The Super Blitz


Friend of CTG
well, here we are in the final game of the season...

I'm sure everyone already knows what I'm on, but keep in mind that this game has a third factor for me that all games the giants don't play in have...

aside from listening to my mind and my gut, I also have my heart involved in this one which has been convincing my mind on alot lately....

with that said, I'm not going to throw out a long write-up like I do every season because if I do, it would be with my mind and it would be a big write-up on why the Patriots will win and cover...

so instead, keeping it plain and simple and I'll give you what my heart and my guts are saying instead..

The Play:

NY Giants +12.5 ( 5 units )

Alot of people don't seem to understand what has been going on lately with Giants and would rather say they have just been lucky. But it hasn't been luck at all..

Eli Manning has been looking alot better lately and that has been mainly because he has been taking what the defense gives him instead of trying to force the big play when it isn’t open. The giants have been successful when he started dumping the ball underneath. He's also been throwing more midrange passes instead of those ugly short ones that only get one or two yards as well. Another big difference is that Giants Kevin Gilbride has been calling fewer deep passes. And the ones he has been calling have been different from the past. He's been calling deep curls and out patterns. Even though those type of patterns don't get as many yards or yards after the catch as say the post or the flag, they still have a higher percentage rate for being completed. That will help keep the Patriots off the field. In the playoffs, Manning has only thrown four deep passes like he was constantly throwing during the season... all four were incomplete needless to say... so as long as they keep doing the mid-range stuff and not go deep too much, there is no reason why they can't stay in this game and maybe even find a way to pull it out.

I will tell you one BIG thing that bothers me though...

I really believe this Super Bowl is similiar to the 1990 Super Bowl between the Giants and Bills and the 2001 Super Bowl between the Patriots and Rams... Both of the Bowls also had two tough defenses facing two Unstoppable offenses... The Bills had that No-huddle offense and the Rams had the Greatest Show on turf... both times, the defenses pulled through and stopped those unstoppable offenses... and won the games.

here's what bothers me about that.... Bill Belichek was coaching both of those defenses... this time, he's on the wrong sideline... ugh.

still... going with my heart here and taking the double digit points... gl to all.

may throw some props in a bit... we'll see.
Blitz.....You know that in a non- betting way I want your G-Men to win. I'm no different than most of the public wanting to see David slay Goliath. I'm all locked in and loaded opposite you today (which is rare on big game situations) but I still want to wish you well with your play. It should be a great game to watch what the Giants are going to do and how Eli is going to perform. Hell, the Patriots are almost like watching a re-run but the Giants should be fun to watch in this one. Enjoy your game buddy :cheers: :shake:

Ahmad Bradshaw - Total Rushing Yards on First Attempt
Over 3.5 (-111) .25 unit

Will Brandon Jacobs score a touchdown in the game
Yes (+111) .5 unit

Brandon Jacobs - Total Rushing Yards on First Attempt
Over 3.5 (+105) .25 unit

Total pass attempts made by Eli Manning
Over 34.5 (-108) .25 unit

Will a successful field goal be made in the 1st qtr
Yes (+102) .5 unit

Will Laurence Maroney score a touchdown in game
No (+141) .25 unit

Burress vs Moss - Who will score a TD 1st
Plaxico Burress (+137) .5 units

Jacobs vs Maroney - Who will score a TD 1st
Jacobs (+154) .5 units
good thing I played all the props really small.. I missed on most except the field goal one... kinda got pissed with the pass interference that led the Pats to the one yard line... I lost two props cause of it... Maroney scored and he did it before Jacobs... oh well.. typical... he didn't do much else the rest of the way...

well... hit the Colts last year and the Giants this year in the Bowls... the Mannings have done me well....

really happy for the Giants though... they did it against all odds and not too many people gave em' much of a chance all playoffs long.
Congrats to you Blitz......I was on the opposite side on ML, teasers, and spread throughout several plays on this week so I had it handed to me.... couldn't help but laugh at the end of the game b/c I couldn't believe it, but oh well..... congrats again ( Rams fan here, I remember the game vs. the Titans so I'm sure you were geeked )
super blitz ----->

Congrats to you Blitz......I was on the opposite side on ML, teasers, and spread throughout several plays on this week so I had it handed to me.... couldn't help but laugh at the end of the game b/c I couldn't believe it, but oh well..... congrats again ( Rams fan here, I remember the game vs. the Titans so I'm sure you were geeked )

thanks man.. :cheers: