Time to post my Tuesday april 22 baseball


This claim is disputed
season record to date:
future - reds over 77 wins 1150 to win 1000
favorites 17-14 +0.62 units
dogs 21-17 +9.07units
overs 2-3-1 -1.00 units
unders 9-3-1 +5.58 units<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

big card today but i dont really like much ... but here is what i am looking at

marlins/pirates under 10 -110 ----- ummmm this is a really ponderous line to me .... why is this so high ??? Maholm takes the hill for the pirates at home. The current marlin roster bats just .224 off of him though they have hit a few dingers. In his one home start this year, Maholm went 5.1 innings , gave up 6 hits and 0 runs. Including this years start at home , Maholm has given up 3 er or less in 6 of his last 9 home starts. Most of those are 2 run affairs. The guy had a 1.25 WHIP at home last year. Pretty impressive. Maholm is also good at eating innings. As hot as the marlins offense has been lately, it has mostly been a result of facing righties ... they get a lefty here and they are batting just .206 to start the year vs southpaws. Nolasco will be Maholm's counterpart today and i kind of like this kid ...... but the pirates do not. The pirates bat just .182 off of him in 55 AB with just 1 extra base hit. yup just one. Nolasco doesnt mind pitching on the road either. last year in three road starts he pitched 14 innings , gave up 13 hits and just 4 earned runs. Not bad at all. He did struggle in his first away start this year at houston where he got hit early and often. But given the pirates history against him i atleast hope he can fool them to start the game. He rarely goes long innings which i dont like and the marlins bullpen isnt the greatest east of the mississippi so there is a bit of a concern there. Helping us out a little is that the pirates hit righties 30 points less than lefties to start this year at .235 avg. ......They hit lefties better last year as well by 23 points so i am thinking this is more of the same this year from this group. I have a slight lean to the pirates here but i am not betting this team until the losing streak ends ... but the pirates are the favorites ( rightly so in my mind) so more times than not the game should go 8.5 innings here. Wally Bell is the umpire and he is a pretty neutral guy in my book. Just dont understand the posted 10 total for this game. Which team is getting to 6-7 runs ?? no way. And thats why i have already bet this game under 10 runs. so you will see it in my official plays post

I have three strong leans for tomorrow that i have decided not to play, so barring some strange weather bet , the above under is all i will be on.

yankees and the wanger --- i like wang a lot more than a lot of people i suppose. Problem i have is i have always liked contreras in the underdog role because when he is on his game he is unhittable. Some back history with contreras and the yanks as well and i am unsure how that plays out here. a bit steep of a price for me on the road.

angels -- the price seems generous to me with a pitcher the quality of weaver on the hill. But the Bosox are finally in a rhythm after the wierd ass start to their year where they played two in japan and so on. They have 30 hits in their last 17 innings of play and i dont really want to step in front of that train right now.

cleveland --- haha i thought this was a great spot to play sabathia given the splits with he and meche but then i see him listed as a 25 cent road favorite. lol no way i can play that given what tubby has shown so far. too bad ... i liked the spot.

gl gang.
i have my own personal conspiracy theory on sabathia...people will think i'm crazy but it makes sense in my sick little twisted head. GL.
Why did you back the Cards last night but not today?

GL on the Angels if you decide to play them. I think Weaver can hold his own, and I know LAA wants to avenge last yr's sweep in the playoffs.
want to share the conspiracy theory ?

i personally think that sabathia is purposly doing poorly. I think he is very unhappy with the cleveland indians efforts to resign him. I also believe he feels that he has done so much for the team and now they want to nickel and dime him. I think he feels like this is payback so to speak.

If you look at where the glove is and where he is missing, he is missing by boatloads, it isn't even close. Sabathia is a much better pitcher than that, the only way i think that sabathia's inaccuracy is somewhat legitimate is if he is hurt but i think that would be a stretch at this point because wedge would put him on DL in a second if he thought his star's effort would be jepordized.

I think that next year sabathia is going to be money wherever he ends up. Most likely the NY Yankees because as it is pretty apparent they need starting pitchers and will shell out for sabathia.

I also think that sabathia's innings pitched last year has a whole lot to do with it. I mean it is a lot and it was grueling but i don't think it would effect him giong forward this far. I just am skeptical about the whole situation. I am sure the indians homers will get on my for this but i've heard much worse critisism before.:cheers:
Frankie -- Sabathia was seen visiting the grassy knoll in the offseason. Of course players with contract issues , unhappy players do tend to play worse. And sabathia has a history of being out of shape to start seasons. Interesting theory.

sportsthing - thanks bud.

Well, there are some differences between Lohse and Wainwright as i see it as far as shutting down the brewers bats. Lohse does not pitch nearly as well on the road. Even this year, clearly his worst performance was his one road start at SF. 5.1 innings , 8 hits , 1 BB , just 2 er so he did pitch out of trouble. And we are talking the giants lineup there , not the red sox. Last year Lohse had an away ERA of 6.17 vs a home era of 3.03 and his opponents on the road bat .305 off him compared to .250 at home. So , given his only road game this year compared to his home starts ... i sort of worry that this trend will continue. Meanwhile in Manny Parras lone home start he went 5.1 innings giving up just 3 hits and 2 er .. again that was the giants so you have to take it with a grain of salt. Even going into yesterdays game , I was a bit unsure of the cards bats as I did not like the way they looked at the plate the last few vs the giants but gave them the benefit of the doubt facing a righty in villanueva. The problem I have here is that they again did not look great at the plate but now face a lefty and the cards have batted considerably worse vs lefties this year .......247 vs lefties as opposed to .288 vs righties. So it is harder for me to give the cards the benefit of the doubt that i was able to yesterday. Now .... the cards have hit Parra very well when they have seen him and the brewers have not hit lohse particularly well ... so in that regard , i would favor the cardinals and the brewers suck vs right handed pitching. In my mind Wainwright on the road and lohse on the road don't equate. And the cards vs lefties and righties dont equate. So that is why I laid off of it today and bet it yesterday.
Good stuff VK and BOL today might get down on that Pitt under as well today thinking NL low scoring and AL high scoring...but GS Under....
One thing I forgot to speak on was the Sabathia theory. Granted I realize its just a theory but I doubt that very much. Outside of Sheffield who was extremely immature and young at the time I dont recall a player admitting to slacking off. Sabathia is probably out of shape or injured. No one in there walk year wants to put up his type stats. Something is wrong. The fact its a walk year means it more likely Sabathia will say nothing if he is injured and try and suck it up. You dont want arm problems creeping up in a walk year by any means and having the organization use that as a leverage...

Just dont see the benefit in getting whacked around. Even if he is getting jerked around which would lead me to believe the stress of the contract situation could be effecting him as well...

I think it just shows how thin the line is bewteen real good and real bad.....but that what baseball is all about....every 100 atbats 5 more hits takes you from medicore at 250 to great at 300.....just like every couple MPH puts a pitcher in different categories...

Thanks for all the well wishes gang.

ok , a good day 1-0 plus 1.00 units on the day as the under came in easily in pittsburgh .... believe this was the lowest scoring game of the day so feel pretty good about that , though all i really care about is cashing the ticket.

be back later with wednesday thoughts

updated baseball record

season record to date:
future - reds over 77 wins 1150 to win 1000
favorites 17-14 +0.62 units
dogs 21-17 +9.07units
overs 2-3-1 -1.00 units
unders 10-3-1 +6.58 units<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->