The Official Lou Holtz Hate Thread


Money Addict
I hate ESPN for employing this blabbering fuck.

The idiotic comments, the flagrant bias, and how does ESPN handle this? By awarding the prick with a pitiful segment called "Dr. Lou" as if the pep talks weren't enough to lower your IQ by double digits.

Hilarious!!!:smiley_acbe: I agree that spittin', stutterin', spurtterin' idiot should not be on air. Mark Mays "let's him have it" from time to time.
11 fuckin wins for Notre Dame. Get out of here. Guy has no right being on the air
I understand ESPN pays Holtz to suck off ND , But to make a ass of himself and say 11 wins??? This man has no shame i guess , Hell say anything for MONEY , Even though he looks like a total moron to the whole country .
He's funny looking and rough on the ears, but he was a good coach and a great motivator.

I a gambling forum, I assume he'd be popular because he was strong in bowl games.
First off, great pictures Blue Chip.:36_11_6::36_11_6:

I don't get ESPN and Holtz.
Can there be anyone that enjoys this marbled mouth little leprechan?
Great thread, hilarious pics and comments

I just wish he would buy a better fitting set of dentures, or even if he doesn't you would think ESPN could write some of that in his contract
Its so funny seeing him in the booth. No matter who he's paired with. The guy is always laughing AT him. Watch him on the halftime show, Mark May and (other guy's name escapes me at the moment) are always looking at each other, rolling their eyes at Holtz. I can't stand the slobbering fuck either but it is genius marketing by ESPN. Watch and see. Holtz will become the guy people tune in to watch becuase they hate him (think Howard Stern strategy in the early days).

But for the record, he is a mushmouthed old fuck.

I bought a 3 Stooges DVD to watch with my kids the other night, and I was thinking that Holtz would have been a perfect fourth stooge. I could jsut see him getting pies in the face and receiving the beatdown from Moe and Curly. Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk. Woooooooo

Fuck Lou
I almost fell out of my chair when he says "statistics" Shtahtishtichs (slobber flying).

I see the makings of a great sequel to Rex's famous Brent Musberger drinking game. Every time Lou says a word with three or more "s" sounds, you take a shot. What better way to pass the long halftimes?
I almost fell out of my chair when he says "statistics" Shtahtishtichs (slobber flying).

I see the makings of a great sequel to Rex's famous Brent Musberger drinking game. Every time Lou says a word with three or more "s" sounds, you take a shot. What better way to pass the long halftimes?
Lou Holtz is one of the BEST things about ESPN. He's pure comedic gold.

While in the other room last season, Holtz came on at halftime and she yells "Who put the stroke victim on TV?"
I guess I am the only one who likes him. I think he has more wit than almost anyone on the network. Yeah he spits , yeah he is biased , yeah he sometimes has a bad take ..... but he is funny ... very funny ... and is quick witted.

Hate the DR lou thing but he makes me laugh and that's good enough for me.
Hate the DR lou thing but he makes me laugh and that's good enough for me.

First time I saw this, I loved it. When they had Lloyd Carr and it was painfully obvious that he was reading from a script.

"Dr. Lou.... I have been getting......bored with fishing. Do... you think that there... is a reason to get back in..... to coaching....."