Time to post my april 23 baseball


This claim is disputed
season record to date:
future - reds over 77 wins 1150 to win 1000
favorites 17-14 +0.62 units
dogs 21-17 +9.07units
overs 2-3-1 -1.00 units
unders 10-3-1 +6.58 units<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

ok .... not doing full writeups today ... mostly because i just dont feel like it. I can be a lazy arse at times. maybe some quick blurbs for each game and can certainly answer any questions posed about stats and so forth as well ... but for one day i am going to give a non statistical series of blurbs.

pirates ---Pirates have to win these matchups , especially at home .... Ace snell on the mound who i am a believer in and end of the rotation guy Wellemeyer on the mound for the cards. Looking over Wellemeyer his numbers were better than i expected but make no mistake , this is one of the larger pitching mismatches on todays offering. I like the situation as well. Cards come off a long game at milwaukee, with a somewhat used BP and have to travel to pittsburgh to start this series with Wellemeyer going ..... while the pirates just snapped their losing streak , rested their bullpen some , start a second consecutive home series and have their ace going. So besides the pitching matchup , i love the situation .... of course the cards lineup is signifcantly better than the pirates ... but i decided to take a shot at this very reasonable price.

yankees -- mussina has pitched very well in the recent past vs the white sox. Think the Yanks are playing better ball the last week as compared to the white sox. Feel like I have some value in this line as well .... what would mussina be favored by at home for this game ?? If you account for opponents , i think mussina is pitching every bit as good as vasquez is to start the year and the discrepancy between these two lineups is pretty big in my estimation. Value play ( not many of these with yank lines ) here for me .... think this may be my first bet on the yankees this year ... have to go back and look.

giants -- Outside of the last meeting in SF Cain just destroys the padres bats. Played Cain in this matchup at a similar price ( accounting for homefield ) to this back on april 7th. Think i likely had a writeup for it there if you want some statistical references, but i liked it then and i like it for simialr reasons now. ( if i didnt write it up .....oh well , sorry )


florida marlins -- Hard to put my money down on miller right now though..

rockies -- love the situation but two lefties start in this one ...... one team crushes them and the other team cant hit them for shit. not betting the rockies so guess which way that goes.


mets -- if you ever see me lay two dollars on a road baseball team , just shoot me. Have no desire to play the nationals here but beware of laying these kind of numbers. If you EVER lay a run and a half on the road and lay juice , quit betting baseball now and find a new hobby. AT a minimum quadruple check what you are about to bet. ( just my opinion, dont make it right )

Sorry for the less than stellar detailed writeups today.
gl tomorrow gang. :cheers:
Mooseina is washed up, he has no fast ball and has struggled dating back from last year IMO ERA above five. I assume no AROD, no Joba hR's from Damon and Giambi in the same game last night won't ever see that again.( I did bet NYY last nite) NYY still not hitting well when it counts. This is a bet against NY for me.
VAzquez is a flat out a good pitcher who pitches better at home 15-8 overall last year on a bad CHI team.
Not a great number at -140 but I still don't see value with the Yanks tonite
why is snell the ace for the bucs over gorzelanny? i agree, these are the games the buccos need to win; otherwise, they need to take a hard look at themselves. stl is gassed from yesterday fight with milwaukee, then have to travel to pitt -- pitt needs to take advantage.

damn you and your giants! i am so biased toward maddux it isn't funny. i really liked the under with cain v maddux at petco but the price tag on u7.5 is ridiculous and will likely be 7 in an hour or two.

i don't like today's card. i might just cast a ben franklin on kobe bryant laying 8 to the defenseless nuggets, and call it a day.
concerning the mets, santana and RL juice...
6/9 - 9/29 2004.... santana for the twins was 17-5 against the -1.5 line (including a 9 game RL winning streak)

i started riding it in august, and 2004 was my best baseball season ever. I'm not saying it happens a lot, or is something you can count on, but there are situations where I'll lay the chalk.

GL today
Snell would be considered the ACE today because Gorzelanny had shoulder problems in Spring Training and the reason I feel he is getting smoked is due to this. So right now Snell is the better SP. Dont be suprised to see Gorzelanny skip a start or go on the DL soon.

