They found the boat, one guy is alive

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Apparently they found the boat after midnight last night and one of those on board, Nick Schuyler, was hanging onto it.

They're still waiting for him to get back to land, no word on the others.
i hope so because i dunno how good you can tread water or swim for a few days straight..especially if your a 300lb black guy
Apparently the seas were still really bad yesterday, but today's clear and much better. They think today's the day they find these guys, good or bad.
I give the one kids(I believe the recovered one) credit, he had good hope baot was turned over and that they were experienced enough to have lifejackets and whatnot. Hope for the best.
Yeah, agreed, Sal Pal is saying that apparently the boat flipped and these guys all held onto it as long as they could. Then some time late Saturday night, some of the guys got separated from the boat.

That's a long time until mid-day Monday, but if they all had life jackets on they've got a chance.
yea today would be the day.. its windy but visibility is good... god i couldnt imagine having that happen i would fucking wig out
Apparently - Via Twitter they are reporting that Marquis Cooper was found within the last 5 minutes in the ocean....alive!

Could be false but we'll know soon....lets hope it's true and hopefully the other 2 are with him
Apparently - Via Twitter they are reporting that Marquis Cooper was found within the last 5 minutes in the ocean....alive!

Could be false but we'll know soon....lets hope it's true and hopefully the other 2 are with him

wow that would be amazing
Wow that's amazing they found one guy. Hopefully they can find the rest alive. Unfortunately the article from capt. slap says the water is 64 deg and hypothermia will set in after 18 hours. Hopefully they're floating on something instead of floating in the water.
This found guy is true hero. I don't think my mind is strong enough to cling to a portion of a boat for how long? Over a day right? WOW
The Coast Guard is going to call off the search at sunset.

It looks like these guys are gone.

Godspeed, gentlemen.

Someone said that the Coast Guard found a life vest and a cooler

Terrible story...just gotta hope they got picked up by a random boat (another countries) or somehow fell asleep in the water and woke up near a LOST type island....

I know its unlikely but who knows what goes on in the water....very interested to hear what Nick Shuyler has to say about everything once he talks to the media
Yeah, they did find a life vest and a cooler which basically tells you they're gone.

They spent a lot of time and man-hours looking for these guys and especially after they found the boat and could narrow the area.

So sad, obviously thoughts go out to the families of these guys.
Oh, lord, Tank Johnson is putting together a private search party.

That has "compounding disaster" written all over it.
such a shame..... <label for="rb_iconid_9">
Oh, lord, Tank Johnson is putting together a private search party.

That has "compounding disaster" written all over it.

haha i was thinking International Incident.

Terrible story, Hopefully like Slap said, their still alive someway, somehow. If not def. RIP
Absolutely crazy that hours after it capsized all four were clinging to the boat and a helicopter shined a spotlight on them but failed to spot.
Absolutely crazy that hours after it capsized all four were clinging to the boat and a helicopter shined a spotlight on them but failed to spot.
Damn did that happen? I didn't hear that. Just goes to show how hard it is to spot stuff like that. Depending on the weather and conditions, it could be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Damn did that happen? I didn't hear that. Just goes to show how hard it is to spot stuff like that. Depending on the weather and conditions, it could be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

Saw this in middle of night. Thats what the survivor said apparently.

March 4) - The Coast Guard's three-day search for two NFL players and a third man sent adrift in chilly seas ended in futility, dashing hopes they might be found after rescuers plucked one survivor from the Gulf of Mexico.
Crews combed more than 24,000 miles of ocean before calling off their search Tuesday for Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper, free-agent defensive lineman Corey Smith and former South Florida player William Bleakley. The four friends had been missing since Saturday when their boat capsized during a fishing trip.
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Members of missing fisherman Corey Smith's family embrace after being told the the search for the three missing fishermen will be suspending at sunset after meeting with officials at the U.S. Coast Guard station in St. Petersburg, Fla., Tuesday March 3, 2009. NFL players Marquis Cooper, Corey Smith, and former University of South Florida football player Will Bleakley, have not been seen since they left to go fishing early Saturday morning. A fourth man, Nick Schulyer, also formerly of the University of South Florida, was rescued earlier clinging to an overturned boat. The Coast Guard is searching a 3,000 square-mile area in the Gulf of Mexico for the missing boaters. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)



