

Sniffing out wins
record later but we had a very nice day with the Series plays paying off big time

I could make a good case for every dog on the slate today..but I want, cause I'm playing the favorites :)

Pittsburgh Pirates* -126 vs Chicago Cubs x1..Gomez (2-0, 2.78) has gone 1-0 with a 2.89 ERA in four outings, even though he didn't pitch well in his last outing.As bad as Pittsburgh's offense was last night, they've never struggled like that for two straight games.Jackson (1-6, 5.76 ERA), who has the second worst ERA on the team. He's been decent over his last two starts, but he's terrible on the road and just can't go the amount of innings he used to. I will take the Pirates pen over the Cubbies today.
Edwin Jackson reverted to his old shitty form after robbing the Cubs. Whenever the cubbies sign a questionable FA, it's doomed to fail.

GL, my friend.
Thanks guys, apologize for not getting in here sooner but of late I am having to jump thru hoops to get on the net.Storm took out the only cell tower we have here in the mountains and I am working at something like 5kbps.
Still havent had time to fig record
tonite I am the loner on the favorites

Tor -118 x1
Over 9 x Half

Det -166 x1
Over 8 -130 x1

Bos -142 x1
Over 9 -140

KC -116
Over 8 -130

BlkHawks win big tonite

tazz, good to hear we agree :shake: chance, Thanks pretty lonely out here on the favorite side tonite GL guys