time to post april 22 bases


This claim is disputed
favorites 12-4 +9.95 units
dogs 9-14 - 6.31 units
overs 1-1 -0.10 units
unders 4-11 - 9.70 units
totals pushes : 1

overall -6.16 units

i am on a terrible run in sports right now. Down money for 2009 so far and april is traditionally my biggest moneymaking month of the year in sports. Just getting destroyed and i wouldn't say i have run unfairly unlucky or anything, Just seems my sharper bets ( dogs and unders ) have been the wrong side so far. My more square style bets ( favorites and overs ) have been winning. Trusting myself and moving forward but i am NOT seeing the sport well so far and havent been really since the beginning of the year. One thing you will get from me is honesty. When i am sucking , i will admit it and i will keep as accurate records as possible. In this business you are only as good as your word. Not proud of my work but confident i can rebound in this beatable sport.

two unit recommendations

twins + 125 liriano ( avg price of multiple shops )
twins + 150 baker ( avg price of multiple shops )
rockies/dbacks under 9 -115
phillies -1.5 +150
padres -122
padres/giants under 8.5 +100
braves/nats under 8.5 -120

one unit rcommendations

new york mets - 107

twins liriano ---- i have seen liriano pitch several times this year and he has been very hardluck. Offense has let him down , defense has let him down and the bullpen after he leaves has let him down .. but he has been pitching well. The red sox really haven't seen liriano at all and that should benefit him here. Meanwhile Penny is off one of his bad outings and he just doesn't look like he has the same stuff or velocity as in years past. Worth it at this price i think.

twins baker ---yesterdays postponed game.

rockies/dbacks under -- arizona cant seem to hit left handed pitching right now and delarosa has good splits vs this team heading in. Haren has been hardluck with run support but has been pitching his ass off. Dale scott behind the plate so the one major concern of de la rosa control should be negated by that. it's an under bet so beware .. the overs are just dominating right now.

phillies -1.5 --- looper just lines up poorly to the park and to the phils lineup. look for a high scoring game so more likely to finish with a mult-run spread.

padres young and under-- This looks like the perfect matchup for young to me. The way you beat this guy is to draw walks and since he is a flyball pitcher to hit homers after he does so. Perfect fit for petco but he is on road here and you see why he has so much more success at home. However , think about how well he matches up to giants. Giants are woeful at drawing walks , have no power to speak of , play in more of a pitchers park and have bad splits vs young. Zito impressed me a little bit last time out but was derailed when the left fielder misplayed a routine line drive when he took his eye off the ball looking into the infield at the baserunner. It rolled all the way to the wall for what was ruled a triple ( wow its hard to get an error in the outfield in the majors ). Zito splits vs padres arent great though and i trust the padres lineup more than the giants. means i need it to go to the away team and under which is not ideal but hopeful it will work out.

braves/nats under 8.5 -- straight forward play. onora behind plate helps as well.

mets -- value play.


phils over

havent capped 10 eastern games and i will be busy all day so not sure i ever get to them.

This also is a bad date in my life. On April 22 , 1996 my father passed away from non-hodgkins lymphoma.

gl gang .. wish some for me cause i am pretty down right now with sports work.
goodluck today, you'll get out of this rut, no worries

and sorry to hear about today :shake:

Today is an excellent day to dwell on the good that your dad brought into your life.

As for a solution to your slump, I have PM'd *****, he will be in here shortly with a fullproof cure.

Keep doing your thing--if you put in your time, then things will come around for you because of your skill set. You have been here hundreds of times before and overcome it, this too shall pass.

We are 14 games into the season, think big picture my friend. Even if you slow down your plays after May, plenty of time remains, it is very early.

I am on the Rockies under as well, but I played it for the 1st 5 innings. Good luck today.
Keep your head up bro. Sorry about your dad. Its always hard to lose someone you love. Just keep moving forward Kyle.GL today.We need to talk later.
lovein the pads today too, and on em as well, heres the day you turn it around

will probably be playing liriano in G2 as well, hopefully sox rest some people

GL vk
Good luck. You know I will be rooting you on. On a lot of the same plays. Today is the day of the Vegaskyle turnaround, I feel it.

This is the day you do this :whip: to the bookmakers.
GL tonight kyle. Just stay patient or take a day off if need be but you know the sport and its a long ass season.

See you in vegas soon!
two unit recommendations

twins + 125 liriano ( avg price of multiple shops ) .......loser -2.00
twins + 150 baker ( avg price of multiple shops ) ........loser -2.00
rockies/dbacks under 9 -115 ...................................winner +2.00
phillies -1.5 +150 ................................................loser -2.00 ( did i really make tht bet ? )

padres -122 ..........................................loser -2.44 units
padres/giants under 8.5 +100 ..................winner +2.00 units
braves/nats under 8.5 -120 ......................winner +2.00 units

one unit rcommendations

new york mets - 107 ...........................loser -1.07 units

another huge loss today. i made some mistakes and capped some games poorly again. Quite frankly just doing bad work.

appreciate all the well wishes in the thread today folks. really appreciate it. Stopped by the cemetery and changed the arrangement for my father. Thoughts of him put this bad run in perspective.

-3.51 units today ouch. might be lowering my unit size soon as losing continues. Also have to re-evaluate the offseason decision to push the smaller edges ( perceived ).

The phillies bet is just something i really never do and yet i have done it twice this year. So undisciplined right now and out of my normal capping routine. So probably going back to selectivity atleast until this reverses and then i can revisit the idea of putting more money into play on the smaller edges.

favorites 12-6 +6.44 units
dogs 9-17 - 12.31 units
overs 1-1 -0.10 units
unders 7-11 - 3.70 units
totals pushes : 1

overall -9.67 units
Sorry about today and condolences VK.

I wouldn't worry about the start - its basically comparable to a star player who struggles in their first 30 ABs of the season before returning to form.

I'd focus on the good bets today - you absolutely nailed every under bet. None of those three were ever in doubt with 4 combined runs in those three games. SD could have went either way, especially with the guys they left on base.

I went back and saw that you have been mostly on road squads over the past four days, which just happens to be coinciding with a great run in general for home teams. Things will turn. :tiphat: