Top 3 BPL predictions


Pretty much a regular
For me, as of right now.

1. Chelsea
2. City
3. Arsenal

Went back and forth at 3 w/ Arsenal and Liverpool.
Think United could make a run at the top 4 with no European play.

Let's hear em.

1. City
2. Chelsea
3a. United
3b. Pool

Sorry to Joe P, can't quite find the route for Palace to quite get up there
Think Spurs will be improved w/ a lot of the Bale $$ transfers going into their 2nd season in England.

Honestly, I think this will be a down season for City. I simply do not like their team. But, their quality and depth are tough to argue against otherwise I may place them fourth behind Arsenal.
Easy to choose Chelsea, they have a solid team, but as a United fan, nfw I'm picking anyone other than United to win the league.
Delusional? Perhaps.
But, United has made some major changes of their own. Let's be honest, RvP and Rooney are one of the best forward tandems in the world right now. The United midfield has questions, but there is plenty of depth in there. Tough for me to not pick a decent side with the likes of Mata, Herrera, Valencia, Januzaj, Nani, Kagawa, Carrick (when healthy), Young, Fellaini, et al. Spectacular? Probably not, but there is quality there.
In GK you have one of the best young gk's in the world in DeGea, should be there for years to come.
Of course their issue will be in the back line.
Hopefully VanGaal's switch to the 3-5-2 will enable the likes of Shaw, Rafael, and Valencia to get up more into the attack. And United need a CB, indeed. And getting a guy like Vidal would be very nice indeed, I expect another few signings.
Don't discount the easier schedule and lack of European play. No reason to see them starting top 11 players for anything but late stages of cup play either. This should keep their more veteran players fresher for league play.

Teams I'm down on this year? Liverpool. See last year's Spurs debacle for a precedent. Sell an unreplaceable part, and team will struggle, no matter how many new signings. I actually like the additions Pool made this year, but with Europe in play now, and higher expectations, I can see a decent slide for them this year.
Spurs again. I just don't see this team melding into a top-4 side. I like a number of their players in fact, but I just don't see it. 5th-6th-7th place I think would be their most probable finish. Prove me wrong with a top-4 until then I just see a so-so side.
Everton. Perennially a close, but not-quite there team, I question if they will make Europa this year. A 9-12 finish wouldn't surprise me and for this club, I think that would be a disappointment. I don't see enough improvement, I see a team that needs a key signing or two and never makes them. I don't see them any better than 7th and honestly, I'm down on them this year.

Teams I think may surprise? Arsenal. Hate to say it, but I really like what Arsenal may be capable of this year. May be a real fun team to watch too. I expect them to finish 4th, 3rd wouldn't be a surprise. Anything higher would be a shocker.

Will wait till a few more weeks to give my full BPL detail, but these are my initial thoughts.
Chelsea's season to lose for me. 2nd-6th still depend on how the teams finish the transfer season. Each team has made improvements, but still need keen positions.

Very quickly, Right now based with 3 weeks to go

1- Chelsea - strong XI and depth

2a- City - same as chelsea, aguero health, I feel CL is more important for them

2b- Arsenal - can challenge, short on forwards and and DM, backline suspect

4a- Spurs - Last year was an anomaly with the influx of personnel. I like the team, but they haven't shown it yet.
4b- Everton - Continue to improve 2nd year with Martinez, haven't lost important players, decent signings - depends on Lukaku otherwise big dropoff
6- Pool - 1st time in a while with a full deck of games. Good signings although expensive, goals dropoff with Suarez gone. At best playing for 4th
7- United - backline questions, too many players at the same position without flexibilty - "Broken team" as van Gaal says. Don't think they get higher than 3rd.

4-7 can honestly be switch easily for me, it's a crapshoot with the XI they have right now.
1. Chelsea
2. Arsenal

I think this being the 2nd year for Ozil and others will help them a lot. I reeeeeeally like Alexis Sanchez in the EPL also.

I hope United will be better but I just dont know....thats who Ive always rooted for but they were tough to watch last year. New manager should help and I like the new formation. RVP fitness is a big question for me.....besides his wonder goal against Spain I thought he was awful in the WC and if they would have played KVH instead I think they beat Argentina. Midfield is still weak to me. Any team with Fellaini will not win hardware IMO. Also I think Ashley Young belongs at QPR...very unimpressed. I do think Mata will be better with the new manager and formation.

Either way should be a fun season and Im pumped....Pool is going down for sure. I really like Sterling & Sturridge but you dont replace Suarez and unless their defense got a lot better I dont have high expectations.
Would not put Man Utd in top 3 until they figure that D out.
Most of the activity is going to come in this upcoming month so things can change, heck Arsenal D could take a hit too if Vermaleen leaves.


Man Utd, the mid is still not as good as Chelsea/City/Arsenal, the D is still ?, attack is ok. Van Gaal can do as much wonders as he'd like but he doesn't have the personnel just yet.
Spurs attack was outrageously poor, Poch should make them a lot more entertaining. Solid goal keepers probably the best group in BPL, the D is pretty reliable, I think Erik Lamela is going to be one of the top youngsters in the BPL.

My Villans suck donkey shit, if we lose Vlaar I'm quite positive we will conceed 60+ goals. It's amazing how some how Joe Cole is going to start. I'm only hoping that Okore becomes like a Martin Laursen and plays like a legend. Lots of ? for Benteke, probably last season for Villa, definitely going to be playing at a higher level to get attention. Another relegation battle, Man Utd and Tottenham will get an automatic 6 points each since Villa cannot fucking beat them even vs Spurs and Utd 2nd string. I'm pretty sure we will end up winning in the most improbable places then get over priced to win at home against some shit team but then lose.
I just want some fucking rich American to buy the damn team already.
Man U do have A LOT of new faces this year
