Thursdays Playoff Plays

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
Again dont follow any NHL all year long but had Jersey today and won, Liking chicago, think they win tomorrow vs CGY--

Play on Chicago--:smiley_acbe:
GL sammy, they are the better team right now I think they take this game but its going to be a long rough series.
Boston regulation -0.5 -130

Think Boston sends a message and wins this game 4-1 or 3-1---

Boston is better and MOntreal is a big rival but there are not strong as Boston and Boston is clearly better--

I think Boston takes this game tonight and sets the tone by telling MTL they have no shot in this series--

Play on Boston in regulation, I like them to win the game.
Always one goal off on my prediciotns but 2-0 so far--

Looking for Chicago to win and make it 3-0 this playoffs--
I like Timmy Thomas, he is money in nets and better than the montreal goalie who is shaky, boston plays better they can win games 5-1 over mtl
Ducks to win in regulation--+210 moneyline

Ducks win this game I think, Sharks suck and are chokers, they should choke again and Ducks have actualy won a CUP in last few years--

cant favour chokers over non CHOKER---

Gonna take Ducks today at +210 to win in regualtion as they are beter IMO
