The reason why you should not care about PEDs in baseball


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MLB does not care themselves. It's very simple. If Selig cared he would make it a one and your done infraction. You're caught you're banned for life and your records are wiped from the books. If the players and their unions cared they would allow a provision that would void every contract where players are caught.

Why not cheat? Braun for example will lose the remainder of this seasons contract and then he can return next year and continue to collect millions upon millions and all is forgiven and forgotten. He earned those millions by cheating. Melky Cabrera? Huge contract on the heels of cheating and getting caught. Bartolo? Hell he cheated and got caught and most likely is still cheating and is leading his team towards an AL west title.

MLB can very easily clean this up for good but they won't because they know deep down that they are also to blame for allowing this to all happen and turning a blind eye on it all. The man that should take the blame for the steroid era is Bud Selig.
selig has blame for sure, but the mlb player's union is not only the strongest in all of sports but maybe in the country. They, I believe are the bigger problem.
MLBs dirty little secret is that PEDs saved the game. The strike of 1994 nearly killed MLB and it was for sure a low point of the modern era of baseball. The Sosa and Big Mac home run chase of 1998 single handedly brought the game back to the forefront. The obvious elephant in the room was never addressed. Everyone from inside the game knew what was happeneing and turned a blind eye.
selig has blame for sure, but the mlb player's union is not only the strongest in all of sports but maybe in the country. They, I believe are the bigger problem.

and they won't budge because they know the players are cheating.
The clean players themselves need to stand up and say enoughs, enough. But hell, most of them are probably using too.
Well if fans cared, they would make an impact by boycotting and not spending money on the product... i've began to rethink spending my money on the sport, if you dont like what the sport stands for then don't watch, dont go to games, dont buy fan gear etc etc...

and judging by how much money MLB is making it doesnt look like fans care
MLBs dirty little secret is that PEDs saved the game. The strike of 1994 nearly killed MLB and it was for sure a low point of the modern era of baseball. The Sosa and Big Mac home run chase of 1998 single handedly brought the game back to the forefront. The obvious elephant in the room was never addressed. Everyone from inside the game knew what was happeneing and turned a blind eye.

This. Been saying it forever. They turned a blind eye to it because the sport needed it to become relevant again.
That's a little over the top. PEDs never "saved the game". That's to imply that were it not for PEDs the sport would no longer exist today. How has it been "saved" anyway? No one watches national baseball telecasts, it's a regional sport as far as most baseball fans are concerned. NFL preseason football games get better TV ratings than the World Series. All of the game's major problems, competitive imbalance, resistance to drug testing, can be pinned on the greed and myopia of the MLB players union. It's fun to watch these guys throw each other under the bus this time around.
MLB is the second sport when it comes to revenue. You can't compare anything to the NFL so that argument is pointless. The NFL experience is just perfect and it's going to get better this year with the expanded camera angles I believe.

MLB has been making bank on digital sales. That's where the NBA has to take advantage of.
81 dates a year for every team and big TV deals, especially local deals in top 10 markets, are going to paint a rosy picture, but TV ratings tell the story about national interest. World Series will probably lag behind some network karaoke show, or Walking Dead.
Baseball Is boring,

I think this is it. I mean, I'd personally watch little league over game 7 of the NBA Finals, but I think most people today simply think baseball isn't an exciting sport.
My biggest problem with baseball is the lack of a salary cap. If I'm a San Diego Padres fan how can I expect my team to compete with the dodgers who have a payroll north of $200 million. That's probably almost three times the Padres payroll. I imagine that is the same thing with the indians, tip. I know some teams like the rays and A's do well with a low payroll but they seem to be the exception.
There are examples of successful low budget teams and unsuccessful big budget teams, defenders of the current system love to point these teams out. (They used to point out the Twins as a low budget model and the Dodgers as a big budget failure, but we're not hearing those examples this year.) More money to spend is an advantage. Not just your opening day payroll. The bad contracts you're responsible for don't sting. The bad contracts you absorb at the trade deadline are easier to swallow. And you can more easily keep your key young players. It is difficult to sustain a run of success on a small budget, you basically can't draft poorly and must trade well. Tough to do.
Look at our friend, Alex, for example. He's so conditioned to the Pirates losing, he can't even enjoy a pennant race in real time without waiting for the rug to eventually be pulled out from under him. He's anticipating it. He suffers from the learned helplessness of the small market baseball fan.
selig has blame for sure, but the mlb player's union is not only the strongest in all of sports but maybe in the country. They, I believe are the bigger problem.
agree. even if the players wanted something like lifetime bans the union would see it as giving ground etc
That's a little over the top. PEDs never "saved the game". That's to imply that were it not for PEDs the sport would no longer exist today. How has it been "saved" anyway? No one watches national baseball telecasts, it's a regional sport as far as most baseball fans are concerned. NFL preseason football games get better TV ratings than the World Series. All of the game's major problems, competitive imbalance, resistance to drug testing, can be pinned on the greed and myopia of the MLB players union. It's fun to watch these guys throw each other under the bus this time around.
Wow. You have finally seen the light you Mid Western mofo.

Now apply this in life and come over to the good side ')
That's a little over the top. PEDs never "saved the game". That's to imply that were it not for PEDs the sport would no longer exist today. How has it been "saved" anyway? No one watches national baseball telecasts, it's a regional sport as far as most baseball fans are concerned. NFL preseason football games get better TV ratings than the World Series. All of the game's major problems, competitive imbalance, resistance to drug testing, can be pinned on the greed and myopia of the MLB players union. It's fun to watch these guys throw each other under the bus this time around.

PED use, and the league looking the other way, definitely saved the game (or brought it back if you like that better) after the last strike. Jeez, I didn't even think that was debatable....pretty much anyone who covers the game will tell you that.
Nah. A work stoppage killed the game, for a year. A collective bargaining agreement brought it back. PEDs were just there.
baseball is a stats game, most people interested rarely watch full games but watch highlights and review box scores. therefore, they really have no idea how an individual got his #s, they are just glad he did or vice versa.

personally, dont like illegal drugs in the game, but until all sports test equally i really could care less. its not like these guys are smashing out 70 homers like the steroid era produced, which did get out of hand, though i do agree mlb was fully aware and happy with what was going on.

baseball players get a tough rap, some of it deserved because it taints the stats and history of records. thats what pisses old timers off. but fact is, the nfl is much worse with peds and have yet to face the music for the most part.

the media would have you believe players and their workout regimens are just better, thats why these guys are so much bigger than the old days, while still being so much faster. its not natural. its not even human.