Time to post my end of year baseball


This claim is disputed
I am shutting it down for baseball season.

Have had just a terrible run of capping and have not caught any luck to compensate for my bad handicapping. This is the time of year i always lose as well.

Here are my end of year stats

updated baseball record

season record to date:
future - reds over 77 wins 1150 to win 1000
favorites 39-47- -17.81 units
dogs 47-54 +3.83 units
overs 10-6-2 +4.05 units
unders 38-16-2 +20.05 units

Exotics -$1087.00

I also had an unposted salami tonight which i lost. I never won a salami the entire year. lol. This accounts for my posted record. Everything is documented in my time to post threads and i do not believe that i ever edited a single official plays post. In other words , I went out of my way to make sure it was all verifiable for anyone who might have been tailing( poor souls ). What you see is what you get. I also do not believe I have made any math errors as far as units are concerned since my signature results match those of my carryover numbers from thread to thread. I try to be as forthright as possible and as clear as possible. In the gambling business we are only as good as our word. Of course, not every play I made was posted, and telling you how those bets did would be meaningless anyway. But in order to be completely straight forward , I thought I would mention that there were a few unposted plays. Sometimes you just can't get to the computer. There was also a small unit size adjustment in june. Again , meaningless for the purposes of this thread but just to be completely forthright.

AS you can see by my results , totals were exceptional. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->Overs and unders, I definitely was locked in this year. I have some very solid under angles at the start of the baseball season that lose some steam as the season progresses. This was a way above average year for me as far as totals percentage winners. 48-22-4 68.57%

The bad news is two-fold when it comes to my sides. I hit my favorites at a horrendous rate, going 39-47. Now, I do not play large favorites so the percentage won't be as good as a lot of peoples favorites wagers in baseball. Still, 45.3 percent is a pretty bad percent when laying juice and my average price laid on favorites this year was slightly greater than the last few. The result was a punishing 17.81 unit deficit on favorites. Dogs, I also hit at a bad rate. 47-54 but managed a profit from the plus money of 3.83 units. The average price of my dogs was also smaller than the last few years. Obviously, i am a road team bettor in baseball and this was a bad year for road teams. I think I posted some stats in another thread pointing out the statistical anomoly that is home teams records this year

Want to thank everyone who took the time to read my baseball threads this year. I did get burned out on the writeups a few months in. Also, want to thank everyone who wished me well. A special thanks to the following people that helped me a lot in the baseball forum this year. If i forget you, its not my fault.

the umpire guys -- shorty , rex , gwarner, and the rest of you. Great stuff with the umpires. Shorty , thanks for answering my dumb PMs concerning different possible angles in regards to umpires, stadiums and so forth. CKR you know you have my respect and enjoyed some of those ingames immensely.

sportsnut -- thanks for all your input in the discussion threads. Often I found a different angle from your posts that i hadnt considered before.

bluechip--thanks for being an intelligent ( no matter what counselor says about you ) and enjoyable person to bounce thoughts off of all year.

Betcrimes -- thanks for the stats threads and your thoughts in the baseball discussion threads.

Tuck- thanks for adding perspectives and angles that are not at the forefront of the way inwhich i cap. Also thank you for always being straightforward in agreement or disagreement. Honesty , whether a person wants to hear it or not , is always the best approach in handicapping and any part of the gambling business.

The threads .... thanks to unicorn for excellent writeups , thanks to yanks for late night discussions early in the year... as yanks disappeared so did a lot of my profits. Thanks to alex for running the baseball contest. Thanks to cisco and $$$inmywallet for the systems threads.

Thanks to scdoggy, timh , sportsthing, jdpsorts , jimbo , cap , vap , smokedawg, emkee , vthokies , houdini hile , satyr etc etc etc .. i cant remember them all so apologize to others.

I also want to take this moment to say we lost a really nice person in pacman this year. RIP pacman.

Final thank you to Tendog. Thanks for always being a person of positivity in my threads.

See you all again next year. I will be found in the college football forums pretty regularly from here until january.

:cheers: 134-123-4 +10.12 units
reds over 77 wins pending for 1150 to win 1000
exotics -1087.

Cleaning up my signature after this post.

I respect you for hangin it up, even though you had a winning season. :cheers:

Thinkin about hanging it up myself for a few months
Dont give up bro . Bad decisions happen . Take sometime to yourself and dont even think gambling for a week. Do whatever you enjoy to relax and clear your head then come back in a week and start fresh.

Bad streaks happen , good streaks happen all about a clear head IMO . The week since I basically ended posting (outside of a Yankee comment here and there) my thought process has been so much better . No rushing to do 10 things at once and trusting my decisions. Things havent gone perfectly but definite jump in my win % 's....

Hell , I lost the Salami today so I know about the shit it took to lose . It happens tons of crap SPs and struggling pens fucked it up . Did I think Det would score 19 runs ? Hell no but seeing howing they were 0-6 vs KC this year if they could open a can of whoop ass on teh Royals I would expect them to and thats what happened. Kip Wells had no right pitching in a ML game and 8-0 after 1 inning solidified that ....the 7run 9th at Houston hurt since @ 3-2 I was hitting my Pirates +1.5 RL and Under 11 runs.....one guys MISFORTUNE is another's Good Luck and vice versa.....

If I can figure this crap out so can everyone else .

Thanks for the comment , as I have said always nice to be helpful. Especially to a respected elder(lol)...

Just rethink your decision . I hate quitters !! Seriously ! GL VK. :cheers:

Everytime I wanted to stop when I hit a rough patch and couldnt think clearly it was always a member of the forum who kept me confident .
Thanks gang,

My average dog winner was +123 (rounded to nearest dollar )
my average favorite loser was -121 ( rounded to nearest dollar )

Also wanted to point out that all plays were one unit on dogs and to win one unit on favorites. I did not engage in any multi-unit betting.
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Vegaskyle - thank you for the kind words, mate. I appreciate it.

About your decision to call it "done for the season" at this moment. I'd like to say that I understand you for the most part, because I've experienced something like this over my betting career (since '02). But at the same time, I must say something what a wise man told me once: "If you see that you're doing good in something - stick to it!". What I'm saying is - ok, you had not so great season but still ended up on the positive side of it, but instead of maybe trying too hard or asking yourself what's been going on - maybe you could focus on what you were doing the best here - and it's predicting/capping totals. I mean, a combined record of 48-22 (-4) is pure AWESOME my friend - after all that's 68.57% winning pct! Now, I don't remember any other guy here (except maybe Hile) or on any other forum who was so good at picking up winners in any other category like you've been doing it on this field - and imo, it may be a way to go for you as long as rest of the season is concerned. Although nothing is sure in any sport, and especially in MLB, and although you've said that you're usually not so good in 2nd half - maybe you could at least think about it. Just imagine - channeling all this energy and time you would spend for capping each game winners AND totals - now you'd focus only on totals.

Let me tell you one more thing. When I started with betting on MLB back in 2002 - I was playing ONLY parlays. Minimum 4-team parlays and maximum 12-team parlays. I've even tried to "guess right" all 15 games in few occasions. Although I had pretty good winning pct (from 70-90% back then, ooh those were the times), I've been losing like 95% of those parlays. There was ALWAYS that one team that would kill my parlay. At the end of the season I've been only like 10 Units in minus but that's not the point - the point is - imagine the possible amount of money I'd won if I've played singles instead of those stupid parlays. Thank God that a few of my good friends (also bettors) told me that parlays KILL your pocket on long run and the possible way to go are singles and sometimes doubles or rarely triples. Yes, I was so stupid at the time so i couldn't see it myself.

Anyway, sorry for the long reply, just wanted to give you my opinion on this. Bottom line - you're a good and quality capper in my book, no matter what you do. The record speaks for itself. Have a nice summer and hopefully, cya later on some of those sub-forums ;)

AS you can see by my results , totals were exceptional. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->Overs and unders, I definitely was locked in this year. I have some very solid under angles at the start of the baseball season that lose some steam as the season progresses. This was a way above average year for me as far as totals percentage winners. 48-22-4 68.57%

DAMN....Very strong VK.

I said I was going to shut it down prior to AS Break...I took a week off and got the itch again. Usually, I shut it down around this time in MLB too. It's been a pleasure communicating with you during the season (definitely respect your hard work capping) and will probably see you in the NCAAF forum for this upcoming season.

Take Care Bro,

Baseball does suck because on the ML and all the juice you have to lay on every bet......I cant wait myself for the NBA, NFL, and CBB.


Besides the selections and hard work you put into them, I really appreciate the reminders that you gave us from time to time such as value, discipline, and warm weather for totals. (Watch that Pitt. stadium from now til Labor Day). I know that you are preparing for football and am looking forward to your expertise this fall. Thank you.
didnt see this thread earlier, so im a guess im a bit late.

havent been around in the bases forum much, trying to move on till football

i feel like i am somewhat responsible because my NATS were responsible for a lot of those fuckjob mooses you suffered.
worst team in baseball, argh.

you were a great asset to this forum and dont you ever think otherwise bro, was just a rough year for a lot of us. doesnt necessarily mean we were doing anything wrong, theres a reason this year was titled "bizarro world"

its a madhouse out there. in just FOUR weeks we'll be killin the books in football. BOL man