, you got a guy who has fucking money in Jim Basillie, wants a team and you dont' give him one? Go fuck yourself.

I love the game, but I hate Bettman and that impacts where I stand on the league.

If they keep it up it could get to a situation where it's like me with basketball where I love the game, but basically hate the league because of what's been done to it.
whats wrong with the Hammer mike, lol...

It would fly as the general area grows around Toronto to the west for the most part it makes sense.
For the record, if Hamilton does get a franchise, it is not allowed to name it one of those horrible, stupid, ridiculous names like we've been getting for a few years now.

For example: OKC Thunder.

The Hamilton Flurries, for example, would be unacceptable.
one thing to note about Hamilton is the AHL Canadiens, the Bulldogs making Hamilton their home.

Something might have to give there.

hamilton smoke stacks?
Ok so I don't get it Bettman, you got a guy who has fucking money in Jim Basillie, wants a team and you dont' give him one? Go fuck yourself.

I love the game, but I hate Bettman and that impacts where I stand on the league.

If they keep it up it could get to a situation where it's like me with basketball where I love the game, but basically hate the league because of what's been done to it.

Watching on TV is enough for me, getting tickets to a Leafs game is ridiculous and IMO is not worth to pay X amount of dollars for a crap team unless of course the tickets were free.

I have only skated twice in my life and I bet I can outskate Bettman on a track. The guy just seems absolutely clueless about the GAME and is more inclined to make it a business.
whats wrong with the Hammer mike, lol...

It would fly as the general area grows around Toronto to the west for the most part it makes sense.

Ugh it would take a LOT of redevelopment around that (sh)ity to even remotely consider it a sports town. But than again Winnipeg did have the Jets...
steel city smoke stacks

Ugh it would take a LOT of redevelopment around that (sh)ity to even remotely consider it a sports town. But than again Winnipeg did have the Jets...

Hamilton is a funny city, the area you see from the QEW is obviously dirty with the steel mills, but as you go up the mountain to the nicer areas its pretty nice up on the mountain
Hamilton is a funny city, the area you see from the QEW is obviously dirty with the steel mills, but as you go up the mountain to the nicer areas its pretty nice up on the mountain

But i dont even consider that Hamilton.

Stoney Creek is nice from what I"ve seen. You might as well have a team in Oakville.

Hamilton has a lot of tru wannabes
Stoney Creek blows... its a burb of Hamilton. It is growing though.

I still think the Kitchener area would work for everybody... especially since Im in Cambridge now :)
Stoney Creek blows... its a burb of Hamilton. It is growing though.

I still think the Kitchener area would work for everybody... especially since Im in Cambridge now :)

Well it's Jim Basillie area, got money, lots of white people, have nothing else to do, perfect setting.

How is life out there so far?

On a serious note are you going to still travel out to the parade? I like guys with height, loads all over the place of all types. What a party