Thur bases


Pretty much a regular
3-1-1 last night won 2358 so that's good. Only in the hole a little for the week now down 1028. Will get right to it, this game is about to start.

Tampa at Boston -1, -120, risking 1200 to win 1000

Ramos has to start getting hit around I would think. Well he wasn't all that great in the minors when he started in Triple A. So that would lead me to believe the majors aren't gonna go well. Guess we'll see, he did kick my ass last time out. His stuff looks pretty mediocre to me, he didn't look terrible though or anything. Usually you have to be a little more dominant in triple a, to be shutting people down in the majors. Who knows maybe he added a pitch or has improved with something I don't know. Anyway Peavy has been pitching real well so I like it. Boston's bats have been heating up lately as well.

Not real sure if I wanna risk it with that Dodgers at Twins game. Tough call kind of, Haren vs Pelfrey, hmmm, better lay off that game I think.
Thanks Tim.

I'm thinking about taking the Dodgers team total over 4.5, but damn it's -120. Fuck don't know if I want to have two -120 games going. Lot of juice, well plus it's in the 40's, don't like overs in the cold.
Fuck it I'm on it, even with the cold. Pelfrey is so bad think LA will get 5 early probably.

LAD team total over 4.5 runs -120, risking 1200 to win 1000, at Twins
Yeah looks good for the over 4.5 now, there bjorks. Just got another run. Already 4 runs for LA, man, Pelfrey ha, he really blows. The Twins gotta try somebody else. Maybe bring someone up from Triple A. Unless Pelfrey can get it together soon, in the next few starts I would think the Twins would move on.

Woooo wooo winner 5 runs for LA, now just need it to not get rained out, shit shouldn't bring that up, lol.
Well suppose I better take a nap with my old drunk ass. Last week I wore down late in the week, by Friday anyway. Not gonna bet that Pittsburgh at Baltimore game, the game 1. Will put up more games later after I get up. That waking up at 3 am, it kind of gets to ya late in the week.
Yeah looks good for the over 4.5 now, there bjorks. Just got another run. Already 4 runs for LA, man, Pelfrey ha, he really blows. The Twins gotta try somebody else. Maybe bring someone up from Triple A. Unless Pelfrey can get it together soon, in the next few starts I would think the Twins would move on.

Woooo wooo winner 5 runs for LA, now just need it to not get rained out, shit shouldn't bring that up, lol.

They're in a weird spot and won't give up on Pelfrey this year unless he really tanks. he eats innings up and that's what they need. the next in line is Deduno who's in long relief to take over and they're still trying to keep Alex Meyer in AAA to control him. Pelfrey's 2 year deal doesn't help either.
Yeah bjorks I guess the Twins are screwed on that deal. Unless they wanna bring Meyer up. Didn't really know their AAA situation. Oh well keep running Pelfrey out there, I will keep betting against him. Unless he turns it around here.

Yeah kj, got that one at least. The other one no.

So 1-1, down 200 bucks, damn it, I hate -120 juice that hurts when you drop one. Stupid ass Ramos got lucky he walked 6 and didn't get through 5 yet only gave up 1 run, fuckin I'll be damned. How the hell the Bosox didn't come up with at least 3 runs at home with all those walks I don't know. Oh well moving on, maybe I should stay away from Ramos.

Added one here, oh my taking the struggling Braves.

Atlanta -1, -110 at Miami, risking 1100 to win 1000

I think the Braves will hit tonight. They like Alvarez, they faced him 4 times last year and hit him well in all 4 games. He had a 6.86 ERA vs Atlanta, and gave up a .305 batting average, so I doubt this game will go well for Alvarez. Santana has been really dealing, he did have a rough game last time. Hopefully tonight he will do better. Think he should even though the Marlins are pretty hot at the plate. This is a pretty big one for Atlanta cuz they don't wanna get swept in the division. Figure they get it done here and avoid the sweep.

Gonna add some more I'm sure.
Oh yeah forgot to add who has ripped Alvarez. 4 of the Braves biggest sticks have. Heyward, Freeman, Justin Upton, and Gattis, they all lit him up last year. Figure Alvarez will go 5 innings and give up 4 runs or so, something like that. Just need Santana to be on his game and will be a winner.
Couldn't really see anything I like in Brewers at Reds, that is a tough one. Normally I would say Reds with Bailey at home -116 vs Estrada, especially since Braun is out, but Bailey has been sucking balls. Got to lay off that one. Spent a shit load of time on that, then I was just like, what the fuck am I doing, I'm not feelin anything here.
I do have a bit of a feelin that Bailey will pitch well tonight and the Reds win, since Braun and Weeks aren't in there, those have been Bailey's two biggest problems vs Brewers.
But I guess Davis and Gennett have hit him pretty hard, ha, why the fuck am I talking this, I'm not betting it.
Adding on another, going with the proven veteran over the kid that won't stick in the majors.

