Thursday Bases


Richmond Local TV Legend
12-2 last 3 days bases.....
also hit leg 1 of parlay with jays lookin for red wings ML to close that one out tonight.

Tomorrows action

STL cards +102 1.5/1.5

KC Royals -105 1.2/1.15

Royals/O's 1st 5 Under 4.5 (-115) 1.15/1

Royals/O's Under 8.5 (-115) 1.15/1

Nat/Stros Under 9.5
(+100) 1/1
(tread lightly, stros are crushing LHP)

:cheers: GL fellas

(BTW, as a value play, and a local DC united fan, if you get +200 or better on chicago fire tonight you have to take them.
chicago has owned us in the past, we never beat them. theyre 4-1-1 this year while we're 2-4 and are coming off a loss to dogshit colorado.
Gallardo won't play tonight. He's questionable, but the pitch is supposed to be crappy from rain and theres no way he'll play with a groin pull. Too risky. He's our playmaker. No one to create or get the ball up front to moreno.
It IS a must win game for DC, and they just got a new sponsorship and will be sporting new jerseys tonight and be pumped up, but it's not going to matter. they cant score goals.
Chicago also has the best defense in the MLS, and beat them 4-0 earlier this year. And like I said, theyve completely OWNED us in the past
(1 unit on chicago at +215 to win 2.15 for me, great value here)
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Thanks fellas.

Looks like lohse brought his gas can today.

It's tough backing him you really never know which lohse will show up.
un mother fucking believable

4-0 bottom 5th 2 out, no one on. just need one out

gload singles, buck walks, so its fucking tony pena jr whos hitting .160

probably hasnt had a hit in 20 at bats

oh yeah, you know what happened, he fucking singles and there goes the first 5 under. fuck me.
thanks short, it did sting a bit lol.

like you said it "fucking pena". OF ALL PEOPLE!!! oh well.
i would have rather had the run come any other way or earlier in the inning and i wouldnt have cared.

anyways lets cash this game under! almost there.

hope you guys took the fire at +215. easy win. if im fading my boys, theres a reason for it. and ive never seen value like that in the MLS on the far superior team on a TV game. it was a great spot.

andddd the redd wings cash to close out my blue jays ML parlay from last night, so im still a happy guy and today is looking ok.

GL on the rest of your games fellas
Good to hear your having a good day.

I know nothing about MLS or NHL...too busy with MLB than NCAAF than NCAAB. I can't take anymore sports gambling than those. I burn out with just MLB...It's a fucking grind. Such an up an down sport to gamble on. When you hit one of those shitty streaks...they just exhaust me. But...When your killing it, no better feeling.

Take care bro...and let's make some cash together.
At The Same Fucking Time I Just Got Fucked In The Ass In The Nats Game, My Dad Just Got Rammed By A Fucking Drunk Driver On 495 Coming Back From The Dc United Game

Headed Up To Northern Va For The Weekend It Looks Like, Cap Is About To Go Beat Some Serious Fucking Ass If This Motherfucker Is Still There

Dad Is Limping But Besides That I've Heard He's Ok, But It Just Happened

Im About To Go Beat The Shit Out Of This Motherfucking Drunk

Bases Is One Thing, Family Is Serious

Iom Out
It's interesintg how fate plays out, isnt it.

I received that call on my cell phone, and as I picked it up I say "in play: runs" as the nats game somehow went over.
I really could give a fuck about baseball though

Just drove to northern va and back, with about a 30 minute rest, and im not complaining.
I deserved to be the one in that fuckign accident god dammit, that should have fucking been me.

I dont know if you all know, but we had tornados in lake anna (very close to the midway point between here and northern va) so heavy rain all trhough VA. and thats what caused it

For all you NOVA people, he was coming back from the DC united game, dropped his buddy (who was drinking, which is cool, my dad was DD), off near spring hill rd in mclean, and hopped on the beltway (we live off braddock). Apparently, just after gallows, he was in the left lane and some guy in a silver coupe came speeding up the middle lane.
He cut right in front of my dad sharply to get into the left lane going at a high speed with no time to break my dad said he slammed his breaks on but he was clipped from the front right where the back left of fuckheads car met his. fuckhead swerved back into the middle lane and some fucking how regained control as he hydroplaned and sped the fuck off. my dad spun out a couple times and then smashed into the median diagonally.

The whole car is totalled minus the back end, so now we have insurance fun. That car is not drivable, it's done. According to him. I never saw it, I met him at the minor emergency INOVA place near ffx city off braddock (which for you non VA people is basically a 24 hour hospital but smaller).
He was getting his knee x-rayed and they think its just a sprain. So i stayed 30 minutes, and left to head back here, and that was my adventure. I just hope it's not too bad, and for some reason I feel guilty.

I did so much bad shit when I was doing drugs/drinking driving up till I was about 19/20 and grew up, but fuck I SHOULD PAY FOR IT.
not my dad, who always supported me and was there when i needed it, never did drugs and very occasionally drank, never did anything wrong.
Fucking dammit. I know some of you who are degenerates had parents who were quite the opposite. Fuck, they are model citizens, doing the right thing, we were the ones pressing the envelope, doing crazy shit and putting others at risk, we should pay.

I want to end that motherfuckers life
You hit and run piece of fucking shit probably had drugs or was drunk, or he woudl have stopped
I hope you DIE
ohg yeah I WENT 2-4 tonight bases (red wings completed parlay) and lost 17 damn dollars. wow big deal. basically j ust lost out on the juice. horray betting

if it wasnt for my NBA bet, and MLS, id have gotten hit pretty bad.

i fucking got raped in bases. especially the 2 fuckjobs on unders.

who really cares though.

i could give a fuck about money when family is involved gd dammit i need to get a fucking blog or some shit.

i had an emotional breakdown earlier. for the first time in almost a decade, driving up from richmond to go see him.

that should have been me. if i was fucking dead, oh well. i fucking put other peoples lives at risk when i was younger.

but not the innocent. fuck.
this is not fuckign blankets bullshit piss. fuck blankets