The Super Bowl Bad Beat

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So I had the Falcons and the Under.

Sure looked great and genius.

A 1700 dollar swing for me.

So the question is......

This has to be the worst beat on a big stage right? Easily huh?

Trying to think of another and can't find one.....I'm still pissed about this one lol
Roughly same swing for me a few years ago when Pete wouldn't run Skittles

But that beat is brutal...didn't they say 10 was the biggest comeback in the SB?

What a meltdown
I don't think the under was ever comfortable. Falcons bet stung.

I kind of reserve the "bad beat" tag for things like otherwise meaningless scoop and scores as the clock runs out (OSU/Northwestern a few years back). This was just a very painful, highly unlikely comeback that you could sort of feel once it got rolling.
As an over bettor, during the game, I was feeling cranky ("badly beaten") about Atlanta not scoring a single point after 28. But never felt it a lost cause.
Didn't happen on a freak play or bad reffing call
Look at the boxcars and it reads like a pats win and over game so I'd say no

I think people misunderstand bad beats to just losing bets they thought might win, comebacks or one half being higher scoring aren't bad beats
I do consider it a bad beat. What the Falcons did in the fourth quarter of that game was "borderline retarded" to steal someone else's description.

When your bet(s) can basically take three knees and win over 90% of the time which the falcons could have done from the Patriots 22 yard line on first and ten with 4 minutes or whatever it was to go, that is a bad beat.

But I understand what others are saying about bad beats being a different animal in the way they occur .... this would be one step worse than taking a traditional bad beat. I remember arguing with someone about a TCU at AFA game a decade ago. I still consider it one of the two or three unluckiest results that I have ever had, personally (Bahamas Bowl CMU vs WKU will be hard to ever top) but it wasn't really a single fluke play, it was just the general nature of how the game played out.

I consider it a bad beat, Twink.

The fact that it still burns enough to make the thread says a lot.

And yes, the Seahawks loss to the Pats was a bad beat ... and yes the Raiders loss to the Pats on the tuck not-rule was a bad beat for another Pats superbowl.
Most gamblers on forums like this confuse "late beat" with "bad beat". It's not a bad beat when the closer gives up a walk-off bomb. It is a bad beat when the winning run scores because the CF lost the ball in the sun. There are subtle differences which take a lifetime of losing to comprehend.
I do hate it when I have basketball total sailing under by 10 points, but game goes into OT. That frosts me.
In field goal range with a chance to ice the game and get failed by the coaches and supposed league MVP.

That qualifies as a bad beat. Everyone that had a Pats ticket that isn't full of themselves would admit they got lucky.

Dirty Birds were a 99.9% 'lock' up that big in the 4th quarter and they lost.

Fact that it wasn't a rapid loss with time expiring on some quirky unforeseen shit but a drawn out painful one irks the bad beat purists, I get it.

It was and always will be a bad fucking beat.

Beeteedubs, thanks for opening up old wounds Twink.
I don't look at it that way. A loss I think I capped the right way that slowly gets away from me is just gambling. A bad beat is a knife to the heart. A fluke.
Bad beat for sure, but don't think I'd call it an all timer (ATL won the 1H, NE won the 2H). Sucks obviously, but what can you do...

Just a few epic beats off the top of my head would be the Robin Ventura Grand Slam, the Chargers/Steelers lateral game, the extra inning game between the White Sox and Mariners...
I thought not running beast mode was worse because of the sheer magnitude of that one play but the level of incompetence by the Falcons is unfathomable. They ran the ball FIVE times after taking the 16 point lead. Frankly, they deserved to lose. Nobody that stupid deserves a ring. Worst part is days later he says he's happy with the play calling decisions they made....

The pats are the best in Situational football and the falcons really had not been tested late in games and this was NEs main advantage going into the game along with the experience. That's what won them the game.
I do consider it a bad beat. What the Falcons did in the fourth quarter of that game was "borderline retarded" to steal someone else's description.

When your bet(s) can basically take three knees and win over 90% of the time which the falcons could have done from the Patriots 22 yard line on first and ten with 4 minutes or whatever it was to go, that is a bad beat.

