Thursday night football


Head of Loggerhead Turtle Society

ATS 15-10 , +8050
ML dogs 2-2, +2800
Teasers 1-3, -2800
ML favs 0-1, -2700
Totals 2-5,-2650
HT wager 13-5, +15,950

Overall NFL 33-26, +18,650


Been on a roll lately in all sports . Everything reverts to the mean. Buyer beware.

I will be traveling most of the day tommorow and will not be able to post final plays until late in the day.


There will be plenty of points tommorow and the Packers will get their share. So, I will definately be on the Pack +7,(decided against) the total over 51 and likely one, if not both TT's. Realize this is somewhat vague but this is what I am thinking at the time.

My final plays will be a combination of the above. I will get in here late afternoon for the final plays with regards to units.

Check out the matchups.. Offenses have a clear advantage IMO..

GL in whatever you play.

Final Play

GB over 51, -110, 4 units; 2200-2000. WIN

Decided against GB side with all the defensive injuries and question marks. Will look to get more involved at HT
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OK, locked in 4 units on the over 51. That is the one number I am afraid will move against me.

GB over 51, -110, 4 units; 2200-2000.

gl tee, i'm on packers + over.. 1st H pack 1st H over.. 1 unit each.. lets grab that cash..
mods pulled my lucky word out of my thread title.. So beware, the mojo/karma has been compromised:seeya:
haha! those fucking mods ;)

I totally agree wth the over, and this is why i'd stay away from the dog. a 7 point spread in a 60 point game isn't what it is in a 30 point game.
haha! those fucking mods ;)

I totally agree wth the over, and this is why i'd stay away from the dog. a 7 point spread in a 60 point game isn't what it is in a 30 point game.

Good point and that is my plan right now.. Looking at TT's though.:cheers:
Decided against a GB side with all the defensive injuries and uncertainty. Would lean that way but not enough for a play.. I will look to get more involved at HT

Feel good about the over. Both offenses have clear advantages over the defenses. Could see both teams in the 30's..

Lean already for Sunday:

Rams -3.. May be the biggest play of the NFL season for me.. (check Bulger's status)
Just fyi-- had a few PM's.. No CBB or CFB plays tonight... Tailing the forum on The golden showers in the association however:tiphat:
Just watched the local sports broadcast here in St. Lou and Bulger is OUT for Sunday....Gus to start.
Just watched the local sports broadcast here in St. Lou and Bulger is OUT for Sunday....Gus to start.

Thanks. That changes my thoughts... The bruising on his vagina must have been worse than originally thought...

Bro- I am in STL often...Great town.. What is up with SLU? Got taken to the woodshed last night. Appears Majerus' offensive philosophies are a bit slow to sink in. Liddel appears lost. Might be value now though.
F*ck Bulger .....The whole organization is a little F'd up right now. No leadership anywhere!

I thought that the Billikens would be decent too. Liddel's dad evidently isn't happy with Tommy and/or Coach....he came out in the paper, chirpin' about some b.s. of unfairness towards you said, might present some value, although that may be lost after the thumping at Kent St.

GL on your total tonight- I think I'm the only one in the world on the Cowboys -7
winner , winner, chicken dinner... Congrats to all the over backers!!!money;:smiley_abvm: