The ump is Joe West


Not all those who wander are lost
Eovaldi with West 13 innings 4.85 ERA
Dallas with West 23.1 innings ERA 1.54
Eovaldi is much better on 6+ and in the day
Dallas mostly throws junk which West calls strikes
Eovaldi is an excellent power pitcher but that is not the best style vs the Astros who tend to hit speed
Both teams very good on Tuesday but Astros a little better. Who wins?
You get to guess
Thanks but still thinking about the action. Actually think someone could have fixed that title
I was thinking over with Dallas troubles recently and Stros hitting speed (thanks Tuck) but Joe calling wide strike zone makes me ponder
Uncomfortable situation but I am supposed to make accurate calls. West is a also a home ump and home favorites are 16-7. Houston half unit RL. I was prepared with a bad ump to bet Boston but that did not come up and I read a write up on Dallas a few minutes ago. His contract is up after this year. When he goes out there he is fighting to say with an elite team and has landed a great catch. Meanwhile I am reasonable sure Houston hitters have been looking at tape on Eovaldi while I am not clear how Boston avoids bad calls. Best of luck to both teams
I bet Houston -155 to win the series. Astros have been much worse at home this year than on the road but I still think they'll win 2 of 3. They have been prone to doing nothing for 4-6 innings at home then coming back on teams at home. I think Boston F5 with Astros live could be a good option. Not sure what to expect from Sale in G5 coming off the illness and awful G1 start.
Chapter I

Call me Fat Joe West. Some years ago--never mind how long precisely --having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen, and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off--then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can.
Houston hitting Eovaldi at .277
Eovaldi 5.14era on the road compared to 2.06 era at home
Eovaldi 5.11 era at night compared to 1.70 during the day

Boston hitting Keuchel at .252
Keuchel has a 3.90 era at home compared to 3.59 on the road
Keuchel has a 3.89 era at night compared to 3.49 during the day

Like Houston and the over 8.5
Boston lit up Dallas in Boston September 9th and he has been below average since, even slumping Tribe was getting to him. His rest and being day are real good. Fat joe saw him once this year, I don't trust him, not one bit.
Eovaldi went 7 and owned yanks last start. Pitches GREAT day. His rest splits are hard to read and I dont put much weight in being bad away since he is on multiple teams.

He had bad outing in June st Houston with Tampa. I'm tossing it. Still went 6 on 96 pitches.

Boston BP doing well. Leaning RedSox.
Grandal not used today which is bad for them as Barnes is a little over a 4 ERA with him
Hill looks good with rest and night. Faced Brewers twice this year. No problemo.

He was terrible against Atlanta. Last two starts before that were good but were verse Padres and giants.
took doyers and over

LA 5-1 at home after home loss in playoffs over 10 years