Top 6 and Worst 6 NFL COACHES

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
Worst Coaches

Marvin Lewis
Brian Billick
Joe Gibbs
Lovie Smith
Tommy Coughlin
Cam Cameron

Best Coaches

John Gruden
Del Rio
J Fisher
Worst Coaches

Lovie Smith
Joe Gibbs
Brian Billick
Marvin Lewis
Tommy Coughlin

Best Coaches

John Gruden
J Fisher
Del Rio

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I forgot Norvy and Romeo is gonna be on the list soon if he starts going for field goals from the 4 yard line late in the game
I think you guys are leaving out a very good HC...Mike Holmgren. Say what you want about the West Coast Offense, or that he had Favre...but wherever he goes, his team wins. My Hawks were dog-shit until he got at least we're playoff contenders every year. Also, Holmgren was nearly the only coach in NFL history to win a SB with two different teams as a HC.
I think you guys are leaving out a very good HC...Mike Holmgren. Say what you want about the West Coast Offense, or that he had Favre...but wherever he goes, his team wins. My Hawks were dog-shit until he got at least we're playoff contenders every year. Also, Holmgren was nearly the only coach in NFL history to win a SB with two different teams as a HC.

He is not too bad, I think Holmgren is a good GM, runs a good ship, makes sure his players behave. However I think he has falling into the Gibbs Trap as he was going really conservative with ALexander.

He did a great thing by saying screw Alexander we are throwing the football. THat is called adjusting to the teams strengths.

Holmgren is consistent, but in tight games he sometimes makes questionable decisions. But no arguing his record and overall he is a good coach, better than most of the other coaches cause he does his job, and most importantly doesen't kill his own team with stupid mistakes.
On the Rise

Lane Kiffin.

No doubt he is Gruden Junior, outcoaching teams easily, running the ball with a purpose not like some coaches that run the ball all game when they are not getting anything.

I knew Billick would find a way to screw his team, correct me if i am wrong when a team goes for 4th and 1, they get stuffed if they try to quick snap it like the Pats did? Even funnier was the Ravens player who was pissed and told Billick to fuck off, he was so pissed at him , then another player wanted to scrap the Ref for throwing that flag! There was more controversy than WWE,

"I thought for a second that Vince Mcmahon was the head REF"
Mike Holmgren
Andy Reid
Del Rio
Tony Dungy

Norv Turner
Herm Edwards
Joe Gibbs
Brian Billick
Marvin lewis
Best coach

combination of bellicheck and his camera guy

How much do you think that helped them win? From all the wins, it seemed that sometimes the Pats were just in the right spot at the right time. Their first super bowl team win over the Rams they made a couple of INt's that were UNWARNER LIKE, perhaps they knew the signals.

If they did know all the defensive calls, no wonder they were always intercepting MANNING all those years.

INterestingly enough now they cannot stop anyone? Eagles, Ravens, Colts game they were shorthanded without MARV H, Clark had concussion, but I think we could be seeing the real Pats defense now? One thing for sure is they generate no pressure on the passer anymore? Was Boller even rushed on one throw?
How much do you think that helped them win? From all the wins, it seemed that sometimes the Pats were just in the right spot at the right time. Their first super bowl team win over the Rams they made a couple of INt's that were UNWARNER LIKE, perhaps they knew the signals.

If they did know all the defensive calls, no wonder they were always intercepting MANNING all those years.

INterestingly enough now they cannot stop anyone? Eagles, Ravens, Colts game they were shorthanded without MARV H, Clark had concussion, but I think we could be seeing the real Pats defense now? One thing for sure is they generate no pressure on the passer anymore? Was Boller even rushed on one throw?

How on earth do you steal signals being broadcast into the QBs head over encrypted proprietary signals?

Not only that, first the signal needs to be intercepted. Then you need specific knowledge of what the play call means, where every team uses different terminology for their plays. On top of that you need an understanding of possible audibles, hot reads, sight adjustments, blocking schemes, etc, that could change the play pre-snap or while in progress.

