think CC will be -200 opening day?


thunder thighs & hairy muffs specialist
to the tribe??brand new start for yanks,brand new park....CC cant pitch under pressure...CC gets rocked every year for his first 3 starts, and i mean ROCKED.....i see a nice tribe play brewing
not a bad angle, to be honest.
on the other side, the yanks typically win game one...then lose the next couple. but is there ever "value" on a 200+ fav? nope.
not a bad angle, to be honest.
on the other side, the yanks typically win game one...then lose the next couple. but is there ever "value" on a 200+ fav? nope.

just my guestamation..obv. anything can happen between now and then, you may have man ram..we may lose 3 key players..who knows..but for years ive watched CC get crushed early on..i wanna say over a 20 era in first 3 games the past 3 years, something ridiculous like that, but at same time yanks bats can def win a 14-11 type game...but i think theres some value
always value on the big dogs...especially cuz even the worst teams will win about 40% of the time, while the best will win about 60% of the time.
it never pays to lay that kinda chalk in bases, over the long haul.

will carmona be their opening day SP?
i personally think it should be fausto...but who knows with the year lee a fan i have no faith in lee and have no idea how he pulled that season off..
based on last year, they gotta go with lee...i guess. i prefer carmona though.

but this is the tribe's year in the central. improved pen, etc. their bats show up, they'll be good to go.
tribes success is based on pronk imo...easy to point fingers now but that guy had a awful signs of anything from day 1..i love shoppach catching and victor at first..that either leaves garko or pronk at DH..and i like neither honestly as a every day DH
fuck pronk. guy can't hit anymore. my hope is that laporta fills that roll for u guys soon. he should be a stud @ dh.
Yanks don't open up home until April 16, yes against Cleveland, working on tix myself.

Starters are anybody's guess, off-days, snow-outs, Steinbrenner parachute drops are all in play.
im without a doubt making this my first bet of the year, fading CC for most of the year he will get demolished in the AL
as far as laporta goes..i dont so sick of us having whats suppose to be the next bext thing turn into average players at best...happens every single year.,barfield,marte in rececent history to name a few..or how about alex escobar, or even peraltta, or jaret wright..i hear about them for years..they come up maybe have a good year or two and thats it...we've had the best farm system in baseball for the last 10 years...and it dont matter if laporta does turn into manny(who may be the only one i can name who lived up to the hype) then he will be gone in 2 years anyway to boston or ny or we trade him before his final seasons up for more "prospects" basically i dont give a shit about laporta untill i see him perform at a major league level
speaking of high chalk, what's the most redicilous line we see on the Yanks this year? think we see some -500 lines?
Yanks don't open up home until April 16, yes against Cleveland, working on tix myself.

Starters are anybody's guess, off-days, snow-outs, Steinbrenner parachute drops are all in play.

didn't realize the yanks opened on the road. doubt it'll be in april...but i'll definitely be getting my ass back to NYC in either May or June.
it's been too long...

im without a doubt making this my first bet of the year, fading CC for most of the year he will get demolished in the AL

lol. i can understand u going against the yanks...but it seems to me that cupcake did fairly well for himself with cleveland...all those years in the AL.
cc was only an nl sp for a matter of months...

speaking of high chalk, what's the most redicilous line we see on the Yanks this year? think we see some -500 lines?

lol...there'll no doubt be some ridiculous lines here & there...but i doubt we'll see anything like that.
we turned down jaret fucking wright for pedro gets me

1st...don't be down on laporta. give the kid a chance.

as for the quote...that's bad...but it'll never be as bad as what the dodgers got in return for pedro, and missing out on those koufax-like seasons.
lol. i can understand u going against the yanks...but it seems to me that cupcake did fairly well for himself with cleveland...all those years in the AL.
cc was only an nl sp for a matter of months...

the key is what have u done for me lately, and the end of the of his career in cleveland was not pretty. Do I really think he went from terrible to good just by changing leagues? No. Maybe down the stretch CC will be great like he was with the Brewers, but he has never in his career had a good start. I have no idea and im not even thinking about April, but his first start, id be shocked if he won
fuck pronk. guy can't hit anymore. my hope is that laporta fills that roll for u guys soon. he should be a stud @ dh.

Y'all know LaPorta went to Theeee Greatest University in the World, correct?

