the world is over

This is the NBA, you're shocked?

LeBron must like running that team. So this guy continues to be the best paid cheerleader in all of sports.

Frankly, I applaud his agent for getting great courtside seats and full arena access written into his deal.
Yeah, Lebron running the show is the only possible explanation... Or Mike Brown has some dirt on Ferry, Marbury style.
lets not kid ourselves, if lebron didnt want him there, he wouldnt be

i totally agree, i guess the front office figures they have someone in there currently that gets along with lebron great. And that is what they need someone that gets along with him.
lets not kid ourselves, if lebron didnt want him there, he wouldnt be

exactly. so why not give lebron what he wants? i don't know why everyone hates brown, it's not his fault that fairy is a complete fuckin idiot. i don't think brown is great, but i don't have any problems with him. he's got shit to work with, so he might as well just let lebron handle everything. in fact, fuckin fairy should let lebron handle the negotiating and we'd probably have bibby or kidd. he's too busy jerkin Z off. if i had exactly ONE scorer, i'd run the defense and let lebron handle the offense too...what's he supposed to do, engage in a power struggle and get himself fired immediately? we all know the players run shit in this league anyways and coaching is less significant than in any other sport. fairy's the fuckin problem imho. i wouldn't hire him to run a coffee shop. fuckin idiot. brown's been winning...i like the line that they've won more playoff games in the last two years than in the rest of franchise history. whatever he's doin is working, and of course it SHOULD WORK when you have the best player in league, but he's not gettin any help otherwise. nice fuckin deals fairy....if lebron leaves, it will be solely because of that jackoff