This is how I cap MLB


Pretty much a regular
I promised some folks in here I would show them how I cap MLB once we had enough stats and since I have the morning off I thought this would be a good time to do just that.

There are a few caveats before I begin however. There are 16 games today because KC/CHW are playing a doubleheader. I am not going to include those games because you never know in a DH when a coach will switch up his pitchers and they also rest some of these tulips even this early in the season so you never know who is actually going to play. Best advice, just pass on DH games. There are always plenty of games to bet on without them anyway. Next, I will show you the way I cap and it won't sit well with some. Just look at what I do and then adapt it to what you do taking whatever appeals to you. No one should ever just blindly follow any one capper anyway. It's your money, make up your own mind. That being said I think you will find some of the things I have to say useful. Back to that some won't like what I say thing, I don't care what the odds are. I will bet a team that is -300 if I am reasonably sure they will win based on my numbers and analysis. See? I told you some won't like what I do. But I have been posting my picks with season records for over 20 years on the internet with success so please don't waste my or your time telling me how you can't win giving those high odds. But before you have a coronary just remember I didn't say I will bet ALL -300 teams. I said I won't let high odds stop me from taking the books money.

Now to get on with the capping, my approach is based solely on starters and their stats from the last 3 games they just pitched. I don't read names. Ever. I don't care about team names either. Looking at those will give you false impressions. Betting baseball is tough enough without cluttering up your capping with the fact that some talking head said the Dodgers are going to win so always bet them and never bet against them. For the record those talking heads have said that shit for the last 4 years and tell me how that worked out. Besides, if you look at it even the best teams in the history of the game lost about 1/3 of the games they played in a season. Hopefully the following process will help you find that 1/3.

Another point to make before we get started is as I said my capping is based solely on starters stats. When I discussed this with folks in the past the first thing out of their mouths is but you aren't considering bullpens and they pitch about 1/3 of the game. True, but there is no way to include relievers. If you decide on a team to bet you can look at bullpen stats and add that into your consideration but I say you have to know exactly the situation and exactly which reliever the coach is going to trot out there for that particular situation. If you know that you don't need to know how to cap MLB games because you can already tell the future.

One last thing dropping the 2 games from the DH brings us down to 14 games today. At the time I am writing this there are also 3 teams that didn't list a starter yet MLW, Balt, and LA. (and Cle has a first time starter this year) I am dropping those games as well because they may take all morning to decide so that brings us down to 10 games I will cap. That's enough to give you a sense of what I do.

Here we go. List all the games for the day (I use Covers MLB matchup pages) then look at the listed pitcher and look up their stats for the last 3 starts. No more than 3 or it's ancient history. If the guy starting has no starts this year or was a reliever pass those games as well. Whatever you do don't look at their names. I don't know the name of the pitcher I bet on until I turn on the TV and go oh so it's him! List only earned runs. Not runs in general only the ER stats for the last 3 games and list them most recent first then the other 2 after. This will come clear to you when I do that next.

Once you have this information on the page patterns should start to emerge. I will explain how I read these stats for each game but do this every day and you will be surprised how much better you do betting MLB.

SF 2 4 3
Mia 2 2 4

Miami pitcher is trending better but I don't see an edge so I pass this game side. Under 8 1/2 is possible but I don't like playing unders early in the season. Although that's a pretty high total for this park. Under parks are SF, Miami, CHW, Sea, Mets, SD, Det, and Oak. Under 8 1/2 here is a decent bet.

Pitt 1 0 6
Mets 1 1 3

Don't like that 6 for the Pitt pitcher but he has settled down recently. Mets pitcher is very steady but not at -130 not enough edge. Total again could be under but I'm sure there are better bets and I know there are other days.

Tex 3 3 3
Det 0 4 0

Texas pitcher is consistently bad. And yes Virginia allowing 3 runs every start is bad. The books know it too because they made Det -140 against the defending world champions. A play on Det is ok but there are other games. But the total at 7 with this Texas starter is a good bet. By the way, I am not posting picks in here today. This is all about how I do it but yes, I would take the over 7 since it's so low despite both teams are struggling offensively.

Atl 1 7 3
Hou 8 3 3

Aha! I don't like the 7 the Atlanta pitcher posted 2 starts back but the Houston pitcher is really getting hammered. Forget the total. Here is a bet on Atlanta at a very sweet low road odds of -130.

NYY 4 0
Tor 6 5 1

Pretty clear here as well. Can't pick a side but over a total of 8 1/2 is the bet here. Buy the 1/2 run off and go over 8. Don't have a great read on the NYY pitcher with only two starts but his last allowing 4 coupled with Tor pitcher getting shelled consistently calls for this over bet.

