The Tie is headed to Pedo State

Um, yes, I believe Butch would be welcomed back with open arms. I recant my original post about nobody being able to turn the program around.
haha, you really hate penn state dont you?

doesnt it seem odd they would hire a guy who idolized joepa right down to the way he dresses on game day after firing that guy.

as for miami, hear they want Chudzinski or Schiano if this goes through.
he will be a monster there if he goes, then perhaps narduzzi goes to vandy? hopefully.

rooting for munchak for penn state though so they get stuck in mud and the lions dont even interview the guy.
Was there an open job - college or pro - James Franklin didn't have his name in the running for? Good for him, though.
damnit damnit damnit, this is not good. psu got a better coach then they had before. hoping he leaves too after 2 yrs. say he is going to be a recruiting monster there.