The San Antonio Spurs


Eagles Fan
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Where 'winning' happens would be the best description of that franchise.

BTW, those NBA commercials are cool as fuck. I love 'em.
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I guess no matter what you do you're still the man when you date Adriana Lima

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Look at Eddie Griffin at the bench. LMFAO
Kaveman :36_11_6::36_11_6:

Crawford :36_11_6::36_11_6:

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Yeah baby.

Suns 2 points in the 2nd half, 2:49 remaining in the 3rd Q.

Not more whining please. Just man up and admit that your team sucks, Suns fans.

Thanks. :shake: :D
I honestly don't have any sentiments towards the Suns organization, positive or negative. It's just, I can't take all this whining and bitching every year.

Ok, those suspensions were crap, I know it, I was against it, but every single time they whine.

They're a good team, but they have created too much self hype and praise around them and have it tough winning games that matter.
Yep, seen it. But 2 points in NINE minutes is something else. It's coaching as well. And btw, not the first time it happened to them either, they got owned the same way by Dallas not long ago.
Spurs are a bunch of bitches. A team that can't win without paying the refs will never get my respect, I'm sorry.
In the 9 minutes - 2 points period, I counted over 10 fouls by the Spurs that Suns haven't got. That just kills confidence. Amare started the second half with two missed mid way shots. Like any other player, he decided to get his game back through going to the basket. Took the ball, drove to the basket only to get 2 - 3 fouls and 0 wistles... Spurs do the only thing that bad team can do, play dirty and ugly.
Again whining about the refs? over 10 fouls. LMAO. How about the fact that Phoenix actually shot more free throws last night? Spurs had 22 fouls, Suns had 19. I guess no fake calls there huh. Suns lost because they score two points in nine minutes and shot 19% from the field in the 2nd half. Not because of any fake calls or anything.

Wow. I know you're a Lakers fan but the amount of anti Spurs sentiments in your posts is beyond me. It's one thing to dislike them, you're free to do that, but "you've counted OVER 10 NON EXISTENT FOULS" only in those 9 minutes?

Hahah. Funny stuff. You know what? I bet you already know that there's going to be ~15 pro Spurs calls in Game 3, it's like you don't even have to watch the game, just write it here.
I'm sorry, but in all my years watching NBA, I have never seen a team getting such supporting refs as the Spurs have over the last four seasons in the play off. Refs, Stern, you name it, he helped Spurs win games they simply shouldn't have. I remember the strange suspensions in Dallas in their series against the Spurs and last year against the Suns and the first two game of this series. Once maybe, twice also, but after that many seasons, it makes you wonder. Until I see Spurs beating a strong opponent without refs assistance (Cavs don't count), I simply can't respect this team that plays ugly, dirty basketball. If they will manage to do that, I still won't like them, but I will respect them, but I doubt that they can...
4 championship titles and you discredit them all with this knee-jerk bollocks?

That's something, Divol. That's really something.

Anyways, it's your prerogative to believe whatever you want.