As much as I agree with Pittsburgh didnt realize how well Wellenmeyer had been pitching coupled with how poorly Pitt still is playing even though that was my biggest play yesterday..the LHP vs Florida probably was a better matchup then Snell vs STL despite his track record( indivual splits are okay plus some new faces in StL)) and Wellenmeyer has to be considered above Nolasco at this point cause Nolasco was terrible before yesterday.....Cards could be a little worn from yesterday though the pen probably is...lean Pitt just not sure now that I play it....

Also have to agree with my old pal Chancedog about Moose. He can be effective versus weak lineups or lineups that are NOT considered deep( bottom of the order is weak) . I do wonder after his last outing IF the criticism from Cone and Flaherty finally hit home . Flaherty said he is a STUBBORN man ( repeatedly and Al Leiter in the booth with him wasnt having that the F'n poltician sticking up for the pitcher ) and ONLY wants to do things his way always. Which Obviously Flaherty KNOWS from his experience catching Moose and in pitcher - catcher pregame type meetings. Not to get off subject but Flaherty and Cone are refreshing as a knowledgable baseball fan to listen to . There was a beat writer in TB who sent an email to the NY POST to say the Flaherty was the nicest and most intelligent player he had meet . Intelligent as far as understanding the game.

Back to the comments Flaherty HINTED there was NO flexibility in his thought process and even at 39 Moose thinks he has all the answers and no one else knows anything . Thats why I read into Flaherty persistent comments . Moose wants to just throw soft away and I guess he was never one to pitch inside. Difference is now every hitter can look away and lean over the plate OR adjust to his pitches because he is down close to 5 MPH(86-88 range) on his fastball. Times have changed , his stuff has changed , he MUST CHANGE. At this point most of what matters is Mussina's willingness to adapt and listen to others around him .

Cone questioned his inability to throw fastballs inside and why he isnt trying to throw 2 seamers inside as logically they can only run off the plate ( so did Flaherty) . Mike Mussina must change his style if he wants to continue pitching in the Major leagues thats as clear as day to me. Mike Mussina's struggles are all about Mike Mussina's stubborness regarding his decling stuff. His fastball has been in a serious decline and just like Dave Cone he has a slight build so I question why he didnt try and put on 10-15 pounds of mostly muscle in the offseason. At this point an extra 1 or 2 MPH would be great for him . Granted the extra weight may have done nothing but it certainly wouldnt of hurt. So Mussina needs to change his philosophy quickly because he wont be able to get good hitters out consistently and great ones like Manny will have field days because its like facing an avg college pitcher. I guess he is in denial .

That would scare me when they Swisher , Cabrera , AJ but Thome , Konerko , Dye , Crede , Quentin guys who have alot of power...

You look at Tor and TB they both didnt have deep lineups as there bottoms were filled with alot of fringe players and weak hitting infielders. Not here...

As he prepared to work a Yankees game last week, analyst and former pitcher Al Leiter pulled out Mussina’s stats and shook his head as he looked at one he learned to watch from Mets pitching coach Rick Peterson –- swung and missed.

Mussina had only made batters swing and miss at 3.3 percent of his pitches, a stat that means his stuff isn’t sharp.

His slip has no doubt hurt Mussina most of all, as his fierce pride has been forced to take a hit thanks to the reality of aging.

If you watched last nights game how many warning track fly balls did Chicago hit that looked like they might go out of the park off the bat ?? Five maybe 6 ...and I had alot invested in the Yanks needing them to finish a 3 team and 4 team parlay.

Javy Vazquez at his sharpest is a guy who could give the Yanks of today trouble because he throws strikes . Basically he is Mike Mussina but instead of a knuckle curve he features a slider . The difference bewteen the two is really that pitch. Mussina could get LHB out effectively bouncing his curve in the dirt or just throwing it effectively while Vazquez has to scrap the slider or try and backdoor it versus LHB relying more on his two other pitches. So Vazquez struggles at times with LHB. I said all along the problem with the Yankees offense this year had ALOT to do with the early weather but more with there sudden inability to work pitchers into favorable counts and draw walks. To many guys were going up there hacking away at the 1st pitch. The Yanks known for this have only 69 WALKS in 21 games ! Which is 10th of 14 AL teams. They have slowly improved as the games have worn on and I thought I saw a big improvement last night in this category taking pitchers deep. Yesterday 11 hits and 4 walks but they saw 167 pitches... For at least a decade NYY has been in the top 1 or 2 of the AL drawing walks. Besides putting men on base , it forces pitchers to show all there stuff , it tires them quicker which is a benefit when you have a deep lineup and also it frustrates them when you lay off borderline pitches.

So if Javy is crisp and hitting corners and making good pitches if they revert to undisclipined atbats they could have a tough time. If they stick to the work the count approach and Javy is just missing abit they could make it tough on him. Which so far in 2 recent starts NY has done drawing 9 walks in 11 innings. The 3 biggest culprits are suprisingly Derek Jeter , Alex Rodriguez and Bobby Abreu . Abreu is usally good for about 110 walks and he has 7 in 20 games , ARod good for 90+ usually and probably should draw more has 5 in 20 games , Jeter levels are inconsistent but have been in decline for 3 years now 77 , 69 and 56 has just 2 in 15 games.

So our 2, 3 , 4 hitters have just 14 walks which means no suprsise we are scuffling at the plate. These are the little things that we as cappers must understand because teams dont just turnaround they has to be reasons why things are happening or not happening. Throw Posada in the mix at onetime he had 81, 93 and 88 walks but has followed that past 3 years with 66, 64 and a nice spike to 74 which happened to be one of his better years at the plate. Easy to see why. He was working pitchers better. Anyway just 2 walks in 15 games. All these guys are veterans with 10+ seasons and should have a better understanding of the strike zone and there WALK totals should be increasing and certainly not decreasing. So while Yanks have for years seemingly struggled with RISP its getting worse when they arent hitting in favorable counts.

Perfect example is Johnny Damon even at his age he appears to have lost a bit at the plate but he has drawn 13 walks in 20 games . Great for a guy whose career high is 76 and only draw 68+ once in 13 seasons. Someone needs to wake that core group of 4 up to how they arent working counts anymore and its been in decline past few seasons.

Basically what I am saying is the Yanks are slowly doing things they need to do to get where they should be offensively. Abreu Grand Slam yesterday on a 2-0 pitch , Giambi Homered the opposite way to LF everyone knows how big its for Giambi to use all fields because of the shift they emplore vs him which cost him a 2nd hit yesterday. Seeing signs from Giambi lately thought he would get HOT after that Boston game but went 0-10 guess I need some patience as well. Damon as I mentioned drawing walks and he hit alot balls hard at people all season but yesterday got one out of the park with 3 hits. Melky and Matsui have been consistently solid they could do more but they have been okay. So now its Jeter and Posada's turn to get on the right track...

I think what Mosse has shown is he can still get outs but his mistakes will be hammered and also he needs to still challenge hitters. He gets ahead alot of times and then nibbles to much trying to get them to chase. With diminished velocity tougher to get guys to chase breaking stuff when they dont respect your fastball and can easily pull the bat back.

Big test for him here IMO with alot of sluggers. Remember I said he nibbles and I recall on the game yesterday they said in 4 atbats Thome saw 26 pitches and Konerko 21....that would be death for Moose...

07 lineup 12/47 3 Hrs vs him 1bb 10Ks.
06 lineup 8/35 2 Hrs 2bbs 8Ks
-use current lineup indivual stats not what he did vs the team which can be tricky

So about 82abs and 18Ks...this year has just 7 Ks ..in 83atbats...

Lugo , Ortiz the atbat before Mannys Bomb and it was a meatball he swung annd missed at , Aybar , Gomes , C. Pena , Overbay and Scutaro...

Hope this is helpful in understanding Moose and NYY at this time...

More for discussional purposes then a play...undecided on this game but really seems to setup well for an over with the nice weather..:shake:
Chance -- I think you raise some of my concerns with the bet in you post , for sure. I am a BIG vasquez fan ... mostly because he has made me some money when i have had him over the years. Just like my value here .... and as bad as you think the yanks are hitting , you must hate how the whiteys are doing at the plate. No this is not Moose from his baltimore days but keep in mind two of his games pitched this year were vs the red sox. Certainly a loss here ( as with any baseball bet ) wont be a shocker.