STL 1 0 2
Oak 0 0 0

Both pitchers look very solid. Under 8 is a possibility and nice bet on Oak as a live dog at +120 is a good bet as well. I would probably bet both.

Cubs 4 2 2
AZ 6 5 1

This is an over bet if you buy 1/2 run off the 9 1/2 listed. Or even if you take Cubs as a +110 dog that's a good bet as well. I would just bet the over here myself.

Cinn 1 2 2
Sea 0 0 4

Very deceiving here. Cinn pitcher looks very good and at +120 a live dog but Sea pitcher has settled down nicely recently. I would try Cinn as a dog here but I would also bet under 7 1/2 in this park with these two pitchers.

Col 2 1 3
Phil 1 3 2

Another too close to call when it comes to pitchers but this is where this process comes in handy. No one in their right mind would bet Col to beat Phil in their home park. The bookies call that bettor bias like never betting against the Yankees. But I look only at stats never names of teams or pitchers. Yes, I have said that a million times but I can't stress it enough. No real difference in these pitchers yet the books have set Philly as a -220 favorite. Now you can bet the live dog at +190 or so or you can do what I do and bet Col +2 1/2 runs -180. Think that's wasting money at -180? Take a look at the scores over the last 50 years or so and tell me how many times a team wins by 3 runs. You think it's a lot but it's not and remember we just looked at the stats here and Col could well win this outright. I just cheat and takes runs so I can go to the cashiers window more often. Your choice. Oh, and I never, never, never give runs to the books. In 50 years of gambling I have only met 1 person that gave runs away and won consistently. And she was one helluva capper.

Ana 0 1 1
TB 1 1 0

Very solid pitchers. TB -130 line is where it should be so no advantage there. But here, with these two starters in this park, I would bet the under 8.

Ok, that's how I look at it each and every day. Is there more information I use? Of course, but that comes with experience doing it this way for a very long time. I can't possibly cover everything in one thread but this is the basics of how I cap MLB. Take whatever use you can get out of it but do this every day and I promise you will see patterns you never saw before and your betting will become more effective. I will try to get back in here to answer any questions you have or discussions but I am still working for the next 4 weeks or so so please be patient if I don't respond right away. GL
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Shit I forgot something. I knew I would. When you look up the starters last 3 ER stats also look at how many walks they have allowed during that 3 game span. If they have allowed 6 or more walks in the last 3 starts put a little w next to their stats. Like KC 4 3 3 w. This tells you there will be base runners and increases your lean to bet over or it could tell you to stay away of the KC side if the pitchers stats say bet them. Walks will kill you and remember 6 walks in the last 3 starts usually means 6 walks in the last 18 innings with 6 inning starts in each of the last 3 games. GL
Uh thanks Mr/Miss administrator? You folks have gone incognito now. I won't know if it's BAR or who to give shit to. GL :rofl:
Hey your emoji don't work!!!!! Fix that shit Mr/Miss Administrator. How can I show something is really funny to me? Geez, and you call these improvements? GL
Glad to see you BAR. Was thinking big brother was taking over the site. All those things must take a lot of time but tell Steed to hurry up. I am lost without my rolling laughing guy. People may think I'm getting serious in my old age. GL
This is great stuff W2W, thank you. One question -- how do you look up he pitcher stats without actually knowing the name of the pitcher (or am I missing something)?

Thanks again.....
what is your winning % ?...........i tried same thing, also factored in opposing batting team .....seemed random as hell...unless you got a zach gallen who is grooving for a few weeks you can just ride, the other pitchers previous outings aren't really that predictive. ........even 2 pitchers who both suck will come out and throw great ball
Good point jimmy. I do see the names when I look up their stats in covers matchup. You have to. I just don’t think about who they are or were if that makes sense. I have no expectations of their performance based on their name. I just look at the stats. GL

Thanks Cash. Always appreciated. GL

Thanks El Capo. I have no idea what my winning % is and since I bet high chalk often enough it wouldn’t make much difference because I could win 2 games and lose a third laying -250 winning 60% and still lose money. I can tell you I have been plus at least $1,500 at the end of the season 17 out of the last 20 years. I also agree two bad pitchers can have great days and you lose. But I have found starting pitcher performance to be the most consistent predictive factor when it comes to MLB. I also agree you can find props that pay but to be honest I was never much good at props. Thanks for the responses. GL
Good point jimmy. I do see the names when I look up their stats in covers matchup. You have to. I just don’t think about who they are or were if that makes sense. I have no expectations of their performance based on their name. I just look at the stats. GL

