Thursday MLB (4/03/08)

reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler
Favs: 3-2 +.15 Units
6-2 +7.375 Units
1-2-1 -1.35 Units
1st 5 Innings: 0-1 -1.00 Units
1st 5 Innings Total:
2-2 -.20 Units
6th Inning+:
1-0 +1 Units
6th Inning+ Total:
0-0 +/-0 Units
RLs: 1-1 - .148 Units
1-1 -.05 Units
15-11-1 +5.777 Units

5-3 +4.327 Units, lol I already found some errors in my record keeping but fixed it thanks to Excel. I had 1 too many units under dogs, 1 too few under favs. Won a close one with the Nats on the RL and ML, could've gone either way but Redding pitched a gem. Bannister also pitched very well. Angels was a close one. D-Rays pen gave one away, ChiSox 1st 5 had a chance to atleast push, Alexei Ramirez blew an RBI opportunity and GIDP without seeing more than 1 pitch in a particular AB which is frustrating, flat out wrong with the 1st 5 under in Arz/Cin. Arroyo sucked, Haren started pitching poorly and they got lit up.

One play for now, probably will keep the card light.

Tampa Bay Rays @ Baltimore Orioles OVER 10 -110 (Sonnanstine v. Trachsel) (1.5 Units)

I believe Marquez is the ump tomorrow and I think he is a slightly under ump. Also the wind is blowing in at about 15 mph straight IN from CF and the conditions are conducive for playing because its supposed to rain. Do I really care... not with these two guys and their bullpens. They both pitched poorly against the opposing teams last year, Trachsel should get shelled by every team this year. Sonnanstine is improving but I don't know how long he'll be with this TB team. David Price will be arriving midseason I believe . Sonnanstine is a guy who can get Ks but and doesn't walk many batter but perhaps he throws it over the plate too often and thats why he gets hit. Anyways OVER for me.

BOL To Yall Tomorrow :cheers:
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Good luck. Just closed out my Game 2 chase of Tampa Bay/Baltimore Over 9.5 yesterday (15 runs) or I would be joining you here for a little over 3 units.
GL bro...keep up the good work. I appreciate the thoughts/discussion thread too. Spreadsheets are nice, but a little formula error and your data is fucked. You should have additional checks and balances in your spreadsheet to make sure the output is valid.

just my 2 cents on fucking Bill's software.
hey renew if you wouldnt mind you think you could send me the template of your excel that you have? I am looking to make something up but just want something to work off. let me know bro.

thoughts on the detroit game? I really like them but greinke's split stats against the tigers has me worried. Thanks in advanc.e

Marquez was 8-4 last year over and unders in the AL , I think its a good bet with these teams....good luck
good luck, cant dispute taking an over with sonnnanstine on the road and gas can trachsel on the mound!
thanks for the well wishes guys, im kinda in a rush so right now but real quick responses.

brar - send me a PM with your email or soemthing and I'll hit ya up

frankie - no feel really... These are two pitchers I'd like to see pitch a couple games first. Bonderman is getting worse but will he bounce back. He's done well vs the Royals in the past. Grienke is supposed to break out but not sure when he'll do that. I'd never lay that much juice though, I'm just not a fan of it.

thanks for the info DJ

I was eyeing these 1st 5 Innings plays yesterday.

Arizona Diamondbacks @ Cincinnati Reds UNDER 5 -105 (Davis v. Cueto) W
Davis has good #'s vs the Reds, Cueto looks like he has amazing control by his stats from the minors and he flew up them so quickly. The D-Backs rely too much on the long ball and if his location is there there shouldn't be a result like yesterday.

Washington Nationals @ Philadelphia Phillies UNDER 5 +100 (Bergmann v. Moyer) L
Honestly I am riding on MOYER to keep this under and not give up more than 1. But Bergmann is underrated and if I remember correctly he did pitch decently vs this Phils team. Their lineup doesnt scare me outside of 1-4 and I think Bergmann can handle them for the 1st 5
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Kansas City Royals +160 (Grienke v. Bonderman) W
Bonderman has good #'s vs this club but just going with the better pen. Can Grienke finally show us what he's made of. He stepped it up as a RP last year, hope he continues as a SP. No Miguel Cabrera today as well.
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Houston Astros @ San Diego Padres UNDER 8.5 +100 (Chacon v. Wolf) W

I can't believe I think this game can go under with these two pitchers. Basically these guys have some good enough numbers and an ump for me to go under. Chacon has little hitsory vs ANY of the batters for the Padres. Wolf has seen a few of these guys quite a bit so thats a concern. Their bad springs also but you have two teams that can just fall asleep at the plate and I expect that after their explosion yesterday.
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