Thoughts on something like this...

Makes a bazillion tons of sense

Always remember that baseball NEEDS 3-4 game series to remain economically viable, could they make it work with something like this?

Gotta cater to the next generation like it or not, to sustain

I've heard 7 inning games thrown out there
Personally, I don’t like it- at all…
I can see how it makes sense, create regional rivalries, etc- 7 inning games would be a definite no from me-
Will lose traditionalists, Astros in AL and Brewers in NL still confuses me.
May pick up new fans, not sure who would start watching that isn’t already though-
Wholesale change will create basically an unrecognizable version- maybe see how it is working out for NASCAR…
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Personally, I don’t like it- at all…
I can see how it makes sense, create regional rivalries, etc- 7 inning games would be a definite no from me-
Will lose traditionalists, Astros in AL and Brewers in NL still confuses me.
May pick up new fans, not sure who would start watching that isn’t already though-
Wholesale change will create basically an unrecognizable version- maybe see how it is working out for NASCAR…
I do agree as a fan

Do you have suggestions for the next generation? I think most here in PHX would rather go to a hockey game than a baseball game and that's alarming

Changes will have to be made. A 2.5-3hr game is not sustainable with 162 game season, the writing is on the wall
I do agree as a fan

Do you have suggestions for the next generation? I think most here in PHX would rather go to a hockey game than a baseball game and that's alarming

Changes will have to be made. A 2.5-3hr game is not sustainable with 162 game season, the writing is on the wall
I would say the main thing is to teach kids the game of baseball-
Now, every kid in town signs up for t-ball so mom can get her picture for the refrigerator, but no one is teaching the kids how to play-they lose interest, and so goes their interest as they get older-in our town, we had fifteen t-ball teams (5-6 yo) and four 11-12 yo teams -
So as a young adult, baseball games are social outings, corporate events, etc.- but fewer and fewer young folks go because they love the game…
How it seems to me-
You have to be a real nut job to have the Cubs and cardinals in different divisions.
Same with Dodgers/Giants. A few tweaks needed:

Midwest - Cubs, White Sox, Royals, Cardinals
Southwest - Astros, Rangers, Diamondbacks, Padres
West - Angels, Dodgers, Giants, As
North Mountain (formerly Pacific Coast) - Mariners, Brewers, Twins, Rockies
North - Reds, Guardians, Blue Jays, Tigers
East - Red Sox, Mets, Yankees, Phillies
Atlantic - Pirates, Orioles, National, Charlotte
South - Braves, Marlins, Rays, Nashville

You can encircle every division on a map without overlap.
Same with Dodgers/Giants. A few tweaks needed:

Midwest - Cubs, White Sox, Royals, Cardinals
Southwest - Astros, Rangers, Diamondbacks, Padres
West - Angels, Dodgers, Giants, As
North Mountain (formerly Pacific Coast) - Mariners, Brewers, Twins, Rockies
North - Reds, Guardians, Blue Jays, Tigers
East - Red Sox, Mets, Yankees, Phillies
Atlantic - Pirates, Orioles, National, Charlotte
South - Braves, Marlins, Rays, Nashville

You can encircle every division on a map without overlap.
Same with Dodgers/Giants. A few tweaks needed:

Midwest - Cubs, White Sox, Royals, Cardinals
Southwest - Astros, Rangers, Diamondbacks, Padres
West - Angels, Dodgers, Giants, As
North Mountain (formerly Pacific Coast) - Mariners, Brewers, Twins, Rockies
North - Reds, Guardians, Blue Jays, Tigers
East - Red Sox, Mets, Yankees, Phillies
Atlantic - Pirates, Orioles, National, Charlotte
South - Braves, Marlins, Rays, Nashville

You can encircle every division on a map without overlap.
I'm from San Diego and all they care about is LA. 100% They don't give a crap about AZ and TX teams or even SF. But don't see alternative if keeping at 4 teams. Of course, no one cares about SD until last few years when they started spending. If A's move to LV might swap there.
Personally, I don’t like it- at all…
I can see how it makes sense, create regional rivalries, etc- 7 inning games would be a definite no from me-
Will lose traditionalists, Astros in AL and Brewers in NL still confuses me.
May pick up new fans, not sure who would start watching that isn’t already though-
Wholesale change will create basically an unrecognizable version- maybe see how it is working out for NASCAR…

I’m not sure what being proposed here but for most part all the stupid ass changes they been making last few years not gonna bring in new fans, it gonna start driving off the ones they have. It ain’t like baseball dying, they got 10 franchises drawing 3+ mil a year, huge local tv deals, franchises skyrocketing in value, yet they hell bent on stupid ass changes they think gonna make young ppl care. The only young ppl who ever care be the ones who learn the passion for the game from their fathers. The only charge they need is to stop bothering guys about ped’s, the game much better when steroids are running wild!