TO is crying on ESPN (video added)

That may be one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

He was crying about the Romosexual.

It's too funny.
I s**t you not.

"'Cause that's my teammate (sniff, weep, sniff), and that's unfair . . ."

It was outstanding, Hillary Clinton but with actual tears.
holy shit, i wish i had tivo. I really want to see that.

Oh, that will make YouTube. Soon. Not from me, but somebody will do it. Probably an Eagle fan.

Early word out of Philly is that Donovan McNabb saw that, turned to his mom and said, "wow, that guy's a p*ssy."
Oh my. Those glasses. Crying like a bitch. That almost made this day Ok.

What a great clip. I just DVR'ed that shit for the next time I get depressed
Another year without a playoff win for the cowboys, that makes it 12 now if my math is correct.........think Parcells is smiling right now?
the only thing i will enjoy more than watching t.o. cry like a bitch is watching rivers get pummeled by the pats next week. rivers needs the shit knocked out of him so he quits acting like this arrogant prick on the sidelines feeling the need to shit talk to the fans... what a douche!
the only thing i will enjoy more than watching t.o. cry like a bitch is watching rivers get pummeled by the pats next week. rivers needs the shit knocked out of him so he quits acting like this arrogant prick on the sidelines feeling the need to shit talk to the fans... what a douche!

haha...I saw that. Those fans were heckling him alot too though. I saw alot of fingers :36_11_6:
haha...I saw that. Those fans were heckling him alot too though. I saw alot of fingers

... but, shark, that's part of the game, man. do you think brady and manning hear kind words from opposing fans? no, but they have the demeanor to act like the leader of his offense and show the composure a pro QB needs to show. rivers is setting himself up for an even worse blasting from the new england fans... rivers = douche
rivers = douche


I think Merriman has that whole team juiced to the gills. Whoever called it last week has it right, Rivers looks like Leaf on 'roids.
... but, shark, that's part of the game, man. do you think brady and manning hear kind words from opposing fans? no, but they have the demeanor to act like the leader of his offense and show the composure a pro QB needs to show. rivers is setting himself up for an even worse blasting from the new england fans... rivers = douche

And I agree Blue. I'm just saying that he got sucked into the hype. Thats a no no
Phillip Rivers is turning into my least favorite player in the league. dude seems like a total cock sucker
bin laden could be the QB of the Chargers and Id still be rooting for them over the Patriots...


this was a great day

hey cowboy fans - HOW BOUT DEM COWBOYS!?

I mean, seriously does anyone remember the last time they won a playoff game??
bin laden could be the QB of the Chargers and Id still be rooting for them over the Patriots...


this was a great day

hey cowboy fans - HOW BOUT DEM COWBOYS!?

I mean, seriously does anyone remember the last time they won a playoff game??
Does anyone remember the last time Philly won a Super Bowl? How many times straight was it that you won the division, made the NFC championship game, and came away with nothing to show for it?
Does anyone remember the last time Philly won a Super Bowl? How many times straight was it that you won the division, made the NFC championship game, and came away with nothing to show for it?

3 times...before we made it the fourth time only to be cheated out of the title by a bunch of cheaters

but seriously, what is it? 12 years now? since a playoff win? thats gotta be tough to swallow...
Phillip Rivers is turning into my least favorite player in the league. dude seems like a total cock sucker

As a Broncos fan I couldn't agree more. I cant wait till we see him again. See how much talking he does.

Bottom line, he's a no-class loudmouth. He heckled Cutler from the sideline in the final Broncos game. It didnt surprise me one bit to see him doing it to the fans today. Classless.
The best thing of the whole day was seeing Jerry Jones face at the end of the game. I am so glad that the Cowboys lost. There is not a team I hate more, and that includes their fans. 12 years without a playoff win has to be pretty damn tough to live with especially when your "America's Team" LMAO
As a Broncos fan I couldn't agree more. I cant wait till we see him again. See how much talking he does.

I only hope that first Denver/SD game next year is in Denver. They are going to pig-f**k that team after what happened in SD a few weeks ago.
Somebody get that mother fucker a kleenex.

T.O a.k.a Little Bitch...

Phillip Rivers is turning into my least favorite player in the league. dude seems like a total cock sucker
I know its supposed to be about 10 degrees here in the maryland area next weekend... what do you think its going to be like in NE? Hope Rivers brings his long johns!
rivers will definitley have to prepare for the weather but not for the fans because with as much as the chargers sell out their own stadium it's like they play against away crowds every single weekend.
I can't believe he made himself cry like that. I mean we all know he intentionally did this to make some sort of point.

Oh and Phil Rivers after TO is my most hated player in the league.
its not fair! he's my team mate! its not fair!

where did this guy come from? maybe he just hates black people (Don McNaab)?
i think it was all an act

he was wearing the big dark glasses so you couldnt see the tears - because there were none!

this guys a fraud

and a loser!

i think it was all an act

he was wearing the big dark glasses so you couldnt see the tears - because there were none!

this guys a fraud

and a loser!


I think I agree with what Jim Rome said. This was something like negative English. Just another spin by TO to throw Romo under the bus. Not one time did anyone ask TO about Romo's vacation yet he threw it out there. I think it was an act too.
I actually don't think it was an act. If it was it was one hell of an act, with the lip quiver and all.

I just think it's another example of how completely mentally unstable that guy is.

Remember years ago when he caught that TD pass in SF against GB to win that playoff game? He was crying so hard on the sidelines he basically had to be held up so he didn't fall on his *ss.

Now, with how ridiculously in shape he is you might think he's on steroids, but I don't think so. I think he's bi-polar or manic-depressive. Don't forget the suicide attempt that they say wasn't a suicide attempt but that sure as s**t sounded like one in the 911 call.

The guy's just nuts, which in its own way is pretty sad.

That said, as an Eagle fan, every time I see this clip I laugh my *ss off.

TO, this is where you wanted to be so you can eat it.
good points JP, I was just talking about that SF/GB game and TO's mental instability sat night to some buddies. on the NFL films broadcast of this game Mariucci said TO was a case, and he had to try shake/slap him out of it.

he's got issues, for sure. his emotions are not under control. shark makes a good point to. he was throwing Romo under the bus in his own head and didnt even realize it.