But I understand what others are saying about bad beats being a different animal in the way they occur .... this would be one step worse than taking a traditional bad beat. I remember arguing with someone about a TCU at AFA game a decade ago. I still consider it one of the two or three unluckiest results that I have ever had, personally (Bahamas Bowl CMU vs WKU will be hard to ever top) but it wasn't really a single fluke play, it was just the general nature of how the game played out.

I consider it a bad beat, Twink.

The fact that it still burns enough to make the thread says a lot.

And yes, the Seahawks loss to the Pats was a bad beat ... and yes the Raiders loss to the Pats on the tuck not-rule was a bad beat for another Pats superbowl.

I see the point ya, think because of the late 4th quarter stuff I could see the argument

Raiders and pats that is a bad beat for sure, game is essentially over and only thing that brings it back is a grudge by the league against its most progressive owner, who has been proven right on almost everything he argued against the nfl
Music city miracle to me bad beat that sticks out

Worse are usually random college games though where someone gets outgaindd by 200 yards and 12 first downs and somehow loses on some fluke pop up interceptions and a missed assignment
Nobody had ever lost a SB after taking a 10 pt lead (at any stage, or so was stated near the end of the game: I haven't chased up that as fact). Hawks lost after establishing a 25 pt lead. If that isn't a basis to say it was a bad beat, I don't know what is. Anytime a team snatches defeat from the jaws of victory, it's a bad beat. The details as to how it's managed don't really matter.
I remember a backdoor cover with Pat's-Eagles SB. Pat's -7 are up 24-14 and McNabb hits on long TD pass with 1:48 left to make it 24-21. The biggest bet of my life was under 47.5. I still need to ask Rodney Harrison if he could have run the last INT in for a score instead of going down to end it.
guys i'm sure alot of you looked at the stats but the guys that didnt if you didnt watch the game and looked at the box score and lets say somebody would have given you AT+11 without even looking at the score you would be throwing away your ticket that's how bad NE beat up AT the score yes by the stats the score should have BEEN 50-10 blowout . and no that wasnt a bad beat the seattle was much worse not even close your talking about the 1 inch line but yes the game did not look good for NE but thats what happen's when someone bets against the B-B team and -3 wow what a gift yeah it took OT don't want to hear it there is losers and there is winners because I hear did you see what happened yeah AT got there ass kicked and bad 37 first downs to 17 that right there tells the story I said the line should have been at least -6 bang right on 6 game was not luck whoever you put in front of this team they kill
guys i'm sure alot of you looked at the stats but the guys that didnt if you didnt watch the game and looked at the box score and lets say somebody would have given you AT+11 without even looking at the score you would be throwing away your ticket that's how bad NE beat up AT the score yes by the stats the score should have BEEN 50-10 blowout . and no that wasnt a bad beat the seattle was much worse not even close your talking about the 1 inch line but yes the game did not look good for NE but thats what happen's when someone bets against the B-B team and -3 wow what a gift yeah it took OT don't want to hear it there is losers and there is winners because I hear did you see what happened yeah AT got there ass kicked and bad 37 first downs to 17 that right there tells the story I said the line should have been at least -6 bang right on 6 game was not luck whoever you put in front of this team they kill

Layoff your meds and stop patting your own back for once. The stats are skewed because in the 1h Atlanta was record setting efficient. Looking at first downs when all ATL did was score in 1h is a comical comparison. But good job on saying the line should be -6 on a team who needed to come back from 28-3, you're the best
young my man there is winner's and losers you took AT your a loser the case is closed 2 kinds of gamblers in this world winner's and losers . now that is a 100 percent fact it doesnt matter how you get there you get there your a winner .I don't know what game your watching . but NE beat the shit out of AT don't want to hear Excuse that's why you have a coaches and a QB like NE because it's called being smart . I said this for 10 years nothing wrong with being cocky when you can back it up your 1 bad MF that case is closed its a fact never what I said the man with the most toys always wins in life that's the way it is like or not then and then there is gamblers being Jealous not many win a very few win that's life that's why gamblers don't like NE because there bad ass and nothing can do a thing about brady craved this D like a MF 20 bird win or lose I said it before somebodys gives you NE-3 and of you don't take it throw your money out the window what your trying to a hero putting dead money on a team like NE don't want to hear 28-3 they lost end of story
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