After doing this now for a couple days, I totallly get what you are saying do need to check a pitcher's numbers, but after getting the info written down and start to look/cap, I have mostly forgotten specifics .......thanks again and going to keep working with this
Cashflowmatters, I put it that way so you would see my response. I'm fine. I am working a school gig for about 4 more weeks then you will see me mostly every days except for those occasional Canada trips. Too damn old and tired to post on the weekends while I'm working. Will see you regular around June 1. GL

Thanks Jimmy. Glad it works out for you if nothing else than to give you a different perspective and enhance your capping. GL
Thanks @Wiretowire

My brother and I have been doing the ERA stuff for years. Over time, he added to it.

Last three starts ERA AND For The Season. If both are lower than the other guys stats, that's a play. So would look like this...

Team A Pitcher: Last 3 Starts 3.21 ERA /For The Season 3.79 ERA
Team B Pitcher Last 3 Starts 4.11 ERA/ For The Season 3.99 ERA

My brothers thinking was, sure the last three starts look good, but how has he been all season?! Improving/Declining/Staying The Same.

Usually we'd give the season until May to really start to see the stats more clearly.

That is a great way to add Vapster. You and your brother are very smart to want to see season perspective as well as recent performance. If they are solid, they will come out of a small slump. And you never know when a little nagging injury hampers them for a short while and it's not really a slump per se. Good stuff. Thanks. GL
Thanks @Wiretowire

My brother and I have been doing the ERA stuff for years. Over time, he added to it.

Last three starts ERA AND For The Season. If both are lower than the other guys stats, that's a play. So would look like this...

Team A Pitcher: Last 3 Starts 3.21 ERA /For The Season 3.79 ERA
Team B Pitcher Last 3 Starts 4.11 ERA/ For The Season 3.99 ERA

My brothers thinking was, sure the last three starts look good, but how has he been all season?! Improving/Declining/Staying The Same.

Usually we'd give the season until May to really start to see the stats more clearly.

Yep all true.

But even more important is head to head between teams records. Also home and away are crucial.
Carrasco at one time had won almost all of his road starts a few years ago but was .under -500 at home

Same with Quantrill. he was like 13 -0 at home for Cle over two years...CASH Cow then!

All good stuff guys.
Gman, you have a point with road and home records for pitchers. They can be much better on one or the other. But I would steer well clear of head to head team records. I know it seems that one team may dominate another, but it depends on who is pitching for both and who is hurt. And if you are comparing my old team White Sox against how they do against say the Yankees, I would guess that the Yankees have the edge but that doesn't give you much indication on who to bet on tonight. Books know the success one team has over another (bettor bias) and they jack the odds accordingly so that it takes two or three wins by that dominant team to make any money with one loss killing the whole thing. Look at the A's against anyone and you will see what I mean. Add that you can only compare the team's dominance for one year because comparing over the years those teams aren't the same apples to apples. Too many variables for me to look at head to head records but that's just me. If it works for you have at it my friend. GL
Gman, you have a point with road and home records for pitchers. They can be much better on one or the other. But I would steer well clear of head to head team records. I know it seems that one team may dominate another, but it depends on who is pitching for both and who is hurt. And if you are comparing my old team White Sox against how they do against say the Yankees, I would guess that the Yankees have the edge but that doesn't give you much indication on who to bet on tonight. Books know the success one team has over another (bettor bias) and they jack the odds accordingly so that it takes two or three wins by that dominant team to make any money with one loss killing the whole thing. Look at the A's against anyone and you will see what I mean. Add that you can only compare the team's dominance for one year because comparing over the years those teams aren't the same apples to apples. Too many variables for me to look at head to head records but that's just me. If it works for you have at it my friend. GL
Right Wire.
I agree. All of the lines are made by Public historical betting habits and perceptions. 100% correct.

Sure better teams SHOULD be favored but sometimes the better pitcher coming in has lust got it together in his last outing or the last few and it pays off.

FWIW Tomorrow Im betting on Oakland again. I have dog money and im getting the best pitcher going for Oakland vs the Yanks. Blackburn is just excellent and he's not going to be overpriced.

I only show a few examples of the Corrascos' and the Quantrills' because thats about all there ever is during a season.

I always grade pitchers vs pitchers as well.
So often there is a pitcher who has done well and gone 0-3 but he faced three pitchers who had unusually dominating games while he pitched shoutout in short inning outings.
He gets lined as a dog when he is actually the better pitcher at the moment even if his era was 4.75 overall.

