

Sniffing out wins
2-3-2 posted, -1.2, won some other stuff but didnt feel like post from bed ytd +12.68

on Nats but its already kicked off

964 Detroit Tigers* -1 -112 vs Cleveland Indians x2
963 Cleveland Indians/Detroit Tigers* Under 9½ -141 x1
an updaate on this cancer crap, bad news yesterday, blood thickness i back up to 4 X what it should be, extended treatments to twice aweek x4 wks,Very frigging aggressive, and added a new and different chemical regimen, to get IgMs back down to acceptable range, to say the least i am disappointed and down both physically and mentally. It gets one down going to one of these cancer treatment centers and seeing beautiful young women weighing 80 lbs annd small children being punished with this terrible stuff....really makes one feel very small in the great scheme of things. At present my thinking is to give this treatment another month and get off of it for a while and see what happens with a case of JimBeam sitting next to me on my front porch in the mountains solving all of the world problems.
Yall have a great day my friends
I admire your fortitude...I really hope things start to get better...I don't want you to fade away.
an updaate on this cancer crap, bad news yesterday, blood thickness i back up to 4 X what it should be, extended treatments to twice aweek x4 wks,Very frigging aggressive, and added a new and different chemical regimen, to get IgMs back down to acceptable range, to say the least i am disappointed and down both physically and mentally. It gets one down going to one of these cancer treatment centers and seeing beautiful young women weighing 80 lbs annd small children being punished with this terrible stuff....really makes one feel very small in the great scheme of things. At present my thinking is to give this treatment another month and get off of it for a while and see what happens with a case of JimBeam sitting next to me on my front porch in the mountains solving all of the world problems.
Yall have a great day my friends
Blood I'm sorry the results aren't better right now, and I know that is terribly frustrating. Hang in there, stay positive and we're all pulling for you my friend! Your courage and fortitude are very inspiring fighting this disease. Stay strong my friend!
Blood! back from Scotland. S read your post. We agree that the prescription has to be the case of Jim Bean. Stay with the fight,my friend. Dexter
I've beaten it and so can you. Best place I know of is M.D. Anderson in Houston. Know that's quite a ways from you but they're exceptional if that's an option.