Tom Brady to Miss a Month?


Pretty much a regular
I see betjm has it off the board?? whats going on??
unconfirmed Brady rumor - out 2-4 weeks???

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Tom Brady to Miss a Month?

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Make of this what you will, but there is a yet-to-be-confirmed rumour floating out there that Tom Brady's foot injury may be worse than he's been letting on. Like, "out for four games" worse. From NFL Juice:
This just in.​

We’ve received news from a reliable news source, that would like to remain anonymous (initials E.B. who is a writer for the _______ News), that Tom Brady will likely be missing between two and four weeks of the regular season.​
Apparently the last tip this guy gave was "balls on", so now I don't know what to believe. And while this may be true, it's equally plausible that NFL Juice came up with this simply to mess with the guy holding the number one pick in their fantasy draft.
All I know is that the last time I took a tip from a guy named E.B., I ended up buying a worthless gold claim in a fledgling South Dakota Mining Community.
BREAKING: Tom Brady to miss 2-4 games? [NFL Juice]
Must be true?

Line was pulled from the Greek also. 16.5 looked good with KC...should have jumped on it...
I call bullshit, this line would have moved; at least another site that I use to check lines has the line still up at 16.5 at all books.
I call bullshit, this line would have moved; at least another site that I use to check lines has the line still up at 16.5 at all books.

I disagree. The line wouldn't have moved. The Pats are keeping this thing very secret. I'd jump on KC if it's still up at any book. You can always hedge and lose juice. If Brady doesn't play, this line drops AT LEAST 7 points.
Brady was listed on the injury list every game last season

it's the Pats playing games with the league

I'll go with my favorite joke here about the Patriots injury report --

If JFK was on the Patriots roster, he would be listed as questionable, head injury.

Locked in under 12.5 wins for NE, I am counting on Brady being a step slower in the pocket and getting drilled often, that's the blueprint.
Agree with you guys. I love my Pats & I'm a big fan of what Belichek does on the field but I hate these fucking injury games he plays every week. Sure it may help his final outcome but what about the gambling public? The selfish prick!