I guess were sharing info here that others likely dont usually look for. But baseball is truly a deep grind and It takes a lot of bankroll to stay in it. Its the sport you can lose 10K in one month - then win all of it back and another 7K the next.

Like I today I looked at how 'Hot" Philly is. But most people wouldn't know they beat 6 teams with only 8 wins out of 44 games and only 5 wins in 20 road games.
So the home field for Philly was huge because the teams lost at home or on the road. They re just bad teams.
Thats what misleads bettors - knowing a team won 6 straight but not realizing it was against losers..
Lets see how they do in Cincinnati against a winning team now...

Same thing happened last year when Tampa won the first 13 games to open the season. They beat all last place teams.
The public kept on rifding them and gave it all back without realizing they won against losers.

All we can do is cap 'em like we see 'em and hope they play at the level on each day that it takes to win when we bet them.

Thanks for the reply, as usual Wire. You've always been solid as a rock.

You make some good points Gman. One way to keep MLB from being so volatile, the down a lot then up a lot is to employ parlays. Putting two -200 favs together makes the odds +125/-100. True you have to win two legs, but it does turn the odds in your favor. And not having to put up 2/1 to the books will make a big difference in the long run. You still have to be reasonably sure (by capping not guessing) both favs will win because just parlaying two big favs guarantees nothing in return just because you parlayed. Another good point you make is looking at who a team played in their last few games is an excellent way to ensure you capping will be successful. Most people ignore that.

I understand your point, but I did smile at your line the better pitcher at the moment with a 4.75 era. 4.75 is a terrible pitcher but what you say can be very true because in today's game pitching is very bad all around and 4.75 era can be much the better when you cap two teams in a particular game. I just cringe (and laugh nervously) when I see what this game has become. Same thing when I see these talking heads say this or that hitter is great when he has an OPS of 700 but a batting average of .200. I find that truly hilarious because in the old days that batting average would quickly buy you a bus ticket to the minors.

Another point to consider, yes, I am giving away all my capping secrets, is when you take a team like the Yankees or any team for that matter. They have a monster lineup but are only hitting .230 as a team so far this year. But they are 15-8 so how if they are hitting so low? One big reason they have average 4 walks per game because opponents don't want to pitch to some of those guys. Always look at how many walks a team gets on average because that puts pressure on the pitchers and results in runs. GL
You make some good points Gman. One way to keep MLB from being so volatile, the down a lot then up a lot is to employ parlays. Putting two -200 favs together makes the odds +125/-100. True you have to win two legs, but it does turn the odds in your favor. And not having to put up 2/1 to the books will make a big difference in the long run. You still have to be reasonably sure (by capping not guessing) both favs will win because just parlaying two big favs guarantees nothing in return just because you parlayed. Another good point you make is looking at who a team played in their last few games is an excellent way to ensure you capping will be successful. Most people ignore that.
I play a lot of parlays. Some years I would do very well other years I would be terrible.

In regards to the game and how its changed, the 3-batter rule absolutely killed any pitching advantage for a fresh pen.
So many leads are blown because shit-managers(Francona) wait until there are one-two men on base than are forced to face the next three batters with the reliever. . If the guy isnt on - its game-blown and game-over.

Im leaning more and more to bet 1st five inning games with dominant starters.especially with bad pens.

I understand your point, but I did smile at your line the better pitcher at the moment with a 4.75 era. 4.75 is a terrible pitcher but what you say can be very true because in today's game pitching is very bad all around and 4.75 era can be much the better when you cap two teams in a particular game. I just cringe (and laugh nervously) when I see what this game has become. Same thing when I see these talking heads say this or that hitter is great when he has an OPS of 700 but a batting average of .200. I find that truly hilarious because in the old days that batting average would quickly buy you a bus ticket to the minors.

Another point to consider, yes, I am giving away all my capping secrets, is when you take a team like the Yankees or any team for that matter. They have a monster lineup but are only hitting .230 as a team so far this year. But they are 15-8 so how if they are hitting so low? One big reason they have average 4 walks per game because opponents don't want to pitch to some of those guys. Always look at how many walks a team gets on average because that puts pressure on the pitchers and results in runs. GL
Good points on the walks.
I agree that OPS is no indicator of great value.

If the stat for pitchers "OPS' was updated and posted along with their PIP each game, it would give us better insight.

I found that any stater with three or more good (PIP) numbers like 12-14 is a great play . Especially when facing a guy with a PIP of 17 or more on average.

Thanks for the reply.

Great sharing for all.