Alex -- thanks amigo

blue chip --- i love maddux as well, and actually thought of you as i decided this bet hehe. You have seen me on the giants this year a lot because they are consistently undervalued. BY FAR the most undervalued team to start the year imo. I think Cain has the stuff to win 15 games with this club.

santa - gracias friend.
Tide - nice numbers. rare i guarantee for a rl pitcher. i in fact have made a rl bet or two on this particular pitcher and won as well. But -rl and minus juice in baseball is just too tough imo. hell -200 is too tough as well. Just my opinion ... if you have found an angle with it and feel confident then go ahead and bet it ... I think the mets win today , probably by more than one run .

nut - great stufff as usual, always on top of your yankees. Yankees have some power too , and vasquez , while he has kept it in the park this year is adept at giving up the homer. like i said . love vasquez. Nut , what do you think mussina would be favored by at home in this matchup ??

be right back with official plays post .......
would endorse a play on Pitt today.. Cards bullpen is short and well used at this point. Emotional loss yesterday (form me and them) and looks like Pitt is the play today.. Springer will be used today out of BP and he is just coming off DL and required to pitch a heavy load right out of the gate.. Wouldn't be surprised to STL get swept in this short series..
cardinals expert , likes the pirates as well.

that makes me feel better. gl today tee

tee you betting the series ?
Also while I as well am interested in SF with Cain its more because of there lineup. I think yesterday was the 1st time they had everyone play. They need to upgrade at 3rd and SS. Bocker just cant hit ML pitching so maybe the other youngster can do better but he is real raw(burriss). Castillo is a black hole stranding 8 guys yesterday . Were are 1/8 th done with the season and he has No Hrs and 5 rbi..and hitting 182 with MOB !! Give Aurilia some time at 3rd now that Bowker is playing 1st...1 through 6 they can hit some but after that its almost 3 automatic outs. they have 7 rbis and no hrs from 3rd base and SS.....which make it tough for them when they face real good SP...

Also Cain is fools gold Iknow you know it we all know it. Great Stuff and pretty solid ML pitcher but they just hit even less when he is on the mound.

They have lost all 4 of his starts this year and last 7 starts. he lost vs SD this year and all SIX last year. So thats 7 straight LOSSES vs SD.

What I do like is despite being 1-3 in SD in three of those starts he allowed just 1 hit and only once allowed 2 runs (always 1 or none).

25.2 Inn 8 hits 4 runs 11bb and 12ks 1st 2 starts but last 2 starts 1bb 17 Ks( so 12bb 29K total)

Maddux trying to get win #350 was shelled in the 1st inning last time and have to look more into that but to his credit he lasted 7 innings despite allowing 9 runs think 6 came early. Maddux is the anti-Cain he won his LAST 7 STARTS VS SFG! Pitching pretty good along the way just twice allowing 3 or more runs. and four of the 5 allowing none or 1 run.....

Thing is SD pen is really inconsistent this year and has had some bad innings . So that strength has been lost at least for now and might give SF the complete edge on the pitching side...

7 is a very soft number for a total but this does seem to line up as a good bounce back start for both while factoring in theer career success and Petco doesnt hurt...

So thinking SFG and Under but again SFG with Cain has been FOOLS GOLD...

One quick comment....

I disagree with the RL comment. I understand what you are saying but I think its in the application that matters. Meaning if you lay RL's anytime simple to reduce juice your doing it for the wrong reasons. If you cap the game as being highly unlikely to be a 1run game and have multiple reasons to back it up then why not lay -1.5? You often get a better payout and you can often eliminate the vig . As Isaid the key is to be able to decipher what games are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to be decided bya run...so its not easy by any means but I dont recall many times I solely made RL play andmy team happened to win by 1 run...sometimes I may add the RL for value or try andget creative and split it and it occurs but solely seeing the RL as the best value I dont recall many games I would have wonin the past few years laying the ML instead....few games are decided by 1 run so if you can narrow that 10% to say less then 1 % its useful IMO...10% being the amount of road games decided by 1 run...

