This is a ridiculous trade, right???


The Salty Dog
So I am currently in 2nd place in a league where the 1st place guy made a trade that I find to be complete bullshit...

Non-ppr, keeper league…1st place guy trades Sammy Watkins and Chris Ivory for Aaron Rogers. The other dude is out of the playoff race at this point.

So the #2 scorer in the league gets traded for a #2 recvr and a flex option….c'mon, thats bad.

The only thing I can imagine he says is he wanted Watkins as a keeper, he would have him count for only $9 against the cap next year, and he has no real keepers.

But that is just a real fishy trade to me. A lot of money at stake. Anddddd the the guy who is sending over Rogers is the dudes uncle...
Watkins has great value to him and Rodgers basically none if he's out of the playoff race.....standard for keeper is fine
it could be seen as fishy but if its a keeper league you cant really argue.

I say fault the guy getting Sammy, he should be asking for more IMO
Hard to say if its truly fishy without knowing the keeper rules (can this guy not keep Rodgers?) but I feel like your trade deadline should have been sooner
He could keep Rodgers, yes.

This is my second year in the keeper league and last year there were trades with this same concept, guys trading for keepers. But the trades were way more reasonable and made sense. To me, the uncle is setting up his nephew for a nice playoff run, and just having him give up his #3 receiver in his roster for the 2nd best player in the league.
and if he is truly looking for a reasonably priced keeper, there are a many other options, better ones, that he could trade for.
i don't know, I guess i'm wrong and this happens in keeper leagues. I think I'll try to trade golden tate for Andrew Luck…haha
If it wasn't a keeper league I'd call bs, but, since it is, he has nothing to play for this year so Rodgers provides no value. I do agree that I would have wanted a lot more for Rodgers, so it was a bad trade in that regard.
If he can keep Rodgers for same value as Sammy then its fishy

If Sammy is a ton cheaper next year then not fishy
no Sammy would be way, way cheaper….

i guess I am wrong in thinking this is a bogus trade…thanks for the feedback guys!