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On Monday, Crews did rescue Bleakley's former South Florida teammate, 24-year-old Nick Schuyler, who managed to stay with the 21-foot boat. Coast Guard Capt. Timothy Close said if there were any other survivors, they would have been found.
"I think the families understood that we put in a tremendous effort," Close said. "Any search and rescue case we have to stop is disappointing."
Searchers spotted no signs of the men except for a cooler and a life jacket 16 miles southeast of the boat. Still, family members of Cooper — the son of Phoenix sportscaster Bruce Cooper — maintained hope at a Tuesday night prayer vigil in Mesa, Ariz., that he might turn up.
"Even if he goes on, he's with the Lord," said Cooper's grandmother, Zelma Davis. "But we have hope we're going to keep him."
Schuyler allegedly told investigators that Cooper and Smith took off their own life jackets in a "bizarre story," according to the St. Petersburg Times.
"We were told that Nick said the two NFL players took their life jackets off and drifted out to sea," said Robert Bleakley, father of William, 25, told the newspaper.
According to the Times, Schuyler said that two to four hours after the boat tipped over in rough waters, one of the two NFL players decided he'd had enough. A few hours later, the second one did the same thing.
Schuyler also said that Bleakley's son, who had stayed hanging on the capsized boat with Schuyler, told him he saw a light in the distance and decided to try and swim for it, the paper reported.
"I think he was delusional to think he could swim someplace," Robert Bleakley said.
Ray Sanchez, Cooper's cousin, told the Times that the Coast Guard told him the same thing, but he cautioned that Schulyer might not be recalling the incident clearly after such a traumatic experience.
"We're not 100 percent sure where his head was at," Sanchez told the St. Petersburg Times. "He'd been through a lot."
Bleakley's father said he thought Coast Guard rescuers did everything they could, adding he had lower expectations after only one survivor was found Monday.
"I think they were not to be found," Bleakley said.
Scott Miller, a friend of the college teammates, said Schuyler told him that a chopper shone a light directly above them the first night. Schuyler also told him he even saw lights beaming from ashore.
It was Bleakley who swam underneath to retrieve three life jackets he could find, along with a cushion, a groggy Schuyler told Miller from a Tampa hospital. Bleakley used the cushion and the other men wore the jackets, Miller said.
But the waves were powerful, and after Cooper and Smith were separated from the boat, the college teammates tried to hang on.
"He said basically that Will helped him keep going," Schuyler told Miller, who said he had known Bleakley since the sixth grade. "The waves were just so much. They never got a break."
Family and friends embraced and sobbed outside the Coast Guard station shortly before the announcement. They left without talking with reporters.
"I'm sure that I'll speak of Will like he's still with us for a long time," Bleakley said of his son. "He'll be an inspiration for me for a long time. He always has been. I told everybody, I call him my hero."
Lions running back Kevin Smith called Corey Smith "a good, quiet guy, who always put in an honest day's work."
Kevin Smith, a Florida native, said he has been fishing as far off the coast as the men were in boats smaller, the same size and larger than the watercraft that capsized.
"The No. 1 thing when you're out there is, you have to respect the water," he said. "I know those guys had safety vests. I'm trying not to even think about it. That's a tough way to go."
Quarterback Jon Kitna, a former teammate with the Lions the past three seasons, said you never expect something like this to happen to a guy you know.
"It's a reminder of how life is fragile," he said. "Corey was a great dude."
The four men left Clearwater Pass early Saturday in calm weather, but heavy winds picked up through the day and the seas strengthened, with waves of 7 feet and higher, peaking at 15 feet on Sunday. The Coast Guard said it did not receive a distress signal.
Close said some family members asked about continuing the search on their own, which he discouraged but said the Coast Guard wouldn't prevent. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission may be heading out Wednesday to recover the boat.
Schuyler told the Coast Guard the boat was anchored when it capsized.
The Coast Guard hadn't had more detailed conversations with Schuyler because of his physical condition, Close said. Schuyler was in fair condition and told hospital officials he didn't want to speak to the media.
Cooper, who is 26 and owns the boat, was selected in the third round of the 2004 NFL draft by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers out of Washington. He played 26 games for the Bucs in his first two pro seasons, then led a nomadic NFL existence.
Cooper and Smith, 29, became friends when they were teammates at Tampa Bay. Smith signed with the Bucs as an undrafted free agent in 2002, and spent last season with Detroit before becoming a free agent. The former North Carolina State standout recorded 42 tackles (28 solo), three sacks and 10 special teams tackles in 2008, his best NFL season.
Bleakley, a former tight end from Crystal River, Fla., was on the USF football team in 2004 and 2005. He had one reception for 13 yards in his career, which also included some time on special teams.
Stuart Schuyler said his son is an instructor at L.A. Fitness and had helped train Smith and Cooper.
This just hits you right in the gut, these guys could all still be alive, but only one is:

