Thursday NBA, 11-16-17...


Pretty much a regular
No plays today… Long day with a lot of driving all day with highway backups and I just got home less than an hour ago…As far as Wednesday, goes, sometimes the best bets you make are the ones you do not make…. I passed on bets yesterday despite liking 4 picks….The #1 Side won and the top 3 totals all lost…

Top 3 totals now 4-17 last 7 days… That has not happened in a while, I am sure, but I bet it has happened more than once over the last 25+ years I started tracking my picks like this… I am glad I more or less sniffed this cold streak out, although admittedly one day late as I did bet 2 of these totals on Monday…

#1 Sides have now caught the #1 Totals…


22-12 (regular season), +$880.

Sides: 12-6
Totals: 9-3
2H: 0-3
1Q: 1-0
#1 Sides: 20-10
#1 Totals: 20-10


Sides: (1) Hou, (2) GS

Totals: (1) GS un, (2) Hou ov