Just my take...I dont believe in being priced out or having strict rules and guidelines...each game is a different situation and must be treated as such in my eyes...

Wouldnt expect NY to be higher the -140 with Moose vs Vazquez seeing how both teams are playing and both are pitching..
sn, i like that under in petco for all the reasons you listed above. i think i eluded to the under in peldas thread. gl
Cain is an enigma no doubt about that. Have wondered aloud whether his teammates hate him , whether he is sleeping with their wives , etc etc..... but he has pitched cy young like baseball vs san diego despite the teams record behind him in those starts. Either he gets no run production or the bullpen blows a lead ( 5 blown leads last year i think and they have already blown atleast one lead for him again this year. ). Until I have proof that there is a reason behind the rest of the teams play behind him , i have to consider it a bad fluctuation. Maddux went seven innings in that game in arizona because it ws the game following the 22 inning affair. He was actually switched into that start because the manager knew he was going to leave the starter in for innings no matter what and trusted the veteran and mentally tough maddux to handle that situation better ... and after getting rocked in the first inning , maddux did sort of show his mental toughness, again.

I am not going to argue about my opinion regarding the laying a rl and laying juice. Likely , I should not have made that comment in my first post as it is a preachy ,and somewhat arrogant thing to have written. I still believe it to be true based on my experience with betting baseball but really who the hell am i to say it is NEVER right. Maybe there are very very very very rare cases where it is a profitable scenario. However, you will never see me bet it.
VK , I understand thats long been considered the correct thought process in regards to RL lines. So I do understand your point and think I know where you are coming from. I guess my point is there is more then one way to skin a cat. I think 95% of the people who bet RL's do it solely because its cheaper . I will never take a lower option of winning just to save money / risk . I mean NEVER as well. So that 's not what I am talking about. There are times when there is a great SP on the hill who I will lay -1.5 RL with because IMO the game is a complete mismatch and if I am wrong about the game it will lose SU. Yesterday perfect example was NOT seeing the value in doing so with Zona as they basically made it to cheap to take that option and I know the mindset is Zito stinks and Webb is great so people will look for that avenue. So why would it be cheap if it seems to be something that will be in demand? To me its a spread like we use in every other sport. We dont MLs really in baskets or football so there has to be away to outline a game accurately to exploit them if we can do it other sports....

A discussion perhaps for another time...but we can look at Tuck and his play on the Reds yesterday as way to maximize returns using RL's by simply having a strong feel for the game..I took both Cle and NYY small on the -1.5 RL yesterday because I felt with there SP the margin would wide especially knowing both guys were off terrible starts.....

There a tool IMO.......

With Cain I definetly agree with you I am just cautious with him now. I think the differences now are SD declining bullpen as we know Maddux is usually a 6 , 7 inning guy and the possibility that SFG veteran lineup is finally healthy coupled with the emergence of Bowker and Lewis.

have to run but as far as SFG goes while I said he is fools gold I didnt really mean tonight just the from 2007 to today...which might sound odd but I guess I mean he was always expected to outpitch the other guy and that becomes tough to do everytime out especially when you might only control 7 innings.....

Be back later to chat...:cheers:

Also with NYY you have to assume without ARod out the prices for NYY have been adjusted some..so NY might have been less today if he had been playing..
good luck with the buccos.

yanks and giants are live dogs tonight.

I'm going to the Mets game tonight to watch Santana, interested to see how this one pans out.
GL today vk - don't blame you for not wanting to do full writeups, you contribute plenty on a daily basis and deserve to relax once in a while.
official addition to plays ......

angels +127

rarely make add ons but this is a late pitching change and i love the new matchup.

gl gang.
Actually was looking at Angels even with Dice - K, the sox have been hitting the shit out of the ball but have had to come from behind 3 out of last 4 games resilent yes but ripe for a loss I say. No Youkulis, no Varitek (not starting), Papalpon pitched last nite and now Lester starting spells trouble for my sox.

Vega GL with your picks expect NYY ofcoarse
Good Luck bro...