Kid could RAKE in Gainesville and I hope he fills out Cleveland's lineup.

Mully :cheers:
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the key is what have u done for me lately, and the end of the of his career in cleveland was not pretty. Do I really think he went from terrible to good just by changing leagues? No. Maybe down the stretch CC will be great like he was with the Brewers, but he has never in his career had a good start. I have no idea and im not even thinking about April, but his first start, id be shocked if he won

Bro, CC was 19-7, 3.21 (209/37 K/BB) in '07 at age 26 and 6-8, 3.83 (123/34) in '08 with Cleveland...and that was after a HORRENDOUS 1st 2-3 months of the season.

I think your anti-Yankee bent is causing you to talk shit on one of the best SP in MLB.....:shake:

That being said, playing against CC in April and May @ +200 is not a bad idea.
Mully :cheers:
Dude, you're certifiably INSANE.

CC was 19-7, 3.21 (209/37 K/BB) in '07 at age 26 and 6-8, 3.83 (123/34) in '08 with Cleveland...and that was after a HORRENDOUS 1st 2-3 months of the season.

Please educate yourself before you talk shit on one of the best SP in MLB.....:shake:

Mully :cheers:

im not certifiably insane at all. In his time with Cleveland last year, in just a few months, he had given up just 28 less runs then he had for the full season in 2007. He had given up 3 less walks in 2008 with Cleveland in 3 months then he had a for a full years in 2007. Maybe he wasnt terrible as I said, but he wasnt great,I guess 6-8 is good for some people though. Having a terrible starts counts towards your stats and I tend to not ignore things like this like you seem to be doing and only looking at the times where he has pitched well. Before you give me the old, well you cant win games with no one around you, check the NL Cy Young winner out
Bro, CC was 19-7, 3.21 (209/37 K/BB) in '07 at age 26 and 6-8, 3.83 (123/34) in '08 with Cleveland...and that was after a HORRENDOUS 1st 2-3 months of the season.

I think your anti-Yankee bent is causing you to talk shit on one of the best SP in MLB.....:shake:

That being said, playing against CC in April and May @ +200 is not a bad idea.
Mully :cheers:

Im not talking shit at all on him, Im just saying it how it is. He was good last year, cant take it away from him, I just dont think he is gonna do that great with the Yankee's. At least not at first. Like I said, maybe down the stretch he comes up big.
im not certifiably insane at all. In his time with Cleveland last year, in just a few months, he had given up just 28 less runs then he had for the full season in 2007. He had given up 3 less walks in 2008 with Cleveland in 3 months then he had a for a full years in 2007. Maybe he wasnt terrible as I said, but he wasnt great,I guess 6-8 is good for some people though. Having a terrible starts counts towards your stats and I tend to not ignore things like this like you seem to be doing and only looking at the times where he has pitched well. Before you give me the old, well you cant win games with no one around you, check the NL Cy Young winner out

Bro, glad to see with your second post that you realized I'd I changed my "tone".......:shake:

Even if ya are a damn Panda Lover...I wouldn't consider you certifiably insane.

As I stated, I also believe that betting against CC in April & May could prove highly profitable.....:tiphat:

One thing to watch is what kind of shape he shows up in...he'll realize that all "eyes" will be upon him and could come out "On Fire"...although, I don't care if he's 300+ lbs as long as he's firing it by BoSox batters.

My take was that CC has essentially had 2 or 2 1/2 bad months surrounded by 4 years of great pitching in the AL......we'll take that in NY.

Mully :cheers:
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ok...who may be going to the opening series?

i'll either have tix for friday or saturday. depends on which date the season ticket holder wants to sell me 2 of them.
1st time back to nyc in over 4 years. may have the wifey in tow...but if i'm lucky, i'll have my son with me instead.

lemme know if anyone's going...or if any locals will be around. would be happy to meet up w/ some of you. (though if my son's with me...won't be able to hit all my old hangouts.)

Yanks don't open up home until April 16, yes against Cleveland, working on tix myself.

Starters are anybody's guess, off-days, snow-outs, Steinbrenner parachute drops are all in play.

lemme know if you're successful in getting tix, tip.
i know i'll be praying for good weather.
some things never change..CC in normal april form..over today nice and simple