Tim Tebow to skip senior season


Sid Bream Supporter
Tebow Skips Senior Season, Ascends Directly Into Heaven

MIAMI (SP) -- Shortly after leading the Florida Gators to a national
championship with a 24-14 win over Oklahoma, junior quarterback Tim
Tebow announced that he would skip his senior season and ascend
directly into heaven.

Tebow entered the press room to wild applause. A reporter for a 24-
hour cable sports network burst into tears when the 2007 Heisman
winner entered the room. Another threw a pair of boxer shorts on the
podium. Tebow smiled at the gesture and several sports reporters

"Sorry I'm late," Tebow began. "There was a six-year-old boy with
cancer in row 54 and I had to make my way through the crowd to heal

"I want to start by saying that playing quarterback for the University
of Florida, winning two national championships, has been a great
honor. There has been some speculation about my future and I want to
clear that up right now," he continued.

"Don't go, Tim!" a reporter shouted from the back of the room.

"After much consideration, I have decided to skip my senior season at
the University of Florida and ascend directly into Heaven," Tebow
announced. Upon making the announcement, Tebow was bathed in a
blinding white light and vanished.

In response to the news, ESPN announced they will have a month-long
tribute to Tebow. ESPN2 will now be known as ESPN-TEBOW and will
feature Tebow highlights (including home videos of Tebow's childhood),
re-airings of past interviews, Tebow-centric analysis by ESPN air
personalities, a Tebow quiz show and a reality show to find the "most
Tebow-like" person in America.

"He wasn't just the greatest player in college football history," said
a college football writer at the press conference, tears streaming
down his face. "He might have been the greatest person to ever walk on
Nobody prays harder than Tim Tebow.

Strarving kids…. Not praying hard enough…

Homeless people… Not praying hard enough…

Maybe only Kentrell Lockett of Ole Miss prayed harder than Tebow this year.
I think its pathetic that this guy catches so much crap for being a good guy.
Let's support and praise thugs like Pac-Man or Vick and attack this guy for being what our country use to be about. He does his thing and he does it well.

Don't get me wrong I was hoping he would move on to the NFL where everyone already has him failing miserably. I just dont understand the amount of time people spend hating on the guy. He is a good guy that people pick on because they are jealous that they dont even understand what he is about. Since when is it a crime to have morals, values, drive, and conviction?
I think its pathetic that this guy catches so much crap for being a good guy.
Let's support and praise thugs like Pac-Man or Vick and attack this guy for being what our country use to be about. He does his thing and he does it well.

Don't get me wrong I was hoping he would move on to the NFL where everyone already has him failing miserably. I just dont understand the amount of time people spend hating on the guy. He is a good guy that people pick on because they are jealous that they dont even understand what he is about. Since when is it a crime to have morals, values, drive, and conviction?

:shake:right on. My sentiments exactly. :cheers:
I must agree, as much as it pains me to say so. The kid is everything that is good about sports. However, I cannot say the same for his coach or the press that covers him.
its because its such an oddity. the good guys are never winners, the winners are never good guys. its truly an anomoly lately.
I think its the hyperbole that people use to describe him (as opposed to Tebow himself) that bothers people.

During the NC, one announcer said - "Spend five minutes with Tim Tebow, and you are a better man for it."

Really? How would you know?