Thursday NBA


Pretty much a regular
30-35,+0.78u ytd

Spurs 1H -8.5 1.1/1
Spurs -14.5 2.2/2

Bigger than usual on this one, think it's a great spot. Spurs lost two games to the Pels and Mavs this past weekend, expect them to be very focused going into this game. They didn't play very well against OKC either, so there's room for improvement off their last game.

Philly playing a 4 in 5 staring at 2 nights on South Beach immediately after this game. Fans and betters may remember their January performance too fondly, without their best player and another decent rotation player in Covington out tonight I just don't think they'll have the legs or mental fortitude to stay in the game. Type of matchup where the Spurs should win every 6 minutes by 3 or 4 points and throw in one killer 10 point run somewhere, win by anywhere between 20 and 30 points. No lookahead for them here either which is nice.

DD favs are 14-5 ats with tonight's refs, and the Spurs are a combined 22-8 ats in the last 30 games officiated by any of these 3 guys. I don't really put a ton of stock into ref trends, especially when it comes to small samples like the ones I referenced, but hey I don't see how it hurts.

GL guys.

Clips +8.5, .88/.8
Clips +335ml, .2/.67

Dubs without Draymond, Zaza and Livingston playing a b2b against a team they beat by 50 a few days ago. Just don't see the motivation here, think the Clips come out with an edge and hang around.
My bad BAR just saw this -- looks like GS is in the Clips' heads, not sure if they can beat any team wearing those jerseys right now. Let's see if the game turns.

Spurs with a weird weird cover, I'll take it!
I wanted to play GS on a Thursday agaist a very inferior depleted Clipper team but since GS had only covered 1 b-b game this season I just took the over.. Various disagreements on the Spurs game based on Pops.