The Sunday League--Keep it rolling


Head of Loggerhead Turtle Society

ATS 25-19 , +15100
ML dogs 4-2, +14400
Teasers 2-7, -6800
ML favs 1-1, +300
Totals 5-8,-4450
HT wager 14-7, +15,500

Overall NFL 51-44, +33,950


Giants treated me very well LW. Hit the ML and the ATS and was large on both.:tiphat:

No suspense here. Like both dogs and both lines are moving my way. Haven't finalized any plays yet but will try to in the morning after I get some final injury info and a weather update on the late game..:cheers:

EDIT--- plays

SD +14.5, -115, 6 units; 3450-3000 WIN
Giants +7.5, -105, 6 units 3150-3000.. WIN
NYG +3 2H, 2 units; 1000-1000 WIN
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I hear that. Im gonna throw some more on both sides tomorrow and I'm hoping the line moves some more. I'm hoping the public keeps pounding the favorites. :cheers:
Locked in the early one, waiting on the late one:

SD +14.5, -115, 4 units; 2300-2000
OK, a few quick points on why I am on SD:

  • The extra .5 point to make it 14.5 was key for me. I fully expect NE to win the game but not cover..
  • Think it will be below the total. 14.5 tough to cover below the number.
  • Don't care who plays QB for SD but I fully expect this to be Volek's game and I am quite OK with that.
  • NE will over emphasize the run IMO. Maroney should have success but the clock will run a lot.
  • I did not even consider the September meeting between these two. I treat that like it was a previous season.. SD was horrible at that point and NE was a different team also (not as good today)
  • Old linebackers wear down late in the season especially when they did not let up in weeks 16 and 17.. That was a mistake IMo.. NE might get away with it but still a mistake if winning the SB is the goal.. This is key. NE defense is not nearly as good as early in the season
  • NE has not covered 6 of last 7.. Why? Number is too big.. Give them a legit number and they do cover several of those. Todays number is another example of that.. This is the NFL not the MAC. Teams do not consistently cover 2 TD spreads against playoff teams and rarely can do it against non-playoff teams, consistently.
  • I believe GQ boy is going to get pressured. I also believe NE realizes this and will slow the pace and use resurgent Maroney plenty
  • SD defense-- much better than the Septemebr matchup. Allowed under 12 points a game average in L9.
Summary--- see NE/ Jax game last week..:cheers:
tee*dub....I think you hit on the point I try to make today. This isnt last week or the week before. This is for the final chance to play in the Superbowl. Guys seem to go numb and not feel pain..hehe...injuries are for pussies today. They leave it all on the field. I remember the Steelers when no-one gave them a chance because they were road dogs, Seattle was this and that. I kept saying that Pitt was playing more emotional and harder than the other teams....well, the rest is history. However, in the Packers/Giant game today, Brett and his team are playing a very hard and emotional football game as well as the Giants. This is why I think the game stays close and if Favre goes back to throwing picks the G-Men could very well end up stealing this game. As far as the Patriots go, they seem like they have coasted the whole season even though they almost lost 2 or 3 games. Now they are in for a Superbowl battle. The undefeated season is furthest from their minds. This is do or die today. Same thing for SD. It will be a tougher battle for NE from an opposing team. More likely the toughest game they have played all season.
tee*dub....I think you hit on the point I try to make today. This isnt last week or the week before. This is for the final chance to play in the Superbowl. Guys seem to go numb and not feel pain..hehe...injuries are for pussies today. They leave it all on the field. I remember the Steelers when no-one gave them a chance because they were road dogs, Seattle was this and that. I kept saying that Pitt was playing more emotional and harder than the other teams....well, the rest is history. However, in the Packers/Giant game today, Brett and his team are playing a very hard and emotional football game as well as the Giants. This is why I think the game stays close and if Favre goes back to throwing picks the G-Men could very well end up stealing this game. As far as the Patriots go, they seem like they have coasted the whole season even though they almost lost 2 or 3 games. Now they are in for a Superbowl battle. The undefeated season is furthest from their minds. This is do or die today. Same thing for SD. It will be a tougher battle for NE from an opposing team. More likely the toughest game they have played all season.


And I do believe Farve will have some struggles today. A couple picks and maybe a fumble in the pocket.
Nice, grabbed it at 14x earlier this week. Any thoughts on total in either game? I have a pretty strong lean to both UNDERS and wanted to get your input before pulling the trigger.
Nice, grabbed it at 14x earlier this week. Any thoughts on total in either game? I have a pretty strong lean to both UNDERS and wanted to get your input before pulling the trigger.

expect the 1st game to be under the total.. No opinion on the nightcap..GL bro

2 more units on the Bolts at the same price. (I'll just edit my first window)

The books are going to get killed on this game if NE wins by 14. Seeing lots of -13.5's and +14.5's out there...

OK let me just be sure I have this right.

SD Chargers: We are playing the best ball of the season, we won 8 straight, beat the colts twice including in the playoffs in their crib, we can defend and have the best runningback in the NFL. AND we are getting 14.5 in the superbowl play-in game?

NE may very well blow SD out but to see a line like this is unprecedented IMO.. I am shocked to see this much love for NE at CTG; at this price..:new_shocked:
They left a nice middle open for NE 2h play.. Briefly considered it, but nah,, like my Bolts play
Thanks guys.. Congrats to all the dog backers.. Nice one Shark!!!

LIked the Giants all along and nailed a big play in CBB and a big play with the Bolts.. Pushing the envelope.. Loved it from the get go and now getting reduced vig:

Giants +7.5, -105, 6 units 3150-3000..

I guess so(LOL)!!!!

The way I see it, we gave them 7 ot the 10...NYG win out right 20-17


I like the way you are thinking:smiley_acbe:

Debated the ML, wish I had it now.. Still think pack wins, Giants cover tho...
tee*dub....I think you hit on the point I try to make today. This isnt last week or the week before. This is for the final chance to play in the Superbowl. Guys seem to go numb and not feel pain..hehe...injuries are for pussies today. They leave it all on the field. I remember the Steelers when no-one gave them a chance because they were road dogs, Seattle was this and that. I kept saying that Pitt was playing more emotional and harder than the other teams....well, the rest is history. However, in the Packers/Giant game today, Brett and his team are playing a very hard and emotional football game as well as the Giants. This is why I think the game stays close and if Favre goes back to throwing picks the G-Men could very well end up stealing this game..

:36_11_6: :cheers: Way to go buddy. :cheers:
Thanks guys!!!:cheers:plus 14 units. Nice day. But to be honest. Pissed I wasn't on the NYG ML.

Headed to Vegas for the Super Bowl.. Nice little bankroll in tow..:smiley_acbe: