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Its the ghost of the 2004 Philadelphia Eagles taking out its karmic revenge for being defrauded out of their rightful title by those no good dirty cheating bastards.
it looked crazy....reminded me of shaun livingstons falling...<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Does this shit not get old? They got busted in the first game, then proceeded to beat every team until the Super Bowl, and beat teams in very convincing fashion.

Believe me I want to agree. I despise cheaters and those who can't compete with integrity. It's not over for me and many others until the Patriots receive a punishment that fits the crime. That day won't come from the NFL under this commissioner but maybe the football gods have had enough and are acting on their own.The commissioner covered up as much as he could in order to preserve the reputation of the NFL instead of doing the honorable thing and opening an honest investigation into the scandal. That alone should be enough to raise eyebrows.

The reason this is a big deal is the commissioner did nothing more than give a green light to everyone to cheat at will. You probably couldn't count on one hand the number of owners and coaches who wouldn't cheat for three championships if all they had to give up was a first round pick and a $750 K. It's a joke and frankly every coach in the league should be cheating now since a weak precedent was set by Warden Goodell.

My post is no more stale than the Patriot apologists who either don't think enough on their own or aren't intelligent enough to realize that Spygate doesn't bring into question the accomplishments of the 2007 Patriots who were a far different and far better team than the previous New England squads. It trivializes the Patriot teams from 2000-2006 who were far more limited than the 2007 version and undoubtedly benefitted enormously from the cheating.

But that's what we get for living in a what have you done for me lately ADD- ESPN society. Few people can logically analyze anything because they don't take the time to form a logical argument. It's just what you did yesterday fuck common sense and other relevant information.

Anyone with a lick of sense would realize that Spygate scandal should bring the accomplishments of the 2000-2006 Patriots into severe doubt but the media never went hard after it even though it's their goddamn job. Instead the whole 2007 season they had their mouths on the balls of the undefeated Patriots . Predictably the media then started to get hot on Spygate for a short period after the Patriots lost the Super Bowl which makes no fucking sense because they should have been harping on it immediately after the Patriots were caught. Unfortunately most of the media isn't smart enought figure this out and then this 'wisdom' gets passed down to Joe Sports Fan. The bottom line is the media loves a winner, they're fickle as hell and most aren't interested in the truth but only care about ratings and how many papers they sell.
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Believe me I want to agree. I despise cheaters and those who can't compete with integrity. It's not over for me and many others until the Patriots receive a punishment that fits the crime. That day won't come from the NFL under this commissioner but maybe the football gods have had enough and are acting on their own.The commissioner covered up as much as he could in order to preserve the reputation of the NFL instead of doing the honorable thing and opening an honest investigation into the scandal. That alone should be enough to raise eyebrows.

The reason this is a big deal is the commissioner did nothing more than give a green light to everyone to cheat at will. You probably couldn't count on one hand the number of owners and coaches who wouldn't cheat for three championships if all they had to give up was a first round pick and a $750 K. It's a joke and frankly every coach in the league should be cheating now since a weak precedent was set by Warden Goodell.

My post is no more stale than the Patriot apologists who either don't think enough on their own or aren't intelligent enough to realize that Spygate doesn't bring into question the accomplishments of the 2007 Patriots who were a far different and far better team than the previous New England squads. It trivializes the Patriot teams from 2000-2006 who were far more limited than the 2007 version and undoubtedly benefitted enormously from the cheating.

But that's what we get for living in a what have you done for me lately ADD- ESPN society. Few people can logically analyze anything because they don't take the time to form a logical argument. It's just what you did yesterday fuck common sense and other relevant information.

Anyone with a lick of sense would realize that Spygate scandal should bring the accomplishments of the 2000-2006 Patriots into severe doubt but the media never went hard after it even though it's their goddamn job. Instead the whole 2007 season they had their mouths on the balls of the undefeated Patriots . Predictably the media then started to get hot on Spygate for a short period after the Patriots lost the Super Bowl which makes no fucking sense because they should have been harping on it immediately after the Patriots were caught. Unfortunately most of the media isn't smart enought figure this out and then this 'wisdom' gets passed down to Joe Sports Fan. The bottom line is the media loves a winner, they're fickle as hell and most aren't interested in the truth but only care about ratings and how many papers they sell.

If you really believe in this than you are truly pathetic. I do not want to sound like a douche, but seriously...

You are naive to believe this is the only team who has done this (yes I know they were the only ones who got caught). Nevertheless, how is what the Broncos did by intentionally going over the salary cap not worse? Only difference is the Broncos have not been a dominant franchise the past decade like the Pats which make you and a bunch of other unknowledgeable clowns jealous.

You next try to say that the Super Bowl teams from 2003 and 2004 were "limited" compared to the 2007 team. Short sighted point once again. Obviously the offense does not compare. The one from the 2007 team was arguably the best we have ever seen, for 18 games anyways. However, the defense does not even come close to being the same. They were not even half as close as physical or intimidating as those teams. But I am sure you will say they knew exactly what plays Jake Delhomme and Donovan McNabb were going to run because they stole their signals. Makes sense, especially since these teams have publicly stated they feel there was no wrong doing.

Also, I do not know how you can say the media has given the Patriots a pass, especially before the super bowl. That was all they talked about, every single week (maybe you did not watch the games I do not know). The idiotic personalites that make up ESPN used that against them every single week and tried to convince themselves that that's why the Pats were going to finally lose that week (i.e vs. the Steelers, Jags, Colts, Chargers etc.)

Everyone hates a winner, unless they are your winner. I understand that, and I love it. However to try and pin your jealousy and bias against them on Spygate is disgraceful. It is not possible that this could have been any more overblown. You are not alone though, you have the same sentiments as the ashamed Sen. Arlon Spector and a bunch of similar NFL fans. You are not alone, you are just wrong.
If you really believe in this than you are truly pathetic. I do not want to sound like a douche, but seriously...

You are naive to believe this is the only team who has done this (yes I know they were the only ones who got caught). Nevertheless, how is what the Broncos did by intentionally going over the salary cap not worse? Only difference is the Broncos have not been a dominant franchise the past decade like the Pats which make you and a bunch of other unknowledgeable clowns jealous.

You next try to say that the Super Bowl teams from 2003 and 2004 were "limited" compared to the 2007 team. Short sighted point once again. Obviously the offense does not compare. The one from the 2007 team was arguably the best we have ever seen, for 18 games anyways. However, the defense does not even come close to being the same. They were not even half as close as physical or intimidating as those teams. But I am sure you will say they knew exactly what plays Jake Delhomme and Donovan McNabb were going to run because they stole their signals. Makes sense, especially since these teams have publicly stated they feel there was no wrong doing.

Also, I do not know how you can say the media has given the Patriots a pass, especially before the super bowl. That was all they talked about, every single week (maybe you did not watch the games I do not know). The idiotic personalites that make up ESPN used that against them every single week and tried to convince themselves that that's why the Pats were going to finally lose that week (i.e vs. the Steelers, Jags, Colts, Chargers etc.)

Everyone hates a winner, unless they are your winner. I understand that, and I love it. However to try and pin your jealousy and bias against them on Spygate is disgraceful. It is not possible that this could have been any more overblown. You are not alone though, you have the same sentiments as the ashamed Sen. Arlon Spector and a bunch of similar NFL fans. You are not alone, you are just wrong.

One flaw there - you say everyone hates a winner, but the Patriots haven't won jack shit in the last few years. Defending champs are the Giants. 18-1 doeesn't qualify.
The Pats are cheaters. When Goodell told the Pats to hand over the tapes, do you really think they gave up everything? Yeah ok. The taping went way beyond what Goodell and the NFL saw, and we'll never know how much taping they did.
The Pats are cheaters. When Goodell told the Pats to hand over the tapes, do you really think they gave up everything? Yeah ok. The taping went way beyond what Goodell and the NFL saw, and we'll never know how much taping they did.

And you base that on what? If the Pats did not turn over all the tapes like you said, did any other teams possibly hide tapes that they might have? Do not say they were never called to, Goodell sent one of his infamous memos to every team asking if they were involved in similar practices.

And why don't you call the Broncos cheaters for what they did and the 49ers (I think they did the same)?
And you base that on what? If the Pats did not turn over all the tapes like you said, did any other teams possibly hide tapes that they might have? Do not say they were never called to, Goodell sent one of his infamous memos to every team asking if they were involved in similar practices.

Other teams weren't caught, the Pats were.
One flaw there - you say everyone hates a winner, but the Patriots haven't won jack shit in the last few years. Defending champs are the Giants. 18-1 doeesn't qualify.

They have won 3 championships this decade, but you are right it has been a few years since they last won it all. That being said, they are still considered "the" NFL franchise to beat year in and year out (until Brady went down).
Other teams weren't caught, the Pats were.

Please answer why you do not consider the Denver Broncos to be cheaters? Same coach, same front office. Arguably a bigger offense.

I will answer that for you, it is because the Broncos have been insignificant the entire decade so people have no reason to be jealous of them.
The Broncos are cheaters too, how's that? Just like the Pats.

And to tape the superbowl walk thru of the Rams was fucked up. You can't tell me Ty Law didn't know what was coming when he broke on that throw from Warner and took it to the house on a pick 6 on the opening drive. But we'll just say it was a disgruntled employee to cover it up.
The Broncos are cheaters too, how's that? Just like the Pats.

And to tape the superbowl walk thru of the Rams was fucked up. You can't tell me Ty Law didn't know what was coming when he broke on that throw from Warner and took it to the house on a pick 6 on the opening drive. But we'll just say it was a disgruntled employee to cover it up.

You just showed your true ignorance. THERE WAS NO TAPED WALK THROUGH!! If you are going to make points and accusations that are ludicrous, at least do your research so that you sound somewhat knowledgeable.
If you really believe in this than you are truly pathetic. I do not want to sound like a douche, but seriously...

You are naive to believe this is the only team who has done this (yes I know they were the only ones who got caught). Nevertheless, how is what the Broncos did by intentionally going over the salary cap not worse? Only difference is the Broncos have not been a dominant franchise the past decade like the Pats which make you and a bunch of other unknowledgeable clowns jealous.

You next try to say that the Super Bowl teams from 2003 and 2004 were "limited" compared to the 2007 team. Short sighted point once again. Obviously the offense does not compare. The one from the 2007 team was arguably the best we have ever seen, for 18 games anyways. However, the defense does not even come close to being the same. They were not even half as close as physical or intimidating as those teams. But I am sure you will say they knew exactly what plays Jake Delhomme and Donovan McNabb were going to run because they stole their signals. Makes sense, especially since these teams have publicly stated they feel there was no wrong doing.

Also, I do not know how you can say the media has given the Patriots a pass, especially before the super bowl. That was all they talked about, every single week (maybe you did not watch the games I do not know). The idiotic personalites that make up ESPN used that against them every single week and tried to convince themselves that that's why the Pats were going to finally lose that week (i.e vs. the Steelers, Jags, Colts, Chargers etc.)

Everyone hates a winner, unless they are your winner. I understand that, and I love it. However to try and pin your jealousy and bias against them on Spygate is disgraceful. It is not possible that this could have been any more overblown. You are not alone though, you have the same sentiments as the ashamed Sen. Arlon Spector and a bunch of similar NFL fans. You are not alone, you are just wrong.

