Thursday picks & rant


Old Man Dan
84-81 + 15.19 units

Unreal, i was gypped of a + night by the umps in Cleveland. What an abortion that call was. Without replay, fine, you can make that call bc it did appear to be off the wall. But to go to the replay & STILL call it a double? How?

Thats such bullshit & even more bs is that Bud prob wont do a thing about it. Players, coaches have an expected code of conduct they have to follow, and if they fail to do so they get fined and suspended. If a ayer fails to do his job well, he is subject to demotion or release. But umps never have to answer to anything if they fuck up.

This loss could be the difference between between the playoffs and October tee times for the As. The umps involved should all be fired, suspended, or sent to AAA for awhile.

Picks to come
Agree with you on Oakland getting screwed. Umpires in MLB are like college professors, once tenured, they can suck all they want and not ever lose their jobs.
Tribe fan, didn't have any money on the game, but i was watching and it doesn't get much worse than that. Of course, i was happy that my team got a win (they need every one they can get), but you're right that a game in May is worth the same in the standings as a game in September and there is no excuse given that they looked at replay. Tribe announcers and post-game discussion all agreed. As for the umps being punished, I sincerely hope that there is some sort of punishment, but that it is not made public for obvious reasons (e.g., will only cause the public to fixate more on ump mistakes and track "most-penalized" umps). Sorry for those like you who took a particularly bad beat. Hope that the pendulum of justice swings back in your favor today!
goddamn angel hernandez right in the middle of it again. and there won't be any recourse. angel was ranked like 31 out of 35 umps in 1999, and the s.o.b. somehow kept his job. This is the same bum that ejected steve mchmichael after he sang in the 7th inning stretch at wrigley. dude is a fucking bum.
C'mon, all my sports misery over the years, you can't give me one blown call for the red hot Tribe in May? Tribe would have won the game anyway, stop your whining.
You sound like a bunch of women bickering over a check.
As the reasonable Jason Stark commented, MLB doesn't want to set the precedent of every game with a controversial, game-changing call not being final until Bud makes a ruling. Would be ridiculous. Suck it up and get your fucking shinebox, Oakland.
This is roughly .02% payback for Karlis' FG not being good in 1986, following "The Drive".
No one is mad bc Cleveland won. Shocked that a team from Cleveland won a game is more likely

Theyre mad bc it was an awful call by an awful ump
Disagree completely. Buster Olney and others were calling for Bud Selig and Joe Torre to be involved, the call to be reversed, and the game be resumed today, before the scheduled game. Where's the fucking precedent for that? We're going to do that now?? Buster doesn't know the rules. And why would anyone be shocked the Tribe won the game? They just beat the tar out of that team for four days.
At the end of the day, I hate whining gamblers, whining sports fans, whining kids. Almost as much as touts. This wasn't even a bad BEAT. Would have tied the game, home team's got last ups. Bad calls happen.
At the end of the day, I hate whining gamblers, whining sports fans, whining kids. Almost as much as touts. This wasn't even a bad BEAT. Would have tied the game, home team's got last ups. Bad calls happen.
I didn't have a dog in this fight (nothing wagered on that game). And I agree completely with your quote.

The only thing shocking to a complete outsider like me is the magnitude of this error. There is no way, under a review, this should have been ruled a double. It just made me think that Ump Hernandez had a grudge against Oakland / Manager.

Again, I don't give two shits about the outcome of that game....but geez tipy, you gotta throw these guys a bone and admit that was the worst / most shameful call in the history of
I'll throw the whiners a bone that it was a bad call that, had it gone the other way, would not have won them or lost them their wagers. I've also seen worse calls. I think the Braves' pitchers strike zone in 2005 was a national disgrace.
tip you are coming off like an idiot homer here.

of course i have reason to whine, as does GameHunter and all others who had Oakland. wouldnt you be pissed if you were robbed? its the same thing. im not even complaining bc i lost the bet, id do the same if i didnt have any action, its the fact that an umpire had a chance ot review the play, and still called that a double, yet still has a job today. fucking bullshit.

and you want a precedent: george brett.

commisioner ruled that the ump was a moron so they picked up the game from that point. shoulda done the same here.
I wouldnt consider anything anyone has said to be whining; just pointing out how flawed the system is and how Angel should be fired because if he couldnt see that, then he doesnt have the eyesight needed to be a MLB umpire.

But hey, enjoy your home team win. Its not tainted at all
d-wow, you're coming off like a child with a runny nose.
Robbed, lol. Can someone explain to me how the bad call cost Oakland the game? By my math, since outs not time are the clock in this sport, the A's still would have had a less than 50% chance to win the game. Fewer outs to play with, against statistically the best bullpen in the AL. Thanks in advance for your explanation.
The pine tar game was apples and oranges. The game was finished under official protest. Last night was not a protestable ruling. Imagine the turnover in professional sports officials if they were fired on the spot for each bad call. Imagine games not being official each night until Bud himself reviewed the balls and strikes videos.
Call me a homer, but not an idiot homer. I've seen more bad calls than you've seen games, junior.
thats fine, and if you wanna use the fact that you're older than I am against me, be my guest. But I just don't see your point. Its not like I am mad that a pitch that I thought was a ball was called a strike, or vice versa. The full crew had a chance to look at a replay that clearly showed one thing.

There are only a few options of what happened:

1. they really didnt see the ball hit over the fence

2. they did see it on the replay, but had too much pride to overturn their call

3. they did see it, but were mad at the As for some reason so they decided to fuck them

It was one of those three things. Either one of those things are unacceptable. Its one thing to make a bad call. It's another to have access to replay and STILL make the call.
there is a difference between a bad call, and a bad call made after 4 minutes of looking at a replay in HD
Indisputable fact #1: It didn't cost you or the A's the game. Indisputable fact #2: Judgement calls are part of baseball, and shockingly enough, they happen for and against all teams in all innings in all months. Indisputable fact #3: You bet the wrong side in this game, but fail to own it.
I'll throw the whiners a bone that it was a bad call that, had it gone the other way, would not have won them or lost them their wagers. I've also seen worse calls. I think the Braves' pitchers strike zone in 2005 was a national disgrace.
Indisputable fact #1: It didn't cost you or the A's the game. Indisputable fact #2: Judgement calls are part of baseball, and shockingly enough, they happen for and against all teams in all innings in all months. Indisputable fact #3: You bet the wrong side in this game, but fail to own it.

you just dont get it. the whole "judgement call" point you make is made irrelevant by the fact that THEY LOOKED AT THE MOTHERFUCKING REPLAY
you are stuck in 1980 with Bud and the umpires union, man. Fuck judgement calls. Welcome to 2013. We have technology, there should be no "judgement calls"
MLB has conceded the umpires blew the call. What else you want, a box of cookies?

d-woww, did the call cost you a win, yes or no question? Who had a greater chance of winning the game, strictly using math, even had the call been reversed? The cold road team with one out left and the inferior bullpen, or the hot home team with three outs left, last ups, and the superior bullpen? Jesus Christ, you act like you've never seen a bad call before, and this one didn't even lose your team the game.
Think d-woww just has a hard-on for the Tribe after they clubbed Doc Halladay into probable retirement like a baby seal.