Thoughts on this trade.....

Motorboatin SOBs

Well-Known Member
Here's my team:

D. Lee
A. Gonzalez
Hairston Jr.
Zimmerman (DL)

Chris Young (DL)


12 Team league with 5x5 scoring....As you can imagine, I am dominating the hitting categories and suffering in all pitching categories but saves. I need to get an ace that can help me in all pitching categories, and I have a natural trade partner that is suffering offensively. Normally I do not like trading offense for pitching, but I have been getting burned by some of these mediocre starters. Thoughts on this deal that I am thinking about proposing:

I get Brandon Webb and JD Drew
I give Magglio and Micah Owings

Is this fair for both sides?
Only thing i'm concerned about is webb's win % won't be like this the entire year....i mean, the guy's not going to win 30 games, so i'm wondering if i should target someone else
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Thanks another possibility in my other league (I am in 2, both same format)....I need speed, runs and pitching and he needs power and saves. Thinking about proposing this:

I give Mccann, CJ Wilson and Weeks
I get Mauer, Upton and maybe a 3rd player (mid level pitcher)

My 2b spot is filled by Brandon Phillips, so Weeks just rots on my bench. Upton has OF eligibility, so he gives me a lot of flexibility there. I am in the lead in HR's & RBI's so I can afford to lose Mccann's HR's for Mauer's BA and runs (think they could be comparable in RBI's at year end). I could ask for a 3rd player, but it would seem to tilt the trade in my favor then as Upton is the best player in the deal. Thoughts?
i wish people would send me trades that were fair. i get offers for Arod about twice a week, and no one is willing to give up a 4th rounder or better. everyone just wants to dump depth for studs. i'm about to start being an asshole in reply.

here's the latest... Arod + Shields for Cliff Lee+Ankiel+Atkins
dunno. wait on the experts to chime in but i don't think i'd give up Mcann. HRs are RBIs too. and i'd be real surprised if Mcann doesnt hit 290+

your avg looks pretty good to me already
i wish people would send me trades that were fair. i get offers for Arod about twice a week, and no one is willing to give up a 4th rounder or better. everyone just wants to dump depth for studs. i'm about to start being an asshole in reply.

here's the latest... Arod + Shields for Cliff Lee+Ankiel+Atkins
