Things to remember when placing baseball bets...


Raider Nation for Life
Feel free to add anything you guys think is important to remember.

  • Don't bet against Boston at Fenway
  • Atlanta sucks on the road
  • Factor in Willie Randolph if you take the Mets. That bullpen surely sucks too.
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Just cause the Giants have some good starting pitchers, be careful of that bullpen. Careful Of A's bullpen, Street is not all you think he is. Texas bullpen can REALLY hurt your under play.

Starting Pitching Is Key, But Keep Eye On How The Bull Pen Is Doing!
- check how team responds to a tough loss (by 10 or more runs), shutout etc. - take past results into consideration along with situation (were they at home/road/ or maybe coming off a 8th loss in a row or this was their 1st loss in their last XX games?)

- check what's going on inside the clubhouse, reading comments that aren't shown on front pages on surely helps

- there are some teams which rely more on individuals and there are teams which win by complete team-effort; it's important to take that into consideration, too. If it's the first case - check how well are those individuals playing lately, are they hot/cold or hurt/rested...

- pitchers going on short, normal or extended rest can sometimes be very very important (for an example: Arroyo has been brilliant on short rest while Burres has done the same (but) on extended rest)

- closers status, how often have they been used in the last few games, will they be available for next game or has the pen been worn out and who's pitching in the next game as a starter (some inning-eater guy or someone who's been averaging only ~5 innings or less per start?)
Know the batting lineups you're dealing with before placing a bet.

Learn who key absences are, and who the dud replacements are.
- know who will be umpiring , does he have a bias for overs or unders ? does he have a bias for away or home teams ? does he have a bias for or against either of the teams he is umping that day ( record of each team when he umps ) ?

-know how each team hit righties or lefties. expound on that to road and away.

-make note of the number of times a team has seen a pitcher. if they have never seen him they tend to have a hard time hitting him first time through the lineup. if they are seeing the same pitcher for the second time within a short window of time they tend to hit him hard. if they have seen the particular pitcher an inordinate amount of times in one season they tend to hit him.

-make note of which pitchers pitch well in the day and which perform better at night.

-make note of who is likely to be used out of the bullpen. Have the main bullpen guys been used heavy ?

-make note of weather .... temperature is a key , wind and its direction in relation to the stadium is a key

-make note of styles within stadiums. Flyball pitchers are great in petco and terrible in Texas for instance.

-remember whip is more important than ERA. Also be sure to examine a players games ..... Does he have one major bad or good start that has skewed his numbers ?? See what the pitcher does consistently

-make note of the good and bad situations as far as travel. First game of a second consecutive home series in good for the home team. First game of second or third consecutive away series is a bad thing for the away team.

-make note of where the team will emphasize one game over another. For instance , they are more likely to rest a player vs a non-divisional opponent when they have a series vs a division rival on deck.

-if you have the time , make note of the weather and umpires in the the three previous games pitched by the pitchers in your betting game. Sometimes the umpire can make a pitcher have a good or bad start. Also a terrible away start in wrigley could be the result of heavy outward winds for instance. check it when you have time to do it.

-unders are better bets in the cooler spring and fall months and overs are better bets in the hotter summer months.

-be prepared to re-evaluate teams after key trades , callups and demotions , injuries.

-baseball is a streaky game. Last 8-12 games is more indicative of what to expect as far as effort as compared to overall record.

-never lay huge prices. EVER. its baseball.
Never bet against Oliver Perez if the game he's pitching has a) a clutch factor or b) he's playing the yanks......

And bet against Perez when he pitches vs any bad or so so team.....