Thursday's Nuba...


CTG Regular
Centrum One-a-Day best bet for me comes in the Nuba tonight...

I was gonna be happy to take the Rockets on the ML for a decent bet, and maybe throw in a little +2 for fun.

Q and Spiros both bet on the Cavs, and Q took the OVER in that game.

While I have no opinion to the total, I do like Houston a lot tonight.

The first time they played, a 9-point Cleveland win at home, Yao got in foul trouble up in Cleveland.

That changed the complexion of the game, as he made just 3-of-10 and had only 5 boards... LeBron was helping down with Big Z in that one, and if he does again, I expect Houston to have an answer. Cleveland did not get called for one foul in the third quarter last time.

Brooks has been solid at the point for Houston since the Skip-to-my-Lu trade. Houston has eight straight home wins, and covered 3 straight before the bullshit the other night where they led the whole game and it fell 4. I don't see them having any troubles as they have quietly played themselves into a top-5 team in the league at this point.

The plays: Houston +3.5 and ML +145 for a combined big bet (about half-and-half)...

sharpie - they are the guys who singlehandedly control the NBA market with their bets, particularly in the morning when the line gets banged and jostled around.
huh.. never heard of them. they bet thru you guys or just vegas? are they usually pretty sharp?
sharpest money in the world in this sport. You won't beat them very often when they line up. They bet everyone who will take any kind of big bet.

I guess I like Houston better than everyone else. In my mind, this is easily the fourth-best team in the league at this point.

Congrats to all who had Houston...


Nice call. Routine.

The one day a rex thread is semi-empty, because many had clev (im guilty here) and probably liked their side a lil less when they saw this thread.

judgin by the consensus numbers would guess the shop probably cleaned up with houston as well.

a good day for rex--drinks at the ol waterin hole are on you next weekend for the jardine fight??:hookem::cheers:
Thanks fellas.

Rob - I ain't gotta post them. Watch the lines today (it's now 10 Eastern) for the next 2-3 hours. You will know real fast what these guys and their handicappers play as they are the two main guys who mainpulate the market.

Cap2 - If the fight starts late enough, I'mma go watch it. College basketball LATE on Saturday next week but not that much of it - I think I might leave when the 10:30 Pac-10 game tips - or maybe even when the first West Coast semi out of Vegas does at 9 Eastern. If that's the case, get your ass down here to CR and I'll buy the rounds that night...