Think I am going to pass on Pittsburgh there lackluster offense concerns me. They couldnt hit Nolasco yesterday and he was terrible until that point. There 6th thru 8th hitters are hitting a COMBINED . 429! So thats about 143 clip for the "tree" amigos. mcLouth started off smoking but hasnt had a 2 hit game in a week was 5/17 before the streak ended going 0-2 . Granted 5/17 and 5/19 not terrible but you see 366 next to his name and just a poor indicator for the last week IMO. Also a career 203 hitter vs STL with 1 Bb to 16 Ks. Sanchez a doubles machine with 95 two baggers the past 2 seasons has just 2 and worse no Hrs yet while hitting 224 up from 194 10 games ago. A nice 323 clip in his career vs STL but he isnt the same player right now and only 133 at home. Jason Bay has picked up where left off last year and thats not good . he has no hrs and no rbis past 8 games and just 3 hrs and 5 rbi on the season and a 255 AVG which is what he hits versus STL career. Doumit is your 4 hitter ? Granted he has some power and is 4/9past 2 games so I guess looking at there lineup it makes sense. Nady is the one guy hitting and his blooper scored 2 yesterday for the lead. 342 4hrs 19rbi whats not to like? How bout 98 career abs 227 avh 0hrs and 7 rbi plus 1 double ! LaRoche .117 avg below a 100 at home and striking out once every 3 atbats. Like 3/31 last 9 starts as well. Bautista 182 and 154 at home decent 265 clip vs STL. Why they keep playing Bixler is a mystery . How bout 4/31 with no hrs and no rbi plus 1 double. Oh and no walks and 10 Ks.

Wellenmeyer has struggled allowing Hrs but overall has been real solid. he claims all he needed was a chance. As much as I dont buy into him I cant ignore that he has consistently done well in STL.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysprow1 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16>2007</TD><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16>STL</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>20</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>11</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>3</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>63.2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>52</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>31</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>22</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>7</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>29</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>51</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>3.11</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.27</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.224</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16> </TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16> 2008</TD><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16>STL</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>4</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>4</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>25.0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>18</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>9</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>9</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>9</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>26</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>3.24</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.08</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.207</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

RHB just 167 so far with 17Ks.last year including his KC splits RHb still only 200 vs him. 6 inn 3 h 1 run obb 5k at PNC last year and 10 inn lastyear vs them ONLY 7 hits 3runs 2earned 1 bb 10 Ks..3/21 1bb 7ks...

As much as like Snell he hasnt exactly outpitched Wellenmeyer to date and the cards lineup is just so much better. pujols owns him. While both pens are weak I think STL has the ACE up there sleeve in Anthony reyes who can pitch multiple innings and close it if need be,

Cards 283 L10 vs RH and 257 away compared to Pitt 211 athome and 240 last 10.

Think I am passing but lean STL now...maybe 1st 5 Under as well..just more on Pitts lineup then anything. Snell has allowed alot of hits early but in his defense alotof road starts vs tough lineups. I just think STL lineup is alot better this yearthen last..:cheers:

I think it benefits the Sox with the change in pitchers...teams tend do better in that scenario..more focused effort with players stepping up...but there pen could be taxed some didnt check much...GL with that doggie
hey VK nice start to the day...Pirates win 7-4 and so glad I overthought that one but I just wasnt comfortable with how they were hitting what can you do. That started out last evening as a big play and by 7 was a pass. The Yankees are doing well 6-1 T 7th and the Yanks look dangerous being more patient . With you on SFG . Good hit as well with LAA you were correct seeing what was going on in that game the price was to tough to pass up....continued GL :cheers:
Ok, thanks chance, wreck , nut. excellent day where we caught A LOT of breaks and managed a 4-0 result, with 3 dogs and a favorite coming in.

4-0 , for a plus 4.88 units on the day.
Be back later for thoughts on thursday action
updated baseball record

season record to date:
future - reds over 77 wins 1150 to win 1000
favorites 18-14 +1.62 units
dogs 24-17 +12.95units
overs 2-3-1 -1.00 units
unders 10-3-1 +6.58 units<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->