time to post my week 15 card ( championship week ) card so far


This claim is disputed
145-129-3 ( though avg juice greater than 10 cents - mainly two futures losses )

After a nice weekend and finalizing a 9-2 result on posted futures, I can hang my head a little higher. It was a pretty big hole I dug on posted plays here and to crawl out of it for the most part is gratifying. I know without posting my reasoning that I probably have less people tailing than other years but for those that don't know ... there is a pressure that comes with posting plays when you know you have a few people who are going to tail them. You just feel awful when you lose .... I have gambled extensively for over two decades now ... and when I make bad decisions ( bad bets ) or go on a negative fluctuation it is with my money and I am used to it. It is FAR more painful to your soul when you think you are ( or are ) losing other people's money. I am not sure if I explained that properly but I am gonna go ahead and give myself a pat on the back not as an ego stroke but as a sense of relief that at a minimum it won't be a devastating season. Though I plan on making a play in every bowl game. Sorry for the rant... just that I don't really recall this ever being mentioned on the forums over the last 8 years and I don't think most people understand how bad someone can feel if they are losing for people when they really just want to help people.

Locked In

Arizona State -3
niu -3

Strong Leans
Michigan state +5.5
Oklahoma +11
Memphis Pick
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Agree with everything you wrote in that paragraph....gl cc. great job.
Great post and well said. Good job.

I damn well might tail most all your C-ship selections, but will be happy regardless of result.

Thank you
i'm leaning the other way on Stanford..i see the initial movement the line is your going your way
Agree with everything you wrote in that paragraph....gl cc. great job.

Count me in, there , along with Hunt, VK.

I don't have a big follolwing at all, but I know there are a few who lean on me for my Little league picks. And I feel the pressure and the pain that you describe.

Although the bullsheet has had a good year, the rest of my wagers have put me in a big hole so I'm tired of the weekly selection process.

Ergo, I'm doing no work at all on bowls and will simply follow your leads unless I can't at least approximate the numbers you get.
Best of luck.
great paragraph CC

it pains me to see that Todd Graham has taken the Pac-12 by storm, hell be great at USC next year

disagree on MSU
Yeah I don't have the following cc does either by any means or a lot of guys on the site so I refuse to do writeups. When its convincing feels like I lose it everytime. I would rather do my own research, post a play and people tail at own risk. I get where you are coming from cc. Stressful enough posting on a board, even though its fun and our egos and competitive nature take over to feel the need to even post. Especially for a long convincing writeup that just loses and u feel like shit if it loses and are considered king of the mountain if it wins. Just do you bro. Taking from the books a winner regardless of how its posted.
For everything that you've been through, you're a class act dude. Plus I owe you for that $1500 you made me that one night.......
Thanks everyone.

As I recall, I called a hand and won with King high that tournament on the final table Marlo. Maybe it was a different one... but think it was that one.

Also, since Syracuse won the game and the following worked out in their favor .. I think I have a good example of a play call that is terrible but the announcers say it is great. With 12 seconds left and Syracuse out of timeouts, the Orange run a throwback screen from the Boston College 8 yard line down 4 points. The play worked, BC was fooled ( rightfully so ) and the runner dodged the one man he needed to in order to score the game winning TD with six seconds left. The announcers seemed to think this was a spectacular play call. But if the guy gets tackled in bounds the game is over. With 12 seconds you have three shots at the end zone. You can run that play with three seconds left or two seconds left and get the same result if it they aren't ready for it. I think it is a good example of the result dictating the reaction. The play call has bothered me for a day so thought I would get it off my chest. Some of the decisions by coaching staffs this season have gone above and beyond the call of duty for being bad game management to the point that I think they really need to attend seminars on the subject. I figure it is better to complain about it after it is successful ( and benefits me ) than sound like a whiner ( which I am ) and make a complaint about the stupidity of a coach that costs me a bet.
Congrats on a strong finish bro. I'm sure you'll carry it into Bowl Season.

If you keep it up I may sell you my avatar for $50 :)
Thanks everyone.

As I recall, I called a hand and won with King high that tournament on the final table Marlo. Maybe it was a different one... but think it was that one.

Also, since Syracuse won the game and the following worked out in their favor .. I think I have a good example of a play call that is terrible but the announcers say it is great. With 12 seconds left and Syracuse out of timeouts, the Orange run a throwback screen from the Boston College 8 yard line down 4 points. The play worked, BC was fooled ( rightfully so ) and the runner dodged the one man he needed to in order to score the game winning TD with six seconds left. The announcers seemed to think this was a spectacular play call. But if the guy gets tackled in bounds the game is over. With 12 seconds you have three shots at the end zone. You can run that play with three seconds left or two seconds left and get the same result if it they aren't ready for it. I think it is a good example of the result dictating the reaction. The play call has bothered me for a day so thought I would get it off my chest. Some of the decisions by coaching staffs sthis season have gone above and beyond the call of duty for being bad game management to the point that I think they really need to attend seminars on the subject. I figure it is better to complain about it after it is successful ( and benefits me ) than sound like a whiner ( which I am ) and make a complaint about the stupidity of a coach that costs me a bet.

I have become convinced that if there was no such thing as football, all these people currently employed as football coaches would be unable to survive in the real world. I seriously believe a large percentage of them would be homeless/destitiute.
Can't wait for NIU/BG. BG's defense has sold me and I am liking the +3. I think the line is more like a PK, but inflated because of NIU being ranked.
Agree with everything cc states in this post. Like Hunt indicated most of us post as a mixture of pride, ego, competitiveness and trying to hep our fellow cappers. I don't have nearly the same following as any of these posters above but there is nothing worse than knowing you had a shitty week and cost other people money. Losing your own bankroll is part of the risk but losing others money is what usually effects you the most.
Wanted to ask you about your thoughts on the Arizona State/Stanford game. They played earlier in the season at Stanford, and ASU was dogged by a touchdown on the road. Obviously Stanford won and covered. Now the venues are reversed and Stanford is dogged by 3.5??? I suck at betting west coast teams, but instinctively I would be on Stanford here. Stanford +3.5 seems like such a sucker bet though so I'm not disagreeing with your pick necessarily, I'm just trying to understand it.
I realize NIU has been great all year, but aren't they daring us to take them with a line this low? BG defense should keep them in this one all night and I like the extra FG on my side here.