The Reason the Bulls are 25-38


Fan Club of any and everyone good!
It just hit me why. Look closely for a difference in the two pictures. Once someone notices what it is im talking about I'll come back and give more thoughts.:shake:


my main reasons are

a.) early in the season- skiles, lacks everything that is needed (cant bring the best out of his players), always clashes w/ big ben

b.) late in the season- jim boylan, doesnt know anything about head coaching- adjusting, weird substitutions n line up paterns, doesnt know anything about the x n o's, hell the team is out of control

as i mentioned in the other thread

b.1 tyrus suspended for not attending practice

b.2 gray yells at coach boylan

b.3 duhon upset misses shootaround, penalized benched and fined twice

***B) Boylan is not respected by the players and shouldn't be near considered as head coach, i hate him as hell

*shout out to jim boylan! play tyrus thomas, the development of noah and tyrus are one of the reasons of the wallace trade, our interior d w/ noch n gooden sucks shit,

c.) John paxson- wants winners out of college and europe, but style is contradicting recently when he made his latest moves, was pressured early when team wasnt winning, unable to land the so called star, and as i mentioned before in a thread that i made.... his master plan was basically throwing everyone away for 16mil cap space and getting the second overall pick in the draft to get hughes, gooden and tyrus thomas

somethings gotta change quick
They guy in the suit (in the background) just told them to "fix the game" ???

Bulls have no leadership. The other night, KG was yelling at Perkins who was cheering for someone to get twenty rebounds. Who the fuck would stand up like that on the Bulls? Noah? Still....

Also, this team has no one you can build around. There is not one guy I am confident about going into the future with. They are going to blow this team up big. I hope this team doesn't make the playoffs because if they do, then these young players will feel they can mess around and jack off all they want and still sneak into the playoffs.

Duhon was on ESPN Radio 1000 yesterday being interviewed and he said he doesn't expect to be back next year. Figures. What an unprofessional goon.
07 - No headband allowed - leadership/discipline

08 - Headband allowed - leading to bafoonery at it's finest
I'm sort of wondering why Gordon looks like he's got a fist-full of Hinrich's ass in that first one.

Oh, and Ben never should have left Detroit.
some very good guesses in this thread and a lot of you are real close. im about to write up a rather lengthy response to what i feel has happened. first i need to get a drink and some pretzels b/c this is going to be my longest post on the site.
This entire season happened because of a headband.

Last year no headband everybody on the team followed the dress code. This year ben wallace for whatever reason has to go complain to skiles at first about it. skiles surely laughed at him. wallace got mad. went to pax. pax decided to let wallace wear the headband. rift betwen pax and skiles now.

wallace shows up to practice with headband. skiles is mad. skiles then loses all respect for the player on the team MAKING THE MOST MONEY! that is key #1 to this season. Skiles continues to coach like hes coaches his entire career but he doesnt give a damn about ben wallace anymore. skiles continues to ride the young bulls to the ground in practice. the young bulls realize Wallace, the player making the most money, is 1) now wearing his headband and 2) being treated differently. bulls players wonder what the hell is going on.

Then there are the trade talks for kobe and BG7 and lu not signing contracts. keys 3 and 4 respectively.

then the season starts bulls are not the same on offense. get off to a rough start.

In fact in one home game the play awful and chants of kobe and boo birds full a United Center that was one hell of a home venue last year. believe we were 31-10 in the regular season at home last year. 3-2 in playoffs. key #5. fans turn on bulls.

The situation continues to grow dire. Deng is hurt. offense continues to sputter and wallace is still being given a free pass during practices and games by Skiles. The young bulls get frustrated. They all start acting irrational fueld by frustration and Wallace.

Joakim Noah a rookie calls out Ben Wallace in the locker room after a bad loss. forget which particular game. the wheels now have completly fallen off. a rookie just called out the highest paid player.

Skiels is fired at Xmas due to Wallace headband and the young bulls being fed up with them being ridden so hard in practice, wallace getting a free pass due to skiles not giving a damn what wallace does anymore, and the frustration the team is feeling (losing like they are when expectations said they be so much more).

Boylan is named coach. and bulls play well for a while. however, boylan has no idea how to coach.

Times get rough again. We start to lose. Nobody is there to lead us. Players get frustrated again with the losing and they quit on each other now.

paxson tries to lead. deals wallace. bulls get hughes and gooden.

this all but does it. tyrus misses practice, gray mouths off, duhon goes out of town on a road trip without telling anyone, noah mouths off, and duhon laughs on bench when shannon brown entires game at a point he would if he wouldnt be suspended a game.

in short this team went from picture 1. together. to picture 2. selfish.

right now nobody has any idea what they are suppose to do. what the other 4 players on the floor are suppose to do.

paxson is going to be given 2 years to fix this mess is what im reading but really he wont be given that.

this summer we are going to have to rebuild the core. gordon is gone. hes playign for next years $$$. look for him to join a team with a big pg who is known for defense. thats where he would fit in best.

duhon is gone. he thinks the bulls as whole are a joke.

tyrus is gone.

noah and gray i say are 50/50 to go.

kirk really should be dealt. he doesnt fit our offense at all.

noch could be moved. hes a dime a dozen player the more i watch of him. great energy, plays hard, has little to no shot selection, and no perimeter d.

the core is hughes, gooden and deng.

what needs to happen is a defensive minded coach comes in. a van gundy or larry brown. we start completely over.

halfway into next year the bulls dealt are going to go back to playing at there level of play in 07. everyone in the media is gonna be callign for paxson to be fired/step down. he will have no choice but to do that if this team ever wants to win again.

this all started because he gave into a ben wallace being a lil kid crying about his headband. paxson never could have saw this. nobody could have. but looking back that is what started this, a black headband.

least thats my reasoning for being 25-38.
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this leads me to this as far as team succes goes ...

65% is due to players
20% chemistry
10% Head coach
5% other coaches, management, trainers, family, friends, etc. in contact with the players.
what about he love triangle that JP and I have noticed....? Deng and Gordon are fighting of Hinrich!!
after looking at it this way ... what im certain happened. i dont blame this season on the players. i blame it the highest paid player ben wallace being selfish about his headband and putting himself ahead of his teammates.

i also gotta blame paxson. why he allowed wallace to wear his headband i have no idea. its funny we have a dress code to stop the madness that was the eddie robinson era of bulls basketball and its lifted this year and the eddie robinson era of bulls basketball returns. history repeats itself.

i really cant blame the other bulls players here that much. wallace let them down and so did pax. skiles i cant either. he lost respect for wallace, as well. only thing was him losing respect for wallace first led to the other bulls losing respect for him as a coach.
some players want all the money but in reality they should never be given that money.

in the nba the more money you make the more that is expected of you on and off the court. getting 4 pts and 6 rebs while altering teams rule is not a type of player that should be paid that kind of money.

that leads to the players who should be getting paid not and feeling frustrated. which then leads to the team being frustrated.
i just dont think theyre that good

they shot their load last year and this year is playing out more as it should given their questionable talent level
The jersey numbers dont add up to the right number. If you look at it ......... duhon ( #21) , bigben ( #3 ) , hinwretched ( #12 ), gordon ( #7 ) ..... add those numbers together.

21+3+12+7 = 43 .............. it does not equal 23 !!
i just dont think theyre that good

they shot their load last year and this year is playing out more as it should given their questionable talent level

talent is only 2/3 of a team imo. we have 37-43 win talent imo. what we dont have that we did last year was chemistry or a coach. hence the drop from .598 ball to .397.
think your hornets are like the bulls of 07. 37-43 win talent and great chemstry. gonna win 1r this year and exit the second in 6.
I hope you dont also mean we will be like the 08 bulls next year. :seeya:

1) Our Chemistry - I don't know how it's been affected post-trade for Bonzi/Mike James and the signing of Chris Anderson, but I feel the core of our team has some of the greatest chemistry you can have. These guys had to basically live together while in OKC in hotels making it more like college for them. The situation is unique, having to go to OKC/NO whatever and I don't know if (atleast CP3, Tyson, David West) can be broken up and if Tyson and D. West knows whats good for them they'll never want to leave CP3. Tyson and CP3 are close friends.

2) All have the common goal outside of basketball and that's to help the city. CP3 and Tyson are very active in this, I'm not sure about David West but he's been here his career and still has until 2010/2011 plus a one year option and he'll be 31 by the start of 2011/2012 so he may have no choice.
what about he love triangle that JP and I have noticed....?


Dear Hinrich,

Don't deny your feelings.


Ben Gordon
Love triangle situation escalated with ex-lover gooden back in the fold. jayhawk love. aaaaaaah. not only that, larry hughes is putting kirk on the pine, and watching gooden and gordon on the court at the same time, must break his heart. i feel for kirk.
the problem with their "nucleus" is that 2/3 are were cleveland cavs not named lebron. i felt cleveland got better when they unloaded these two guys who are both extremely inconsistant and both take poor shots. larry hughes hasn't played great defense since he left washington and both (like wallace) are overpaid and have past their peaks.