Then pertinent information needs to be relayed to the defensive coaches, who then have to relay that information to a player on the field, who then has to relay that information to the rest of the defense. And all this has to happen in about 20 seconds.

On top of that, Manning actually calls his plays on the field. So the defense gets to see and hear his calls and signals for every play. If they figure something out, then shame on Manning for not decoying well enough.

That said, I have no idea how the Ravens put up 24 points on Monday. I had them down for 13 at most. Kudos to Boller and McGahee for playing one of their best games.
Manning is possibly the hardest QB in the league to intercept, true because no one knows what the hell he is saying at the line, all the jibberish. But don't forget the old Manning did not audible as much as he did now.

Also most other teams in the past 3 or 4 years do not audible like crazy, and are pretty basic and easy to pick off. You see it on the field all the time where the defensive players hear something and then audible, but now a days there are fake audibles too, like they make it look like a run and then pass it.

If there was no point in BELLIDICK taping all the other teams, then why would he do it, if there was no advantage for him? It's not like the Pats knew every play that the other team was going to throw, but I can guarantee you they knew for sure at least 2 plays in a game that were potentially game changing plays.

Does anyone remember that game vs the RAMS where it seemed that balls were thrown right to Pats db's? Warner did not throw a pick like that all season and then in playoffs balls are thrown right to PATS db's and its not like they are making great plays, they look like they jumped the pattern and knew what the play was against them.

My bad they were intercepting defensive signals which happens all the time in any football league. Most teams keep the same defensive signals, and have words to indicate what they are in. So if a coordinator taps his head it means Man. What has happened is simple, BELLIDICK tapes the coordinator and then matches all his defensive signals and then matches it up with the defensive formations on the field. This is nothing new, as any team can look at the D coordinator and then look what D they played on the field, however BELLIDICK was taping it so he could analye and decode the defensive signals. Ex- They pick off a man to man signal, audible and then throw a quick deep td man to man. HE probably picked off the hurry Up Defense audibles and that is why BRADY was so successfull at the end of games, in reality. The PATS are just plain and simple SMARTER than every other team in the league. What other coach would bother taping the other team, u think BILLICK OR LEWIS would do that. I gotta give BELLIDICK credit he will do whatever it takes to win.

BELLIDICK has created a slight advantage for him, the same advantage that a card counter has at blackjack. WHy do people card count, to win and it gives them the edge. BELLIDICK was creating an edge, anyone who thinks he did not gain anything is crazy, he just lost a draft pick out of this and a big fine.
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Add Sean Payton to the list of worst coaches; I've never liked that sucker.

And everyone quit hating on Belichick because he is the greatest.
But Sammy, don't you think any QB worth his salt can read and anticipate coverages? Isn't that why teams send a guy in motion, in part to read man vs. zone?

Did you see the TD Brady threw to Moss in the 3Q? 3rd & 1, the Pats had them spread a bit and were going to run, and the Ravens had an all-out blitz set up, with single coverage on the outside. Brady audibled and hit Moss on an easy slant.

If you had an idea of what the defensive play call is, why would you ever audible?
But Sammy, don't you think any QB worth his salt can read and anticipate coverages? Isn't that why teams send a guy in motion, in part to read man vs. zone?

Did you see the TD Brady threw to Moss in the 3Q? 3rd & 1, the Pats had them spread a bit and were going to run, and the Ravens had an all-out blitz set up, with single coverage on the outside. Brady audibled and hit Moss on an easy slant.

If you had an idea of what the defensive play call is, why would you ever audible?

That's true it is easier to read the coverage when you spread them out, because they are gonna have to play man or some sort of man/zone with linebackers in the middle. It is harder to read the coverage, if it is a conventional style of offence. That is why teams play spread, it spreads the D out, and they have to play man at some point, and it allows the QB to read the D easier.