

Sniffing out wins
still no updated record, was kinda waiting on someone to volunteer LOL :)
anyhow, for those that follow the thread, U prob know I have won a few of late, for the others, I'm looking to get lucky just anytime now...up ov 25u the last couple of nites.
discussion if wanted
Balt --155 x2
Ov 7 -170 x2

STL -122 x2
Un 9 -170 x2

HOU -108 x2
Over 10 -150 x2

OAK -152 x2
Over 7 -135 x2

LAA -112 x1
UN 9.5 -135 x1
I like 'em blood, already played 7 out of your first 8. Here's to a big day...


TAM -118 x1
OV 6 -160 x1 these Nats totals are killing me, they go the other way no matter

MIA +134 x1
OV 7 -155 x1

NYM +158 x1
UN 9.5 -150 x1

Cubs/Indians ..hell if i know?? prefer Clev but not @ this price
tot i think ov but cab play it

I played the ATL game every way i could
Atl +115 x3
Atl 1st half +100 x3
OV 7 x1
Ov 3.5 -115 x1 1st half
TT Ov 3.5 +105 x1
Atl +2.5 -risk 6 to win 2.26
Atl scores 1st +150 x2
ATL N.Markakis total bases -115 x2
par side/tot 1 wins 270 ...this total scares me just a bit...if either of the sp's are on i could see not making the 7

Det +106 x2
Ov 7 -152 x2