Top 6 offenses in the NFL

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Not neccesarily in order... I see these 6 as the elite offenses

1. Indy
#2 scoring, #3 yards
2. New Orleans
#5 scoring, #1 yards
3. San Diego
#1 scoring, #4 yards
4. New England
#7 scoring, #11 yards
5. Cincinatti
#8 scoring, #8 yards
6. Philly
#6 scoring, #2 yards
1. Indy is led by the best quarterback ever and there is nothing like them.
2. Drew Brees is no fluke, he "gets it" as a quarterback and makes his teammates/receivers better. They do some pretty creative things with their Deuce Mccalister, and Reggie Bush in almost a wingback position.
3. The interesting thing about San Diego is that they probably have the best offensive line in the entire NFL. I'm not 100 percent sold on Rivers, and I would like to see how Norv handles the offense, but it would be hard to leave san diego off this list. Their #1 in scoring last year was helped by that defense.
4. Most people don't think of New Englands offense as being " top notch" in their "dynasty", but please remember that they are winning almost every game they play in and they don't have to put up stats. They are extremely efficient, and I wouldn't just credit Tom Brady with that, but the man in the sweatshirt overseeing everything. I really am fascinated every single time I watch them play offense, they can pound you with 2 or 3 tight ends, or spread them out with 5 wide receivers.
5. Not as much talk about Carson Palmer last year as the previous, but they can do some pretty advanced things in their passing game. They have all the makings for another great passing game with their QB, Receivers and a very talented offensive line.
6. Philly is another team with a winning "system". Even their backups can step into this offense and succeed. Westbrook is a machine, and Mcnabb will make it work again this year. Look for the Eagles to "run" the ball more as a higher percentage of their offensive plays.

Notice that these offenses...
1. Are all lead by a top 5 quarterback with exception of San Diego
2. Have had a lot of their important players together for a while with exception of New Orleans.

Honorable mentions
I'd probably say that the Rams were the team that "just missed the list". The Steelers are close from an "efficency" perspective, and the Giants and Lions could help round out the top 10 next year.
Last year, Rams were #3 in passing offense. #10 in PPG. They have the 2nd best RB in the NFL. And they have added Drew Bennett, Randy McMichael, and Dante Hall to an already potent offense. Not to mention, future hall of fame OT Orlando Pace missed significant time last, and he is back to anchor the line.
Indy losing Tarik Glenn is going to be interesting to see if it messes w/ their timing....this is a big question mark for Indy.

Cincy losing Levi Jones last year really was a big crutch to the efficiency of the offense....
Believe- You responded so damn fast, that I didn't get a chance to defend myself. The thing about the Rams, is that they are even better at Home, and they have had problems on grass in the past few years. I mean, Martz was running a lot of speed routes....

Football 101: Instead of having a receiver run 5 to 7 yards, break down, and make a cut or curl up, Martz likes to have everything run contiuously. The receivers are supposed to round off the routes to avoid that "breakdown". Hence the "speed out". It is a quicker route. Not every route can be run as a speed route, but Martz generally prefers these routes.

Mark Bulger is one of the best quarterbacks in the league as far as anticipating throws. He is extremly good at throwing the ball to where the receiver needs to go to, before he gets there.

Playing on that flat surface at home ( turf) makes that offense a lot easier to run. When this team gets on grass ( it slows everyone down) and can also throw off the timing a little bit. It doesn't mean Bulger will be inaccurate, he might have to hold the ball and not throw in the first place. Bulger is also good at throwing the ball to spots, not people which kind of goes along with the whole concept.

One of the most common defenses against these speed routes is to really Jam the receivers at the Line to throw them off their timing.

So my point is that the Rams at home, are a lot better than the rams on the road. I know Mike Martz has since moved on, but the receivers/Quarterback still have to adjust to playing on grass.

I'd think a lot of people would like the Lions as an honorable mention, but I really see the Giants and Steelers rounding out the top 10. Eli for all the crap he gets had the Giants as the #1 scoring team in the league for much of the year 2 years ago ( as they were 11-5 and won the division as his first year as a starter). Pittsburgh falls more in the category of the Patriots.... They could score more points if they wanted to, but they were generally leading games ( 2-3 years ago, not last year) and had to focus more on running and being efficient.
Jump- I think Manning is so good at presnap reads, and getting rid of the ball as quickly as possible, that for the Colts, making sure lineman block the right person, is more important than dominating the guy in front of you.

Glenn will be missed in the run game, but as long as he doesn't pick up the wrong guy, and make mental lapses, I think the Colts machine will be fine. Not only will they be fine, Anthony Gonzalez could potentially give them that speedy 3rd receiver they have lacked since Brandon Stokley left.
Agreed about Gonzalez....the thing about him too is he's the best route runner that Ohio State had in the last ten years...

That goes MILES in a Peyton Manning run offense....there wasn't a better fit for a guy chose in the first round...

Gonzalez could be a pro bowler in that offense.
He's smart, runs good routes, and will make good reads....

Peyton Probably Lobbied Bill Polian like hell to get Gonzales, he will MAKE it work. Remember when Reggie Wayne started out his career slow for a 1st round pick in a good offense? Peyton will MAKE it work.

Bill Polian had balls to draft gonzalez, think about it...

You have maybe the best offense in the league, and a bad defense.

conventinal wisdom would tell you to draft a defensive player. The logic by going with your strength is to at least keep your strength a strength, but that the good quarterback can get a lot of value out of that 1st round pick. Gonzalez on the Jaguars wouldn't be a good pick ( his QB sinks), but he could potentially rack up a lot of yards in Indy, and make that offense even better ( as tough as that may be). Remember the Colts were lining up backup tight end Fletcher in the slot. They really did NEED another body there, you just didn't think they would use their 1st pick on a WR when they had obvious needs on defense...

They know that even 1 defensive guy wouldn't "fix" that defense, and that if they are going to try and outscore people, they may as well equipt themselves... That did take Balls though.
Esp w. the losses in the offseason on defense, (Cato June, etc) and two safeties who could never stay on the field, one of which seems to be the key to your defense sans Freeney (Bob Sanders)....

I love Gonzalez and was absolutely delighted to see him go to the perfect fit in Indy...most people had no clue how fast he was...and the fact that he's played slot at tOSU for two years is unheard of in a first round pick...normally they are edge guys who were first options in their offense made into slot receivers in the NFL...Gonzo is made for the slot...
People think he is slow because he is a bald white guy...

It's not just about 40 times or anything, the guy runs his routes fast... big difference.

anyways, I give a lot of credit to Bill Polian for having the balls to add to that offense, when you know all the draft pundits were saying " they lost cato june and a corner, so they have to draft a lb and cb". Cato June was an interesting player, but I saw the guy get truck sticked his fair share of times. He was were numerous receivers bigger than him.
I'd like to think the Giants could be in there somewhere this season... but I still say as long as Coughlin's there, it won't happen.

Shit man.. New York has money... they always find ways to spend it wisely... they need to bring a guru with a real playbook that actually knows how to run an offense effectively over to the Meadowlands.
I believe Mark Brunell had some unbelievable seasons under coughlin, including a 14-2 team that got to the afc championship. He might get a "boring" rep as a disciplinarian, but if he thinks he can win more games throwing, he will go with the throw as well.
what I don't like the most from him at this point is that there are too many players on his team who have criticized him already and don't respect him. That's a killer right there and something that can ruin the season. It's hard to play for someone you don't respect or truly believe in.
Money talks... nobody is going to "quit".

There is too much money and jobs at stake. Players still have their pride, and nobody is going to mess up on purpose...

with that being said, if the team starts out real bad, say 3-8 or something, then yeah they will quit... as long as they are in the playoff hunt ( say 4-4) nobody is quitting.
I'm not saying anybody is going to "quit"...

I'm just saying there's not much respect for him or belief in him and that's not a good thing.
besides, what has he done with the Giants that has impressed you??

You can bring up his 14-2 glory years with the Jags, but there have been great coaches who have had glory years that just diminished by the time they left or were fired... it happens all the time. Just because he has had glory years in the past doesn't make him a great coach today. The game changes and if a coach doesn't change with it, then he falls behind. Not saying Coughlin has fallen behind... just saying he's not the answer right now for this team... but if you prefer to hear it another way so his glory years won't be excluded... well then I'll rephrase... he's not what he once was.
Playoffs 2/3 years with a rookie quarterback isn't bad...

- winning the division away from the team of NFC for this decade
- being the 3rd playoff team in your divison ( with the hardest schedule in the nfl and multiple injuries).
i feel like the injuries were the reflection of him... he had a bad training routine that enabled the players to get injured easier...

thats why this year he had to change his shit up
Playoffs 2/3 years with a rookie quarterback isn't bad...

- winning the division away from the team of NFC for this decade
- being the 3rd playoff team in your divison ( with the hardest schedule in the nfl and multiple injuries).

and all this was ALL Coughlin??

I thought the Colts success did not make Dungy... but the Giants success makes Coughlin??
do you think the injuries could have had anothing to do with the players who got hurt? strahan, toomer?

I am not saying it was all coughlin blitz, but if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Now I am not saying coughlin is great, but who knows who the next coach would be... would you rather have lane kiffen? How about Norv Turner? What about Norm Chow or some other guy getting his first ever gig?

Eli was a #1 pick, and they won with the youngster.

dungy won with Eli version 2.0... Peyton
He also won with a defense stacked with probowlers

this giants defense isn't going to break any defensive records, and eli isn't going to turn into peyton.
I am not saying it was all coughlin blitz, but if it isn't broke, don't fix it.

well, it is a little broke.. haha...

I do get your point though.. and yea, right now there really is nobody else, but I'm just saying that as long as he's there, they won't be a top 5 offense... I hope he can prove me wrong though.
2 years ago they were the #1 scoring team in the league for almost the whole year.

Only 15 percent of teams will have a "top 5 offense". Traditionally, many teams with good offenses will have bad defenses. If the Giants can have say the 5,6,7,8th best offense, and say a top 10 defenese, they will be alright. The schedule is easier this year.

Look, I am not predicting the team to win the superbowl, but only 1 team gets to do that.

If they can stay a playoff team, find their core guys and build around that... Eli should get better, build that defense etc.

I hate coaching change. Coughlin isn't a top 5 coach or anything, but you could do a lot worse. I think the media is very unfair and biased against him, and he isn't that bad. It all started with the whole 15 minutues late bullshit. Do you really think Plax, and shockey would like any coach they had? Tiki sure did undermine his coach for a "quiet and classy" kind of guy. He might have been a good player, but he was not a vocal leader... and neither is eli. Brandon Jacobs is one of those fire starter kind of guys that reminds you of shockey after he catches a pass.