Thursday's umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Umps we know:

NYM: Baker
Hou: DeMuth
ChiC: Diaz
Bos: Fairchild
TB: Fletcher
Atl: Hallion
Wsh: Hamari
Phi: Kulpa
NYY: Ortiz
LAD: Segal
Cle: Timmons

Umps we're stalking:

Barksdale was in Arz
DiMuro was in Oak
Scheurwater was in Bal
Whitson was in Mil

Game we're stalking:

Any news on those other games?

This is an absolutely freaking incredible thread. I encourage everyone to really dive in to this thread and study it. Phillies FF under was easy today.....two SPs with high SS rate with a very favorable umpire. Never in jeopardy.

Thanks so much for sharing this.
Roof open in Houston with wind out. Leaning Astros TT over with verlander being an extreme FB pitcher but whenever I think like this it doesn't pan out. He has one start in Houston with the roof open and had a shutout.
Re: Miller Park

Roof is expected to be open at the beginning of the game but may close due to cooler temperatures during the game.