Kramer- Thanks for the response. If other teams are doing or have done this, then why haven't they been reported? I just don't believe for a minute in a league as paranoid as the NFL that this would be allowed on a wink wink nudge nudge basis between teams. To me this is just a copout until someone else is caught doing it.

I absolutely agree the Broncos should be punished for that. I'm against cheating in any form and want integrity in the game. As a gambler I want these games to be clean so they can be analyzed properly.Don't compare going over the cap to what the Patriots did. The Patriots potentially changed the results of games that can never be given back. Going over the cap can simply be corrected by that team taking a cap hit the next season. Sure it gives you an edge but it won't help you properly align your defense because you know the next formation.The scrutiny shouldn't surprise you. As the old saying goes the wind blows harder at the top of the flagpole.

You're right about the defenses of 03 and 04, younger and better. I can't speak for anyone on the Panthers, but several Eagles claimed that the Super Bowl game had a ebb and flow that was nothing like any game they played in. I'm sure the official stances of the teams is to bury it because it's in their best financial interest to do so, but several Eagles players have said they were extremely suspicious the Patriots did their thing in their Super Bowl game after Spygate was first brought to light. Sheldon Brown of the Eagles after the Patriots were caught: "Do I think about it?Hmmmm. It's crazy. I just don't know how far back it goes.Something's not right about that."

In the same article:Pittsburgh wide receiver Hines Ward said this week that he suspected the Patriots had some type of inside information on the Steelers before at least one of the teams' two AFC championship game matchups since the 2001 season. While Ward said the Patriots knew a lot of Pittsburgh's calls.

I guess this is a difference in perception. Sure they talked about it but at least 75% of the commentators were on the Patriots' nuts until they lost in the Super Bowl under the logic that the 2007 Patriots were kicking ass so therefore previous accomplishments of Patriot teams shouldn't be scrutinized. Of course many of them then became critics after the Super Bowl(looking at you Sean Salisbury).To me Spygate never should have been about the 2007 Patriots, it was about their 2000-2006 teams.

I'm not going to hate a team simply because they're good or the best even if it's the popular thing to do. I hate the Patriots for many reasons and it'd take way too long to include it in this post and I hated them long before Spygate.I never hated the 90's Cowboys because they weren't phonies. Sure they had a thug element but they never claimed to be something they weren't. The same with the Yankees in the late 90's. They were hated because they supposedly bought rings but the team was actually anything but, they were well put together and not some haphazardly overpaid team of stars.

If it could not have been more overblown, which may or may not be the case, then why did the NFL destroy the evidence and refuse to let the information on the tapes go public and let us decide for ourselves? If this was not a big deal, why was it destroyed? You don't think it's a big deal, and obviously you're entitled to that opinion but I'll just say that chess is a much easier game to play when you already know the opponent's next move.

Kramer I know you're a Boston guy. So here's a strictly hypothetical question for you: How would you feel if the Yankees were caught in 2001 filming the opposing catcher and manager of opposing teams and MLB destroyed the evidence and fined them 500k and took away a draft pick? My guess is that you would be rightfully outraged.
Kramer- Thanks for the response. If other teams are doing or have done this, then why haven't they been reported? I just don't believe for a minute in a league as paranoid as the NFL that this would be allowed on a wink wink nudge nudge basis between teams. To me this is just a copout until someone else is caught doing it.

I absolutely agree the Broncos should be punished for that. I'm against cheating in any form and want integrity in the game. As a gambler I want these games to be clean so they can be analyzed properly.Don't compare going over the cap to what the Patriots did. The Patriots potentially changed the results of games that can never be given back. Going over the cap can simply be corrected by that team taking a cap hit the next season. Sure it gives you an edge but it won't help you properly align your defense because you know the next formation.The scrutiny shouldn't surprise you. As the old saying goes the wind blows harder at the top of the flagpole.

You're right about the defenses of 03 and 04, younger and better. I can't speak for anyone on the Panthers, but several Eagles claimed that the Super Bowl game had a ebb and flow that was nothing like any game they played in. I'm sure the official stances of the teams is to bury it because it's in their best financial interest to do so, but several Eagles players have said they were extremely suspicious the Patriots did their thing in their Super Bowl game after Spygate was first brought to light. Sheldon Brown of the Eagles after the Patriots were caught: "Do I think about it?Hmmmm. It's crazy. I just don't know how far back it goes.Something's not right about that."

In the same article:Pittsburgh wide receiver Hines Ward said this week that he suspected the Patriots had some type of inside information on the Steelers before at least one of the teams' two AFC championship game matchups since the 2001 season. While Ward said the Patriots knew a lot of Pittsburgh's calls.

I guess this is a difference in perception. Sure they talked about it but at least 75% of the commentators were on the Patriots' nuts until they lost in the Super Bowl under the logic that the 2007 Patriots were kicking ass so therefore previous accomplishments of Patriot teams shouldn't be scrutinized. Of course many of them then became critics after the Super Bowl(looking at you Sean Salisbury).To me Spygate never should have been about the 2007 Patriots, it was about their 2000-2006 teams.

I'm not going to hate a team simply because they're good or the best even if it's the popular thing to do. I hate the Patriots for many reasons and it'd take way too long to include it in this post and I hated them long before Spygate.I never hated the 90's Cowboys because they weren't phonies. Sure they had a thug element but they never claimed to be something they weren't. The same with the Yankees in the late 90's. They were hated because they supposedly bought rings but the team was actually anything but, they were well put together and not some haphazardly overpaid team of stars.

If it could not have been more overblown, which may or may not be the case, then why did the NFL destroy the evidence and refuse to let the information on the tapes go public and let us decide for ourselves? If this was not a big deal, why was it destroyed? You don't think it's a big deal, and obviously you're entitled to that opinion but I'll just say that chess is a much easier game to play when you already know the opponent's next move.

Kramer I know you're a Boston guy. So here's a strictly hypothetical question for you: How would you feel if the Yankees were caught in 2001 filming the opposing catcher and manager of opposing teams and MLB destroyed the evidence and fined them 500k and took away a draft pick? My guess is that you would be rightfully outraged.


There's no way you can convince a New Englander that the Patriots are cheaters. There's no way.
Who's Cassel's backup?

Kevin O'Connel, rookie from San Diego St. taken in the 3rd Round in the past years draft. They did resign Matt Gutierrez to the practice squad, who was competing for the backup job with Cassel all preseason. I am not sure if he will be activated though for today's game.
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Kramer I know you're a Boston guy. So here's a strictly hypothetical question for you: How would you feel if the Yankees were caught in 2001 filming the opposing catcher and manager of opposing teams and MLB destroyed the evidence and fined them 500k and took away a draft pick? My guess is that you would be rightfully outraged.

Let me answer this way...
The Yankees are cheaters. They have had numerous guys the past few years who have been accused with overwhelming evidence of taking performing enhancing drugs while they were on the Yankees. This includes prominent names such as Gary Sheffield, Jason Giambi, Andy Pettite, and Roger Clemens. As a die hard Red Sox fan, I can say that no big named Red Sox have been accused of taking steroids this decade as a current member of the team. I could also say that the Yankees 2003 AL Pennant was a sham because their biggest contributor of game 7, Jason Giambi, was a cheater.
Is this practical? Absolutely not. I am sure some Red Sox the past few years actually took steroids, they were just never caught (although I am somewhat confident that no superstars did). The same way I am sure other teams actually taped the other teams sidelines illegally, they were just never caught.
In response, you could argue that steroids in baseball is far more widespread than NFL teams illegally taping other teams sidelines. I would then argue that taping the other teams sidelines is not necessarily illegal, just the matter in which they did it was.

This is a good debate. However the bottom line is none of us will change our opinions based on what the other says, even though I am sure we both think (in my case know) that we are correct.