The Real Problem With The NY Knicks

I think it’s the same thing that’s as obvious in the off-season: the roster was not constructed properly. Not nearly enough shooting on the roster and the pieces don’t fit together
I think it’s the same thing that’s as obvious in the off-season: the roster was not constructed properly. Not nearly enough shooting on the roster and the pieces don’t fit together
It’s so bad though. They have been sooooo bad
It’s a lot of things. For years they mismanaged the cap, with horrible horrible contracts that didn’t work out. Throw in the Phil Jackson fiasco, hiring coaches who are completely inept, and when you finally do get a guy who wanted to play in NY, Melo, you surrounded him w little to no talent, minus the one season, and some bad luck w Chandler and Amare getting hurt, and then they threw him under the bus. No wonder the prime FAs don’t want to sign here. It’s a bit better now, didn’t sign any bad contracts, and they’ve drafted pretty well the last two years, but the pieces are mismatched, too many of your best young players play the same position so guys can’t get on the court
I need somewhere to vent and this thread seems appropriate. Tonight’s game is a perfect example of what is wrong with the Knicks. Forget that we blew a 15 point lead to fucking Charlotte. Forget that up 2 they give up a dagger 3 by Devonte Graham with 2 seconds left, let’s just talk about the Knicks execution on the last play of the game...

Fizdale calls timeout, so we have the hall side out of bounds in the front court with 2.1 seconds left, down 1. Ok, not an ideal scenario, but let’s discuss the play they ran. You have Marcus Morris, one of your best scoring options inbounding the ball, I won’t even mention he hit the GW 3 against Dallas the other night, that’s mistake number 1. You sub in Wayne Ellington, who hasn’t played a single second in the game, mistake number 2. Morris struggles to inbound the ball, mistake number 3, and they have timeouts remaining which no one calls, mistake number 4. All that, and you’re left with Morris inbounding to Randle who is moving away from that basket and forced to go right, he’s a lefty and you got a play that never had a chance, mistake number 5. Then post game Fizdale says that’s what he drew up. A play that looked worse than the last shit I just took. Ok. Rant over. Lol
And Fizdale and Smart gone


He left them no choice. Can’t go out and be non competitive and lose b2b games by 40 points each. This roster while far from perfect is better than it was last year, and yet the team has a worse record. Add the fact our young talent is not progressing w his coaching, it’s regressing if anything. If you’re not winning, and your kids aren’t getting better, change has to be made.
Has there been anything this bad ever?

Nope. Total cluster fuck. Yes, mills needed to be fired, but this is a move you make a month ago, not a day and a half before the trade deadline. For fucks sake the guy was working trade scenarios last night into this morning

Just wait for the bad trades. They are coming lol
Nope. Total cluster fuck. Yes, mills needed to be fired, but this is a move you make a month ago, not a day and a half before the trade deadline. For fucks sake the guy was working trade scenarios last night into this morning

Just wait for the bad trades. They are coming lol
Yeah, the timing here was quite peculiar.