Diamond Cutter

Well-Known Member
Whats up Homies!

Was taking care of BUSINESS yesterday!

Got my new sick Tattoo and a HOT new Tongue Ring!

Today I LOVE the Houston Astros (+120)

The bats for the 'Stros came alive last night destroying the bucs 4-1. Houston Starter Russ Ortiz is 8-1 with a 3.17 ERA in 15 games -- 13 starts -- in his career against Pittsburgh. He posted a fabulous a 2.97 ERA in 8 appearances throughout the Spring.

Karstens for the Pirates had an atrocious 6.17 spring ERA and was only 2-6 last year as a starter.


My boy Kid325i KILLED IT on the Hardwood last night! :tiphat:

I ordered a Zima with a jolly rancher last night! FABULOUS!!!
houston is crushing the ball that definetly was a big win on wednesday..
Up 6-3 in the bottom of the ninth!

Looks like my man DiamondCutter is gonna bring the record to an incredible 3-0!

Whats on tap for this evening sir?

Dude, you gotta try this "Lancaster Sun Tanning Lotion" I just got into!

Check out this description:

This rich, velvety cream cares your skin & boosts your tan,Intensely replenishes & re-moisturizes skin after sun to prevent peeling,Unique soothing complex calms skin for instant comfort,Stimulates melanin production to prolong tanning.

At only $40 a bottle its a complete steal! I recommend that everyone incorporate this stuff into their morning routine! Remember to exfoliate and moisturize as often as possible fellas! Skin Care is Win Care! :cheers:
"This rich, velvety cream cares your skin & boosts your tan,Intensely replenishes & re-moisturizes skin after sun to prevent peeling,Unique soothing complex calms skin for instant comfort,Stimulates melanin production to prolong tanning."

I just got Hard!
u going to get an extra session in the stand up with those winnings? I know a great 1/2 off thursday spot