TOR-MIA GAME of The Season?


Pretty much a regular
Don't know why this system is so powerful over such a nice sample and why does it make sense??:shake:

playoffs = 1 and rest = 1 and (site = 'home' and line + 0 < 0) and total > 167 and total <= 190 and seed in [2 , 3 , 4] and series game < 7 and round < 4 and streak > -4 and o:streak > -4 and o:streak < 6 and rest < 5 and WP < 73.6 and p:TPP < 45.6 and op:TPP < 55 and op:TO > 7 and p:FGP < 55 and op:FGP < 57 and po:points > 64 and p:assists > 10 and p:assists < 30 and opo:assists > 8 and p:FTP < 94.2 and po:rebounds > 29 and po:rebounds < 55 and po:offensive rebounds > 3 and opo:offensive rebounds > 3 and po:three pointers made < 14 and opo:three pointers made > 0 and o:ats streak < 11
SU:66-5 (13.63, 93.0%)
ATS:61-10-0 (7.40, 85.9%) avg line: -6.2
O/U:44-26-1 (2.91, 62.9%) avg total: 183.3




Already liked MIA-5.5 before falling on this system. MIA able to win 1 in TOR vs inconsistent TOR team that should have lost vs pacers.

MIA is 15-3 SU this season off a loss@home. huge bounce back team.

All 3 refs have winning ATS records for Home teams this season. line should -6/-8.

max bet MIA-5.5:prayer
the query looks so ridiculously complicated... but the results are nuts

if you take away one or more of the last few parameters do the results really change much?
I think that query might be a little over-engineered, so some skepticism might be appropriate. I've built a few queries like that, where you just keep adding and removing and testing parameters until you get the best ratio between sample size and percentage. One tell-tale hint of that method is when you go to actually use the query, you start getting opposite results. For instance, an example would be if this query was made in 2014, since then the last 3 ATS results have been 0-3...

On the other hand, if you consider all the other factors that might affect a game's results, and they tend to agree with this query, then why not go with it?<+11&submit=++S+D+Q+L+!++
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In the mean time emkee is calling heat -5.5 over in his thread. Right now I would have more faith in emkee than this query, but it doesn't hurt that they agree...
Some of those parameters are silly though. I'll try to play with it to see what it is if you just take ones that aren't so specific to rebounds etc