Seattle at Yanks -1, -114, risking 1140 to win 1000

Think Kuroda will bounce back here. His last game was awful vs the Angels, but they have serious sticks. Then at Tampa, and home vs Bosox, those didn't go too well. But those two teams are huge rivals, and it's no easy task with those lineups. Think he has a cushy spot here for a good performance, after some struggles. Seattle has some weak sticks, their lead off hitter is batting .179, and the 2 hole is batting .211, ha that ain't good, they do have Cano, but a lot of guys are struggling for em. The Yanks I guess aren't exactly real formidable at the plate, but they have some hitters in there even though some are kind of old now. I'm going with the old guys, yep. Well I don't think Elias for Seattle is very good, and he will probably get ripped tonight is my thinking. Start the downward spiral for Elias back to the minors.
Added another one

Pirates under 3.5 runs, +105 at Baltimore, risking 952.38 to win 1000

Tillman has been really good the last 2 years, so doubt the Pirates will get anything done with how they are hitting. Damn it, I was gonna take Baltimore in that 1st game, but I pussed out. I don't like Bud he kind of sucks. Oh well, gonna win this one. The Pirates sticks are extremely weak right now, against any decent pitcher they can't get more than a run. So getting 4 runs, I will take my chances they won't do that vs a good pitcher. I wasn't sure what Cumpton would do for Pittsburgh so I didn't wanna take Baltimore to win. I'm not sure Cumpton may suck ass, or he may do pretty well. Regardless the Pirates aren't getting to 4 runs I don't think.

Didn't really wanna take anything on Tampa at Boston, or Dodgers at Twins. The Dodgers have old Red Patterson going, ha, Red from Mckinley, Texas, he is probably drinking whiskey before his start tonight, lol.
Hey tuck, really Really like Atl tonight, but didn't take 'em. Too much goin on else where. Do got the Yanks tho. I'm with ya their. Think bounces back as well. Yanks play better when Ellsburry and Jeter (that's what Micheal Kay said. Okay, I believe him) are in that order. GL
Yeah fucking cano, there keyknee, that is the worry in the line up. Got to not let Cano beat ya. Oh well, just 1 run, think Elias is gonna get ripped around the yard. So still think we're okay there.
Boom boom, lead off homer Ellsbury, there we go. Get ready to get lit up Elias, you fucking bum ass tomato can.
Yeah, ha, don't know why I dropped the tomato can, there. Looked at Toronto at KC, and I'm not real sure on that one. That is a tough one to decipher. If Melky, Izturis, and Lind were all in there I would be on Toronto, cuz they have ripped Guthrie, so has Encarnacion and Getz, they are both in there, Reyes has too but limited at bats. I do like Buehrle better than Guthrie. Too bad those 3 guys aren't in the lineup tonight. Melky, Izturis, Lind all hurt unfortunately, would be a play with them, nope without em.
Fuckin damn it, Santana is sucking ass. Looks like a loss there. Hopefully the Yanks can do it. Guess maybe the Braves can start hitting Alvarez like they usually do. That is kind of what I was banking on. Looks tough.
I'm not sure about that Mets at Rocks game, that is debatable as to how that will go. Saw where the wind is howling in. Am not really fired up to take an under at Coors, ha, that is a losing proposition, well over the long haul it is. If you bet the overs at Coors every time over the years I'm sure you would be ahead at least a decent amount. Fuck I don't have any stats on that, but sure does seem that way, even though they put the number high always.
Fuckin ha, I wasn't even counting on BJ Upton to be a big factor for me, BJ has been suckin. Well the sun even shines on a dogs ass somedays.
Damn it totally sucks that Melky, Izturis, and Lind are all hurt for Toronto, I would be all over the Jays if they were in there. What a dick in the ass, oh well. Guess no more plays tonight.
Fuck, forgot to get a bottle of vodka. I'm out now, only had about half a 750 left. That isn't enough for a night, lol, drink my ass off then go to work at 3 am. Need way more than that. At least I don't fuckin hammer down a 1.75 every day, I know a guy that did, and he is dead now. I at least keep it somewhat under control, ha, guess drinking 3/4 of a 750 of vodka a night and a couple beers isn't really under control. Yeah that ain't good for sure. Doing that very long is not a recipe for living past 50.
LOL, Na man, that's why I guit 8 months ago. My ol'man and his two brothers kicked the bucket in their early 50's cause of it. I'm a heavy drinker too. Landed me in the Pen twice cause of it. I had enough of that shit. Quit the partying drinkin and smokin in one shot
Damn these Yanks look bland, and this year their not a come from behind team. Ah fuck, lets hope that changes some point tonight
Shit, things are looking terrible, may be heading for a debacle tonight. Fuckin crap, Tillman sucked ass in the 1st. Got 1 run to give now, that shit is over. Yanks probably are done, Braves had the lead and they blew it. Got to hope I get out of this without too much damage. I suppose this is gonna be a big losing night looks like. Fuck, guess get em tomorrow. Not gonna win 4 k this week that is for sure. Guess gotta just hope I get ahead some for the week. Suppose with the bumfuck Pirates offense I'm not done yet, they could only score 1 more run in the game. Shit they are terrible right now hitting.
Well looks like I lost a shit load, may quit posting. Cuz if I'm not gonna be winning my bets, then I'm quitting drinking again, cuz it isn't good for me. We'll see I guess, see how I feel about it tomorrow. Things aren't going well lately, so probably should just quit drinking and lose my ass. Not gonna post if I'm losing my ass though and not drinking, nope, don't like to talk to fucking anybody when I am not drinking.
We'll get'em tomorrow tuck. Shit fuckin night. I doubled down on the Yanks, that hurt. In OT in boston, worried about that one, Mtl out played the B's, didn't see that one comin.