"We were told that Nick said the two NFL players took their life jackets off and drifted out to sea," said Robert Bleakley, father of William, 25, told the newspaper.
According to the Times, Schuyler said that two to four hours after the boat tipped over in rough waters, one of the two NFL players decided he'd had enough. A few hours later, the second one did the same thing.

Schuyler also said that Bleakley's son, who had stayed hanging on the capsized boat with Schuyler, told him he saw a light in the distance and decided to try and swim for it, the paper reported.

"I think he was delusional to think he could swim someplace," Robert Bleakley said.
Sad Sad Story...Hope for the best, but does not look good. Long shot that any of the three hit an island, but still hoping for the best.
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one of the two NFL players decided he'd had enough.

I think it means he didn't think he'd be saved and gave up. Why else would you take off your lifejacket.

Obviously your thoughts go out to the families of those who died, but how about the guy who lived, knowing that if he could have just found some way to convince them to hang on and stay with the boat they all would have lived.
It is likely that they became delusional, they could have drank some salt water if those waters were salty.

If so they would become delusional.

What it means is that they just gave up and thought they could swim somewhere and thought they saw an island or something-

If not it means that they basically didnt want to fight the waves and basically decided to give up and end it.
when they found him his body was 89 degrees and said he had maybe another 5 to 10 minutes till death. this guy has some big cajones to hang on and stay so mentally strong for so long.
when they found him his body was 89 degrees and said he had maybe another 5 to 10 minutes till death. this guy has some big cajones to hang on and stay so mentally strong for so long.

about 10 hours left is all he had.

just crazy story here
i had to jump into the Bering Sea during the winter with a survival suit on for a training exercise... They had skiffs around to " rescue me " ...That was the last time i volunteered for anything,,
When you drink salt water if they did, its a death sentence, you will become delusional, think you see an island and think you are seeing things and believe you can swim home-

You may even think that if you go under water you may go home and all kind of weird shit like that.
there was a New Zealand former Navy guy who got lost at sea for 3 days off the coast of Wellington (the Cook Strait) a couple of years back who said after a day & a 1/2 to 2 days he was delusional to a fairly hefty extent. Fortunately for him he had a full wetsuit on so that and his already formidible marinetime experience kept him alive until he was rescued.
I think what people need to learn from this is to not underestimate the dangers of the high seas. I was stunned when I heard the boat they were on was a 21 footer. I've been on many ships (not boats) including the ones below where we hit storms and I thought we were going to die. No way in hell would I have been on that boat that far away from shore. And when I saw the pictures of the actual boat, I couldn't believe it.

USNS Ericsson (677 ft)

Chevron Mississippi (Oil Tanker, 802 ft)
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