The Ref


Eagles Fan
Saw this little nugget on

Referee Terry McCauley will be calling the game, leading an all-star group of officials that rated as the best in 2008. His presence could dictate a lower-scoring game. McCauley is a very good official and has Super Bowl experience. His regular-season games averaged a total of 41.93 points, the sixth-lowest among the 17 referees and a little more than two points per game below the league average. Over the past three years, though, his games averaged 39.36 points, the lowest average among the 17 referees.
It's tough because it'll be an all-star crew, but I wonder how he is with penalties (more or less vs. the average).
I don't read a lot into this - he can't make receivers blow catches, or QBs throw inaccurately, or players make tackles instead of missing them.

The best correlation is you'd expect the lower averaging refs to dish out less penalties (the only thing they have control of) = less free downs = worse field position. Less penalty yards means letting them play re: secondary interference/PI calls, which here you'd think impacts AZ's offense however much more than Pitts.
Exactly. It's more meaningful in bowl games because they're intact crews. In this case, he's the head, but this is an all-star crew so it's hard to judge. If you knew it was a group of guys who called it closer, I agree with BC, it might favor the Cards (assuming AZ spreads the field).

But as it is, it's hard to really put too much to it.
Joe - I'm not saying it favours the Cards. I'm saying less inclination to penalize serves the secondary defenses, which here has to be something welcomed by Pitt first.

Although AZ's was so poor against Philly I suppose it really doesnt matter, they need all the help they can get.
Joe - I'm not saying it favours the Cards. I'm saying less inclination to penalize serves the secondary defenses, which here has to be something welcomed by Pitt first.

I didn't think that you were and I completely agree with this statement. AZ could use a tightly called game in the secondary. If the refs force Pittsburgh to play sort of hands-off AZ benefits. Sadly, though, no way to know if that's going to happen based on who the head of this crew is.
Little bit. But it does remind me/us to look at crews in bowl games. I actually added to my play in the Rose Bowl when I found out it would be an SEC crew doing the game. Those things can work out.