This is a good spot/situation 03/08 NBA


Wicked, Mean, Evil and Nasty
* * * * S. A. S P U R S * * * *

1 day rest off of B2B road games winning & covering road game #1 as they should have and then almost losing & not covering road game #2.
By all means they probably should have lost in Portland if the games were only played for 44-45 minutes. But while the fatigue and lax sense of focus was evident in the first 3.5 qtrs it seemed like pride and a little bit of luck kicked in. The B2B B2B B2B 3 pointers have nothing to do with this situation. Or does it? I stated in another thread that this was the game to circle. I had no idea that a certain Sac King would be proving his manhood by slaping around female and getting busted by the cops and his team but that kind of plays in my favor so I'll take it.
Spurs were in exact same scenario last year almost to the day, coming off of a very nice run of wins and a home stretch before hitting road, winning/covering 1st, losing 2nd in a B2B, getting a day rest and them kicking some ass in game #3 winning by 17 (?) vs Phoenix.
Everyone knows that the best value you can get in the NBA is on a Top Performing, Red Hot TEAM (not a one man show) while on the road (lower lines on road compared to home). The win in Portland was the first in 6 games that that the Spurs won by a single digit.
Sac's leaders have starting roles and that id where their depth bottoms out. The SPURS are playing like a COMPLETE TEAM right now with their bench proving the team to be the deepest in the Association, hands down.
On one hand you have a team that is rolling, on fire, red hot and having fun. On the other you have a team that is in the middle of a rebound hoping that the likes of Garcia and Martin can fill the void and dealing with a steady buzz of negative publicity in Sacto. Like I said, this spot/situation was circled before the Artest incident and now it should be considered an even stronger play.

Would really like to hear some thoughts on this one as this could be a HUGE PLAY.

San Antonio Spurs -5
That you Jason? Whats up Bro? It has been a while.
Been watching you do your thang......been lookin' good Bro.
Damn, it sure has been some time.......we must be having fun huh?

The ol saying....time flys......

Not much man, same old shit. Graduating finally in May. Hope everything's good down in Texas.
Justin - I apologize....sitting here drunker than Cooter Brown bro, shit I don't know if I remember my own name LOL.
May will be here before you know it and then whatcha gonna do?
BDK - Got that one right huh? LOL
Killa, CenTex is just a bit drunk right now. You keep up the good work against these fithy books, you doing good man!!!!
Spurs playing well now, but would lean Sac if it goes to 6 or higher.
Is Parker playing?

I'm guessing Bowen will guard Martin, but who will cover Bibby?
Covering Bibby should not be an issue. Lets keep in mind that Bibby also had to leave early against Indiana with an ankle injury. Personally I think that both Bibby and Parker will play tonight, but if you need someone off the bench to cover Bibby.....pick a guy.

I should also mention that MARTIN is the Sac player to be concerned about. Not Bibby.
very good writeup CenTex, we're on the same page tonight buddy. :shake:

good luck & GO SPURS :cheers:
agree with the thought about Martin being the guy. When Artest doesn't play it's all about Matrin. The Spurs stop him and it's going to be hard for Sac-town to score. If the Kings could play any defense I'd entertain an under here.
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">CenTex-I noticed the line is at 7 now, do you think there is still value there? You make a good argument bro!
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